Beware Shitposters

26  2017-05-23 by RogueDinosaur

I have now become an enemy of all of you, which should come as bad news. The majority mayos just gained a follower. Sincere congratulations to you guys. I hope r/drama gets banned and none of you every see a glimpse of the bussy and mayocide so you so eagerly desire. Have fun always being a whiny social minority that never escalates their status because they refuse to convert people to their side. You guys took an L on this one. Score 1 for the mayo community. Look at the contrast in our reactions. I realized reddit beef is utterly useless and not worth my time as I have real bussy to see and real Seth Rich killers to find in my daily life that do not involve Reddit. Multiple posts have been made about me across multiple subs because apparently you guys have way too much time to sit and dwell about insignificant drama. That's probably why you post here in the first place, if I had to guess. I will be deleting this account shortly, but I will be back on Reddit. Never to return to this region of the site, but just know that I will be out there, fighting for the mayo side from now on. So again, congratulations. If making the normies stronger was your goal, you all succeeded with flying colors. I'm gonna be A-okay in my life. You guys are condemned to an eternity of saltiness and anger toward perceived hellmans-oppressors. I am at peace just knowing that. I no longer have sympathy for any of you besides a minority few that have reached out to me. I will never dedicate a shred of energy to any cause surrounding r/drama or the Autism community because of all of your actions. So please, throw a party and celebrate that. Apparently that is your goal; complain about mayos while simultaneously refusing to explain yourself to them. It's a recipe for total disaster, which I hope I live to see. Goodbye cruel world, and please consider this. The amount of people I have instructed to post bussy: 0. The amount of times I have been instructed to post bussy: 3. As someone who lost a friend to bussy posting at age 12, those 3 can go straight to hell and never return, because they are the absolute worst type of human garbage that can ever exist. I would argue that they are legitimately worse people than some real SRDines that post at r/SubredditDrama. No good person tells anyone to post bussy. Please refrain from telling people to post bussy on the internet in the future, one of them could actually do it and then you'd get locked up for shitposting because those are the laws now


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. This Post -,*,,*

  2. r/drama -,*,*

  3. r/SubredditDrama -,*,*

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The amount of people I have instructed to post bussy: 0. The amount of times I have been instructed to post bussy: 3

no one cares. how many times have you posted bussy? 0? oh well, get off your high horse and post bussy AT THE VERY LEAST to modmail you degenerate fuck

Wait, can we actually send bussy, unironically? Cause mine is delish

PM bussy hardly counts. The exhibitionism is where the real value lies.

i have noodly-now become an enemy of all of you, whicharoo should come as bad noodly-news! The majorinoity mayos just gained a followeroo. Sincere congratulations to you guys. I hope riddly-r/drama gets banned and noodly-none of you every see a glimpse of the bussy and mayocide so you so eagerly diddily ding dong desire. Have fun always being a whiny social minorinoity that noodly-neveroo escalates their status because they riddly-refuse to convert people to their side. You guys took an l on this one. Scorinoe 1 for the mayo community. Look at the contrast in our riddly-reactions. I riddly-realized riddly-reddit beef is utterly useless and noodly-not worth my time as i have riddly-real bussy to see and riddly-real seth riddly-richaroo killers to find in my diddily ding dong daily life that diddily ding dong do noodly-not involve riddly-reddit. Multiple posts have been made about me across multiple subs because apparently you guys have way too mucharoo time to sit and diddily ding dong dwell about insignificant diddily ding dong drama. That's probably why you post here in the first place, if i had to guess. I will be diddily ding dong deleting this account shorinotly, but i will be back on riddly-reddit. Noodly-neveroo to riddly-return to this riddly-region of the site, but just know that i will be out there, fighting for the mayo side from noodly-now on. So again, congratulations. If making the noodly-norinomies strongeroo was your goal, you all succeeded with flying colorinos. I'm gonna be a-okay in my life. You guys are condemned to an eternity of saltiness and angeroo toward perceived hel-diddly-ellmans-oppressorinos. I am at peace just knowing that. I noodly-no longeroo have sympathy for any of you besidesies a minorinoity few that have riddly-reached out to me. I will noodly-neveroo diddily ding dong dedicate a shred of energy to any cause surrounding riddly-r/drama or the autism community because of all of your actions. So please, throw a party and celebrate that. Apparently that is your goal; complain about mayos while simultaneously riddly-refusing to explain yourself to them. It's a riddly-recipe for total diddily ding dong disaster, whicharoo i hope i live to see. Goodbye cruel world, and please consideroo this. The amount of people i have instructed to post bussy: 0. The amount of times i have been instructed to post bussy: 3. As someone who lost a friend to bussy posting at age 12, those 3 can go straight to hel-diddly-ell and noodly-neveroo riddly-return, because they are the absolute worst type of human garbage that can everoo exist. I would argue that they are legitimately worse people than some riddly-real srdines that post at riddly-r/subredditdrama. Noodly-no dandy person tel-diddly-ells anyone to post bussy. Please riddly-refrain from tel-diddly-elling people to post bussy on the internet in the future, one of them could actually diddily ding dong do it and then you'd get locked up for shitposting because those are the laws noodly-now.

fist me daddy


OP talks like a fag and his shits all retarded.

Ah, hate extra chromosomes in bowel movements

Yeah, nice...

So, has anyone seen Alien: Covenant yet?

Is it any good?