Ugly girl doesn't like being told she's ugly for being a jerk to people.

37  2017-05-23 by sknabcv2


Cool story, bro


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Children shouldn't be allowed on social media or the comment sections of news aggregators..

The internet needs an age limit of 16 at least. Before then strictly read-only.

Regulation of the Internet seems like a slippery slope in my opinion.

A slippery slope to fun for all.

She's ok i guess. Maybe she'd be better with a dick

She looks like she had one until recently

Chick needs a make-over. Her look is "Sunday morning after a long night." Damn girl go pick up some make-up. There is a reason men invented it.

Women invented make-up to lure men into financial servitude. Or has TRP been lying to me again?

TRP is definitely lying if they implied women invented things other than stories.

And push-up bras

Women also invented alcohol tbh.

How would we men ever sleep with them otherwise?

sounds like she is in an abusive relationship, sad.

/u/Morphball69 if you're ugly what's Star Jones? I'd fuck you.

You fucking her and her being ugly aren't mutually exclusive. You've definitely fucked a body pillow before

Samesies. But I'm a middle-aged single man and therefore have very low standards.

Jesus christ, shes a self conscious retard and dating a complete loser who cant choke her in bed properly but when did /r/amiugly become such sensitive faggots? Are they just too used to women looking for validation?

/u/morphball69 you are at least a 5, also known as average, dumbass.

I'm only saying that being ugly isn't a bad thing. Anyway, being ugly isn't anything to be ashamed about

Hey /u/Morphball69 you're wrong it isn't okay to be ugly and it is something to be ashamed of

Being ugly is the second worst thing you can be, right below fat.

I don't see her as ugly, I mean she looks like if Podrick from GoT would start transitioning, but ugly? Nah.

He also pays to watch cam girls so it makes me think he has a high standard of beauty.

Ehhhhh not really, /u/morphball69, have you seen the video with the crazy ginger chick going nuts because she saw someone kiss in a restaurant?

Awful lot of white knights in that thread trying to get m'lady to dump her bf and get with a real man (though yeah he sounds like a total jerk). She's like 7.5 body 4.0 face but butterface >>>>>>> butterbody so there's that.

Ugliness isn't a fact, it's a matter of perspective. Since you now really seem to love ugly people all of a sudden, I hope you'll be happy to hear that I think you are the ugliest person I've ever seen on this subreddit.

Ugliness isn't about looks alone. You can have a person with a big nose, a big forehead and asymmetrical features, but their warm and kind nature, their facial expressions, their self-confidence, their funny and light-hearted attitude and their smiles can make them beautiful in a way that a person with good looks, but a mean attitude will never be.

This but ironically.

Having an ugly personality kills attraction in the long term.

He's a douche, she's vain and catty, personality wise, they're extremely compatible.