Asian supremacist /u/collegeAdmin calls Indians shitskins and then calls for POC unity hours later

66  2017-05-22 by LSDawson

"Real good opinion 'that doesn't match our narrative', shitskin. Why don't you rape some cows or shit on the street?"

"Exactly. Whites and their underhanded, hateful tactics to get POC to destroy each other is disgusting."

What's the matter, /u/collegeAdmin? Is logical consistency a tool of the white supremakkkist amerikkkan kkkapitalist imperial(kkk)ist kkkuck kkkonspiracy?


collegeadmin's is /u/Nightfall117.

he stalked me, He went thru my history and told people lies about me. And he made a sub about me. /r/GodInASimulation . He also went thru my whole posting history and screenshoted everything

Yeah, he's tried doxxing me twice at this point

Doxxxing? You're the one who spams your picture on r/goldenflow every month

u/AMMovieReviewer come check out this faggot LSDawson who stalks your blog and all the Asian and black subreddits

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Never been on his blog, y'all are a conspiratorial lot

Lol are you really calling your buddies for backup?

Just referencing this lolpost from LSfaggotflow:

....... Wait a second, are you really a cuntbag? It's an entire sub full of autistic cumstains vs 1 person and I can't call for "backup"?

Oh wait you're white. Whites never play fair, no wonder whites are the world's biggest cheaters, hypocrites, and racists.

Oh wait you're white.

Lol what? How'd you figure bb? I'm Arab, and FYI we're the #1 asian ethnicity with no competition.

jeez don't blow up about it, this isn't an ariana grande concert

It was a blast.

Sidenote: It happened in the UK so wouldn't the guy be paki?

So now you're trying to allahu snackbar my joke? Jesus

2/10 tbh

Get dunked on, nerd


Tell me more about designated shitting streets, hypocrite

designated shitting streets

Not Indian LOLOLOL

I can't expect stupid whites to tell the difference though

Are you actually retarded? This entire thread is about you being racist towards Indians while calling out whites for their racism. Are you even trying?

Racist towards indians? I was responding to this in a similar fashion:

LMAO you chinks are such kucks. All you can do is whine. I hope you chinky-eyed sub-humans get nuked once again. RapeTheChinks

Like I said, you whites are extremely stupid and hateful. Subhuman trash should be buried 7 feet under.

i c-called indians shitskins but i'm not r-racist against them, i swear!!!!

rice-a-roni, the san francisco treat!

The irony of your racism is clearly lost upon you. Wouldn't expect anything else from a race of man-boys.

When a poc says that whites rule the world, are they being white supremacist? 🤔😯

Who let the chink in here?

I literally posted there one time rofl

Sure, nice selfie you autistic looking faggot

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Thanks bruv. Show us your superior golden mongoroid genes.

You're hot don't worry about him

Thanks babe <3

You look like a castrated lumberjack tbqh fam

Could be worse

This is true. You're white and we're only 7 years away from the real mayocide

Not soon enough

Holy fuck. When are you two getting married?

ASAP hopefully

Can't wait to have subhuman butt babies with /u/collegeAdmin

if this is really you i want violently fuck your face; i'm so ĥ̂ȁ̓̋̐̌̏r̽d̄̿ͦ͑ right now

It is me. Commence the fucking.

Awww soooo butthurt. If you didn't want people to read your autistic posts I suggest removing that imgur link.

But we all know you want people to read it. Attention whore.

These G O L D E N B O Y E S reveal their true nature as mongoloid supremacists once another POC acts racist to them in any way. They pretend to be SJW's only so they can team up and attack whitey.

FYI /u/collegeadmin aka /u/Nightfall117 is confirmed syphilitic.


South Asians > Mongoloids

Deal with it.

What's it like being the colour of faeces?

Funny, faeces comes in all colors.

That's not what the doctor told me...


I love fucking white snowflakes

You're the one who's triggered m80. Up your bants acumen.

I'm not the one who just replied 4 times m80. so #triggered

You me to not reply to your replies? Why are you so autistic?

>looks like a complete dumbarse on the internet

>everyone starts laughing at you

>w-well it was just a joke! Haha tr-triggered!

>the laughter just grows

ho ho ho you fucking gook

Whats up with slope porn always looking like the girls getting raped? Also all the pedophilia

Don't act like you don't find it hot. Maybe the sjws and redpillers are both right, men want to rape and women secretly want to get raped.

i'd like to think everyones having a good time all the time

Gtfo yellow cunt

If you ever visit either India or China and come away thinking that the people there aren't subhuman, you're probably a /r/SRS poster

They would be a lot closer to having 23 chromosome pairs if the former stopped shitting in the street and the latter stopped spitting everywhere.

Implying Indians don't spit and Chinese don't shit themselves regularly.

Have you seen that article about Chinese tourists just pissing on the floors of planes?


It really is a contest to see which nationality should stay strictly within its own borders.

All of them

No it's not, mainland Chinese need to be forcibly reeducated in manners. India didn't have to publish a Guide to Civilized Tourism and Travel. Say what you want about Indians but India hasn't had to do this.

Forgot /r/Pakistan

Pakistan, like North Korea and Malaysia, isn't a real country.

/u/collegeadmin is just angry because his dick is tiny

lol that user managed to get themselves banned from /r/Drama. nice job collegeadmin.

That's honestly impressive

What'd he do?

tried to doxx OP