Our favorite antinatalist back at it again with angst

20  2017-05-23 by Washington_vape


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Sounds like a basement dwelling neckbeard who's in denial of his crippling autism

Hey /u/somefrommars slaves aren't hired, they're bought.

And nobody is gonna buy your fat lazy ass.

Cool bro.

Whats your preferred tendie dipping sauce, I like bbq myself but honey mustard isn't bad.

Jalapeno sauce.

Fuckin normie get out. Schezuan sauce or bust

>calls someone else a normie
>references le epic richard and mortimer


what do you expect? i'm on reddit

You and /u/somefrommars should fucking mayocide each other

I will unironically keep myself safe

Mayonaise each other?

le Saskatchewan source xD

Fucking le Rick and Morty Reddit (upboats to the left) fag get out. HONEY MUSTY OR BUST!

Honestly its not cool. Fat lazy fucks like you are people too.

Your lard should be valued by the pound and not the output.


Whew that is some hardcore teenage angst right there. Dude needs to pick up a few productive hobbies. I mean yeah shit is stressful but you can still find ways to enjoy life after mom stops hand-feeding you tendies.

this is masterful bait


Emil Cioran was a much more edgy memer

/u/somefrommars nobody really pressures dudes to have kids all that much outside of your family, tbh

have you considered moving out of your mom's basement? you'd probably feel less pressure in that regard...

I see your point... In fact you are right but I don't want to work.

so you admit you're literally the only thing standing in the way of improving your life


Yes, basically.

so then you shouldn't be posting to /r/antinatalism

in fact, you shouldn't be posting at all

stop visiting reddit and apply for a job, you mooch

But life is pointless. I have inner conflicts.

lmao so does everyone else

you don't want to work a job because you're lazy, probably mentally ill, and can easily just leech off your mom

You are exactly right. I am a lazy cunt who should be gased to death.


you should just admit you're not even putting in the slightest effort to make yourself happier, and stop expecting other people to fix it

maybe apply to a burger king

I won't lie -- you are right besides the burgerking part.

The problem is I made too waste a lot of my youth like most of us, so I am depressed about that.

okay no one cares

get a job and make your life better, you won't cry so much


The problem is I made too waste a lot of my youth like most of us, so I am depressed about that.

Welcome to adulthood.

Yes, I know.

Yes, I know.

This is indicative of the burger mentality, which has been going on for decades and decades, and only now it has degenerated to this level. Watch out burgers, this is what your country is becoming.


You can kill yourself for free you know

What wastes of oxygen.

Honestly it would be a valuable public service if a charity or some government agency provided hopeless people with euthanasia services. All you'd need would be some guillotines and staff to operate them and clean up after the beheadings. Hey /u/somefrommars, if you can summon up the energy, advocating for the legalization of assisted suicide for healthy adults in your jurisdiction might be a worthwhile cause to devote your otherwise worthless life while you wait for death.

I agree with you.