Small group of users decide they're offended by GIMPs name, begin harassing Twitter account

245  2017-05-23 by A6MZer0


This is why we need mayocide.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

It is always rich mayos doing this shit

Stolen from /r/TIA

fuck you

It's not like you own that subreddit.

no idiot the point is fuck him for bringing TiA garbage into here

What's wrong with it?

Nah, this kind of stupid drama is exactly the kind of shit that should be mocked.

I agree that stupid people ruin everything, but generally this statement is made by stupid people. Most people aren't stupid. And no that guy who cut you off in traffic or the girl who fucked up your order or the architect who didn't put the bathrooms in an intuitive place to you, none of these people are stupid. People make mistakes sometimes and sometimes there are very good reasons why things are the way they are. People put mankind on the moon. They created the internet. They made cheese a goddamned aerosol. The stupid people are those willing to write off the whole of humanity even for a joke because of a single mistake, misstep, or misunderstanding. It's all very amusing to feign misanthropy when you're thirteen and trying to get that girl to go with you to My Chemical Romance concert, but it betrays one's own stupidity to complain about all people when one's only contribution to society was working a dead end job and scarfing down Taco Bell between Overwatch matches.

Aww, the poor baby doesn't like TIA content? We mock the same stuff that they mock. Get over yourself

tia is a bunch of self-appointed expert ideologists from /pol/ managing to call out the world's dumbest and least relevant internet leftists in such a way that the leftists actually come off looking more sympathetic and sensible

maybe you are just le triggered xd xd


Are you thinking of kia?

Uh huh, keep sipping that Kool aid dude

This is a safe space for all types of garbage.


Everyone knows GIMP stands for Green Is My Pepper

Hence the green peppers in the images.


Companies really need to realize that they're better off ignoring these retards.

it's not a company, its a free software project, and not the "supported by billions of dollars of support contracts" kind like some linux variants, its the "run by volunteers in their spare time" kind. that's why they couldn't give a fuck what this person threatens them with, its probably the most amorphous legal entity you can get.

there's precedent for this kind of thing, someone once made a markdown processing library called "upskirt," which couldnt really be ignored because it was best in class. there was some argument over it, the guy was kind of a dick about it, people moved on iirc. people mostly responded by reimplementing it with more tasteful names.

What are you, Chechnya?

I love this insult because of how hypocritical it is. "You're a bigot, you dirty chechen!" Like, do they hear themselves? Haven't the chechens suffered enough what with the Russians trying to genocide them? Those internet SJWs need to check their privilege and direct their insults towards the people they hate, not random oppressed peoples.

Haven't the Chechens suffer under Russians?

Not nearly enough.

I am eagerly waiting for the time they realize Chechnya is like 95% Islamic. Then they'll finally accept that it's the one true country we should all bow to.


Oh boy, how can someone be offended by "upskirt"?

some people were offended, most were just annoyed at being made to say the word "upskirt" in a professional context. software engineering has a maturity problem.

Except in this instance the retards are right, GIMP is a fucking stupid name and is a turnoff hindering professional usage and widespread adoption.

tARD is interpreter written in C# designed to accommodate even the most intellectually challenged individuals. The goal is to create a simple and easy to use interface so that even beginning users can automate common tasks.

I wouldn't fuck with you guys.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Surprised nobody brought up the TARDIS from Dr.Who

What are they going to do if gimp doesn't change the name? Boycott a free program?

hopefully more gimp porn in protest














Saged, reported, hidden, called the mods, emailed moot, emailed the admin, called the cops, called the state police, called the county sheriff, called your ISP, called the District Attorney, called Interpol, called the NYPD, called the State Attorney, called the LAPD, called Child Protective Services called the FBI, called US Homeland Security, called the CIA, called the NSA, called the US Marshals, called the local courthouse, called your State Constable, called London Metropolitan Police, called the German Police, called the TSA, called the US President, called the attorney general, called the National Guard, called the US marines, called the US Navy, called the US Air Force, called the US army, called the Royal Navy, called the governor of every state, called the Federal Air Marshals, called every sheriff deputy, called the Coast Guard, called the US Customs and Border Protection, called the RCMP, called every park ranger, called the mayor of every city in France, called the British Army, called the Queen, called NATO, called the Russian Air Force, called the Federal flight deck officers, called the UN, called the Corrections Department for every state, called the Australian Federal Police, called SWAT, called the Supreme Court, called the Mexican Police, called the White House, called the DEA, called the inspector general, called the Secret Service, called CNN, called ABC, called the vice president, called the senators for every state, called congress, called the pope, called CHP, called the Department of Fish and Wildlife for every state, called the internet police, called the US Capitol Police, and called the Party Van.
















did you remember to email papa john's

Please tell me that you developed that reply over several years!

Saged, reported, hidden, called the mods, emailed moot, emailed the admin...

Ahhhhh!!! Schurkenpack!

They're using this real, aggressive, in your face threatening tone. it's all just expressing their angry impotence. There's nothing they can do.

  • Tell their employer they are a key part of the Gimp project team? It's probably part of the reason they got hired!
  • get some tech dangerhairs on twitter to fork it. Yeah, sorry gimp is not written in javascript or ruby. They're gonna have a hard fucking time even compiling it.
  • pretend they talked to a lawyer and didn't get laughed out of the room about suing (relative to most suits) broke ass entities like FSF or Gnome.

All that's left is harass their families, and you can't take that back to twitter and brag about it, so they're not going to do it.


they could probably figure it out eventually if they've seen types before

aw who i am i kidding no they can't

No automatic garbage collection? Definitely misogyny

fact: The myth that it's possible to program without automatic garbage collection is a patriarchal lie made to keep women out of tech.

i mean honestly though just copy-paste what's on the GIMP repo and you got yourself a more progressive competitor

They can call it the Progressive Image Manipulation Program.

This would be an infinitely better name than GIMP tbh.

Anyone too dumb for acronyms probably can't use gcc either.

that's what you hire a contractor for

Good luck finding a PC contractor.


PC meaning politically correct, not personal computer?

what kind of working professional gives a shit about political correctness either way?

My point exactly.

i mean, my point is that they'll take the $35 and do the job regardless of agenda

If you're this upset about an acronym, you're not going to hand that $50 over before vetting the person to make sure they share all your political beliefs.

you're making twitter beef aficianados out to be far more responsible than they really are

That's why they use clang! :-)

That's because data types are racist.

This data type is a trans-character. It was born a 32-bit integer, but it had 24 bits surgically removed.

It's free software. They have the right to fork it (maybe changing the name) if they really give a shit.

Oh wait ..

β€œThe ability to wade through a technical text, and to understand it, is a privilege. It is a privilige conferred by an education that is available only to members of an elite class ... members of privileged elites are rarely aware of their privileges".

(Yes, that's part of a parody of SJWs written in the late 90s)

damn dude, i haven't seen any mention of cryptonomicon on reddit for quite some time and then i stumble upon your comment the day i decide to re-read it

The elite class of westerners with internet access?

Not even Westerners. Just people who can read English.

Right, because it's not like the field of software development is filled with self-taught programmers. It's a shame that there is such a scarcity of accessible online resources for learning programming.

I don't know if you're serious or not, but this really is a case of people like that being flat out lazy pieces of shit. I'm not normally one to lean on that kind of accusation, but when it comes to programming, it is one of the most open, accessible professions out there. Hell, I would go as far as to say that a college education is tangential to one's ability as a developer.

This is bait, right?

Free software documented on a free-to-access website written for users with technical knowledge that can be learned, for free, on the internet which is both a modern necessity most people have and is, conveniently, available for free at your local library.

Any homeless person in America could walk in off the street and teach themselves computer science.

Check your knowledge privilege, nerd. Now give me your lunchmoney, err I mean donate to my patreon.

Stephenson had their number in 1999. Though I guess the only difference between a postmodernist and an SJW is how young they are when they learned that gibberish.

I feel sorry for the person stuck replying to them all day...

stuck? Any participation in the project entirely voluntary. That sick fuck is engaging with these poor mental patients because it's how he gets his evil jollies.

Hah, yeah you are actually right...

Did no one else have to make bracelets out of gimp at summer camp in the '80s?


go to bed grandpa

Are you kidding? We've entered the "get drunk and argue with everyone hour."

Oh shit Im here quick someone insult something

Game developers should have contest winners/fans submit single lines of dialogue for NPCs instead of having one person voice dozens of people.

No matter how many times you've tried to audition as a voice actor, they can always tell you've been gargling semen.

I'd rather gargle razor blades than have the average person be a voice actor.

I know how to make those. Been a while.

Have you tried making them out of fuse rope/ wick?

I've never seen such aggressive retardation before.

There's a funny thing called "mirror", ever heard of it?

yes comrade i have heard of mirror

is good joke, yes


i guess one person is a kind of group

Fun fact: This was actually the splash screen of the 2.7.3 development version because they were proud of the newly added Cage tool.

Of course it's not featured in the official splash screen gallery.

Holy shit. Never thought I'd see GIMP rule 34.

Okay, there's even some actual rule 34 with Wilber (the furry mascot) and Genetically Engineered Goat Large (the mascot of the GEGL library):

The fact that they're actual furries has convinced me to just pirate photoshop.

Jesus. 13 pictures of this. There exist 13 pictures of porn about a photoshop knockoff mascot.

Funniest thing is that the official one looks like shit compared to the rest.


Who comes up with these names?

It's shitty experimental code that has been worked on for 17 years now, do you think somebody has time to find a cool name for it? They even recycled an shitty easter egg as the mascot.

What's wrong with the word "Gimp"?

Also, I hope that GIMP's PR guy is a volunteer. They could have rekt that guy a few times over but decided to respond sincerely. For shame!

From the comments in here I get the impression that GIMP is entirely volunteer driven.

I checked commit history and looks like at least two guys work on it full-time. AFAIR GIMP is under GNOME foundation.

Turns out it means "limping". I too had to google that.

Shit, if these people put half of the energy they waste into something relevant...

Yeah, when I first read this I thought it was some kind of anti-bondage thing.

I am :) We all are :)

Thanks for helping make the best freeware around. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ»

Wow, where the fuck have these morons been for the last decade?

That went on for way too many tweets.

Why is gimp a bad word?

GIMP stands for Gay, Intersex, MTF and Penis, a name for "feminine" men.

No it doesn't

Yeah but it would be funny if it did.

No it would be annoying and regressive and would make the Urban Dictionary entry I wrote referencing Pulp Fiction not make sense.

I'm not having it.

Ummmmmm, whose the one answering here?

I don't like your answer

Deal with it

It's fableist. Makes fun of imaginary retards.

I feel more woke knowing this

Only the PR guy for an open source alternative to the most popular photo editing software would be autistic enough to take Twitter bait

Next stop: forcing Niger to change name.

I got stuck on the comment where the guy was arguing that RGB is ok for printing.

RGB is definitely not ok for print media. CMYK for print, RGB for digital.

"I've been using it for years.." Then you've been doing it wrong for years.

I gave up trying to explain additive vs reflective color spaces to people a lonnnng time ago. Now it's just a good way to quickly weed out people that aren't worth talking to.

Stay based!

its too confusing

Automatically means they're complaining about something they don't use except for the purpose of virtue signaling