Some fad. They're a weighted object that you hold in your hand and spin, some people find this pleasing. They can provide a nice example of the conservation of angular momentum, but that's about it.
I'm a grown ass man with a kid, wife I fuck on the regular, a house and two car loans. I'm as normie as they cum, but I'll be goddamned if there isn't something soothing about spinning one of those things.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-05-23
Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a toynbeeidea16 2017-05-23
I thought they were appropriating white power?
n/a wwyzzerdd 2017-05-23
Autism is most predominant amongst whites.
n/a PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2017-05-23
There's a correlation between autism and white supremacy
n/a hodd01 2017-05-23
maybe I am too big of a normie but what the fuck are fidget spinners and why are they all over reddit?
n/a SamWhite 2017-05-23
Some fad. They're a weighted object that you hold in your hand and spin, some people find this pleasing. They can provide a nice example of the conservation of angular momentum, but that's about it.
n/a baaaaby 2017-05-23
theyre more normie than not
n/a evannever 2017-05-23
I'm a grown ass man with a kid, wife I fuck on the regular, a house and two car loans. I'm as normie as they cum, but I'll be goddamned if there isn't something soothing about spinning one of those things.