Circlebrokers finally uncover the truth behind h3h3 and their Alt-right rapecult

62  2017-05-24 by MakeAmericaSageAgain


Cool story, bro


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He was the one that made the triggered meme popular ffs (which, reminder, is making fun of people with PTSD)

/u/alonelyleaf, sensitive sillies appropriated "triggered" from military veterans who have actual PTSD symptoms. He was mocking those sensitive sillies who overused that term a few years ago until it was memed to death.

I never heard a single "sensitive silly" using triggered or PTSD before r/TIA started using it. Maybe one or two "sjws" used before, but this doesn't justify the alt-right taking the word to this height

Using trigger warning to help rape victims and traumatized people not get flashbacks is not the same as the trigger warning you're thinking of.

(Where the goalposts started)

(Where you moved them)

I'd be happy to find more examples and make you look like even more of a scatterbrained silly sally. But do you really want that?

The use of "trigger warning" is typical false compasion, it's only used to validate the false victim status of most of its users.

Moreover, you don't solve people real mental issues, like actual post traumatic anxiety, by making them avoid facing it by any mean.

Lol, I have seen people talk about trigger warnings because pictures of food exist.

Tbqh .... What's a better term for "hey fatties this is some delicious looking shit that's gonna make you wanna say fuck it and continue your descent into non genetics beetus" than "trigger warning"? Like divorcing the term from emotional shit and thinking of it in the context of addictive desires and "triggers" of said desires it does kind of fit

"hey fatties this is some delicious looking shit that's gonna make you wanna say fuck it and continue your descent into non genetics beetus"

Because it's more retarded then that

That is satire no one's that much of a fuccboi

you never need to make satire up about sjws, thats one thing ive learnt

that shit is 100% real, there are people that ineffectual that exist somehow

No, demanding trigger warnings is a way to advertise to everybody that you are a victim because you have internalized your victimhood and built your entire personality around it. Getting raped is the only interesting thing about your pathetic existence.

I never heard a single "sensitive silly" using triggered

either you're brand fucking new to the internet or you're lying.

you seriously pretending you've never seen trigger warnings in feminist safe spaces? Really dude?

Account for four years.

Obviously lying, and posts in /r/circlebroke2, /r/gamerghazi, and /r/bestofoutrageculture.

You don't know shit.

you really think TiA are the kind of crowd who'd random make fun of veterans? like their remit is "everything to do with SJWs, and veterans in this one isolated case"?

veterans used it legitimatly. SJWs appropriated it and diluted it's meaning as they do with everything. then TiA made fun of them for comparing their hurt feelings with fucking PTSD

Oh well if you never saw it then it never happened, right you fucking moron?

I never saw sharks IRL, therefore they don't exist.

PTSD isn't relegated to just veterans. Abuse victims, victims of sexual violence, vehicle accidents, etc, particularly in childhood, are common suffers. I had never heard of the term outside of a military or mental health setting until the never ending army of tween hate nerds started memeing the shit out of it because apparently some fat British teen said "triggered" after she was bullied online.

I mean, it's annoying to see my fellow veterans and other sufferers trivialized by the whole shit-tier meme, but 99% of the time it's angsty cracker babies on the internet doing what they do best and blaming all their shit behavior on (((sjws))) or some such nonsense.

You know a bit about shit but enough to know what the dude ate before he shit it. Triggered was popularized by sjws in the US and british universities at the same time as their retarded safe spaces with fluffy animals and videos of puppies.

SJWs also stole "rape culture" which was originally used to describe what goes on in male prisons.

that and its also a fetish a really weird one no comment beyond that i was just reminded of the insanity of the internet.

Maybe do a little more research if you think only one person ever used trigger before people mocked it being overused.

I'm aware that it's been misused before, but I just don't give a fuck about tumblrinas and attention whores. It's irrelevant WHY a bunch angry cracker manbabies decided to make fun of and trivialize people with real psychological trauma. It's a shitty thing to do, independent of outside forces.

I think they're perfectly appropriate when talking about sexual assault, bullying, racism, violence, abuse, torture, etc. But the distinction is never made with the joke. It's always just a blanket mocking of anyone who even entertains the concept. The only time an effort is ever made to distinguish appropriate use of the concept from what is being mocked is when said manbabies are called out for being douchebags to all real trauma survivors and feel the need to virtue signal by pretending to care all the sudden.

SchrΓΆdinger's Douchebag.

You think it is irrelevant that attention whores literally started the move to make triggered into a meaningless word more often than not? You are being really selective here.

People were already making fun of the legitimate use. Bullies and trolls latched onto it immediately.

A lot of people are still very embarrassed/afraid to talk about their trauma, and it's NOT because some people over use it. It's because shitheads make fun of the mere concept of trauma, or triggers. It's jokes and ridicule that they care about, not the attention whore who overuses the word.

Shitty people do shitty things. Shittier people blame someone else for the shitty things they do.

Well making fun of people that have trauma is shit if people are doing that. No argument on that from me.

Oh my god shut the fuck up, nobody cares how "mean" it is to make fun of crazies. The only reason people unironically use the triggered is because it unironically triggers fags like you.

nice meme haha

Thanks friend :)

Trying to reserve the extremely common word "trigger" exclusively for triggers for PTSD outside of a clinical context was always a stupid project doomed to fail.

I just don't give a fuck about tumblrinas and attention whores. It's irrelevant WHY a bunch angry cracker manbabies decided to make fun of and trivialize people with real psychological trauma.

Except that the angry cracker manbabies were making fun of tumblrinas and attention whores with no real psychological trauma at all.

I had never

Maybe if you stopped being a raging narcissist for a minute and recognized that your personal perspective isn't at 1:1 with how things actually happen.

this is the smuggest shit I've read all week thank you

So you don't actually stop to read any of the shit you say yourself

Thanks, I was wondering

shit b8 m8

Oh look, defensive shitposting.

Haven't seen that on the internet in 8 or 9 minutes now.

How is someone saying "I had never" immediatly make him a "raging narcissist" wtf? It's a common thing to say when sharing a personal perspective or experience, precisely to make a precision not to generalize as it being everyone's experience. What does narcissism have anything to do with it, and why the need to agressively shit on people for saying three words? Jesus

nobodys making fun of vets with triggered, theyre making fun of the people that trivialize the vets by claiming to have ptsd over nothing

No, they're making fun of having PTSD in general, and the very notion of being 'triggered.' There is never any distinction made until you dweebs feel the need to defend yourselves for being shitheads. But only the small handful of people you fight with online see that side. Most vets don't know about "tunblrinas" or "sjws" at all because they have real lives, and real life problems.

But the "TRIGGERED!!! XD XD XD" meme is beaten to death on every corner of the internet, and it makes it even harder for many vets and trauma victims to seek help.

So your cozy cracker ass can meme about it all day long and blame your shit behavior on made up boogeymen like sjw's, and I'll continue to watch my brothers put booze, pills, and guns in their mouths because their afraid to tell anyone they have panick attacks several times a day because it makes them "snowflakes" or faggots despite the sacrificial they've made.

No, they're making fun of having PTSD in general

what? that makes very little sense

the idea of ptsd from real things isnt ridicule worthy, but pretending that nasty tweets do the same thing is

the problem with this, and where youre getting tripped up is that the crazy sjw types claim to have real ptsd, when they obviously dont

There is never any distinction made until you dweebs feel the need to defend yourselves for being shitheads.

surely thered be at least some examples of people making fun of soldiers and victims of violence, in the same way that they make fun of brianna wu types then right

Most vets don't know about "tunblrinas" or "sjws" at all because they have real lives, and real life problems.

yep, in fact the only reason they know of this shit is because their very real problems are being trivialised by faggots on the internet

But the "TRIGGERED!!! XD XD XD" meme is beaten to death on every corner of the internet, and it makes it even harder for many vets and trauma victims to seek help.

lol fuck off it makes it harder

So your cozy cracker ass can meme about it all day long

cool man ill do that

made up boogeymen like sjw's,


and I'll continue to watch my brothers put booze, pills, and guns in their mouths because their afraid to tell anyone they have panick attacks several times a day because it makes them "snowflakes" or faggots despite the sacrificial they've made.

i dont believe you know any real vets like this or that this ever happened

Not that I agree with H3H3 or circlebrokes digging to find shreds of reason to hate him, but I would like to hear circlebrokers explain why a choking fetish is so widespread among women while avoiding anything that even remotely relates to dominance.

I can hear them tripping over themselves already.

choking fetish

I've actually had that discussion with feminists. It lands smack in the middle of "a woman should be free to enjoy sex however she wants" and "men should never use violence during sex".

Female feminists tend to be more reasonable and open for discussion. Male feminists can't handle coming to terms with their beta-ness and just deny its existance outright.

nice strawman lmao

Don't discredit my lived experience!!

Granted, these guys weren't your run-of-the-mill white knights. These were the type of idiots who unironically referred to themselves as cis-white.

I'm sure you're not afraid to let loose in the bedroom ;)

who unironically referred to themselves as cis-white.

As opposed to trans-white?

As opposed to trans-white?

Don't POC called trans-whites "Uncle Toms"?

Nope, actual feminist in porn Ovidie(french though, but she still exists) 100% defend that position :

women's fetish for submission is 100% THEIR RIGHT and it's 100% detached from their day to day personnality, but men's fetish for anal and dominance is proof of toxic masculinity and patriarchal society.

It's what she thinks, and she's one of the big, if not the biggest, voices in feminism in France. You can verify that through her interviews and her documentaries.

She seems pretty dumb

She is a woman after all

She seems pretty dumb

one of the big, if not the biggest, voices in feminism

adds up

Male feminists can't handle coming to terms with their betaness and just deny its existence outright.


Pretending you care about women's issues won't land you pussy. If it's the beta orbiting part you like, that doesn't have to include meaningless virtue signaling. Yikes indeed, it's embarrassing.

lol what kind of piece of shit do you have to be to believe in virtue signalling.

Anyone can notice the virtue signaling from a mile away. Accepting whatever disrespect she shovels your way without question doesn't give you the right to have sex with her.

That's why no one respects male feminists, you don't give a shit about women. You're in it because that's the only situation a woman can stand you. Someone who really cared about gender equality wouldn't tolerate being treated that way in exchange for good boy points from pseudo-mommy.

virtue signalling is a nazi catchphrase. hth.

It's an accurate description of loser hypocrites like you.


Coming from the Jewish Uncle Tom who accepts antisemitism to his face if it comes from 'good people' on the left.

You need to work on your self-respect. I hope you're still a teen, if that's the case there is still hope you'll grow out of it.

you're cute :3

Just the perfect redditor

You to my friend. You're worth better than them.

everything I don't like is a nazi catchphrase

here's a real nazi catchphrase: please gas yourself

yeah nobody ever does anything for publicity or for their own benefit, its always altruistic /s

hm yes, saying "actually women are people too" is really just being self-promoting when you think about it

you can always tell when someone like you is being deliberately disingenuous, because theyll frame the ideas they like as some universal good

"omg feminism is just treating people equally!!!"

unfortunately for you your ideas are public and everyone can see them

what's like having a completely smooth brain?

whats it like resorting to terrible insults to avoid admitting youre hilariously wrong and bad at arguments

also just for fun

mras don't stand for men's rights. they stand for misogny.

so...the stand against the patriarchal systems inherent in the court system? the embedded sexism inherent? that's feminism.

virtue signalling is a nazi catchphrase. hth.

you're cute :3 Just the perfect redditor

youd probably be more at home in one of the gross legbeard subs fyi

Riling up weird unfuckables like yourself is more fun tbh

lol you think you rile people up instead of inspiring pity

Lol wut

Yah know when you hear Republicans talk about individual liberty and small government and you know they're kinda hypocrites? You're noticing them virtue siginal. Does that make you a piece of shit?

That's not what he is talking about though. A politician speaking out of both sides of their mouth is distinctly different from criticizing someone for daring to have empathy.

Lolll saying shit to ingratiate yourself/look better to a group (..or constituency) is literally what virtue siginalling means. According to you, knowing that's a thing makes you a piece of shit.

Lolll saying shit to ingratiate yourself/look better to a group

aha well here is what makes you a piece of shit. assuming that other people are weird sociopaths who say things to manipulate people.

says a lot more about you then me

I'm sorry, when Trump says stupid shit about how much he cares about Christian family values you actually believe him and don't think he's being a suck up ?


because I know his actions based on what he has said and done lmao

internet commentators don't know shit about me, so they project their weird shut-in sociopathic self on the things I say

because I know his actions based on what he has said and done lmao

Lmao so you don't believe him? You think he's being dishonest? Think he's sucking up? Signalling his.. virtue to Christian Americans ?

Lmao you piece of shit

not being to tell the difference between online and offline is pretty fucking lol

Pretending some shit a fucking desert carpenter pointed out 2k plus years ago doesn't exist is pretty fucking lol

Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Oh, so hypocrites

That's not virtue signaling my guy

. The term was first used in signalling theory, to describe any behavior that could be used to signal virtueβ€”especially piety among the religious.[1] Since 2015, the term has become more commonly used as a pejorative characterization by commentators to criticize what they regard as the platitudinous, empty, or superficial support of certain political views, and also used within groups to criticize their own members for valuing outward appearance over substantive action.[2][3][4]


However, in an article later published by the New Statesman, Tanya Gold claimed that 'people who accuse others of "virtue signalling" are trying to stigmatise empathy', describing it as 'devious political propaganda'.[20


Lol still exists




Well, I was responding to "yikes", so I didn't feel the bar for an "argument" was very high to begin with.

It is an argument in this case. Some women want to be choked during sex. Some men are against that and claim its unnatural, why?

Because they think that they will be better liked by other leftists. Why else would they care about it? I care about a lot f women's issues myself. That doesn't make me want to join the "nice guy"-club of male feminists.

Internalized patriarchy REEEEEEEE

I would like to hear circlebrokers explain why a choking fetish is so widespread among women while avoiding anything that even remotely relates to dominance.

explain why the cuckold fetish is so common if not because men love to be cheated on

I think its cuz they also wanna get dominated by dudes


So they are leftists?

Explain why the foot fetish is so common if not because people have feet

There is a section of your brain that accounts for feet related stuff next to a section that is related to sex stuff. Sometimes these areas can overlap so that feet become viewed as sexual organs.

So it literally is a brain defect?

Literally everything is a brain defect, so yes.

ah then how do fat fetishes devolp in gay men you cant even argue the mating hips or can you?

it's probably humiliation and/or body transfer fetish

every unorthodox sexual fetish is a brain defect

Maybe it has some evolutionary advantage. It is possible that men that are into cuckoldary are generally more weaker, or has some sort of deficiency, or could be flat out impotent.

probably some evolutionary thing when there were too many dudes

like maybe gay people are too

Is it really that common? I guess my sample size is small, but I've never been with a woman who was into getting choked.

if i dress as one and like being called she on occasion do i count as a "woman" that likes getting choked.

in my experience as a slutty man, i would say 95% of women enjoy being submissive in bed. 3% enjoy being dominant (at best). 2% like very vanilla stuff

and without hyperbole, 100% of feminists enjoy being treated like a little fucktoy. like they beg you to smack the shit out of them. it's crazy

Lol even Filthy Frank in the back is all like "wtf dude?"















"Know your fuckin place, trash!"

It's an act. He knows he is on camera and doesn't want to lose subscribers.

I mean. He essentially described apes. Pretty accurate in that.

I don't get his point to be honest. Is he trying to describe the difference between male and female sexuality if we strip away all the social taboos?

He's saying that patriarchy would be/is justified because it's only natural. That's what I got out of it.

I think so

Remove society and all civility, send us back in time when we were extremely primitive and only acted on instincts, needs, and wants. All the notions of "right and wrong" go out the window. Long story short, cave people would go around abusing and raping each other. That's what he's saying.

cave people would go around abusing and raping each other

Are you sure about that? I read a book about some nomads in Africa who still lived 100% like stone age people. They were a very tight-knit community of like 30 people. They do everything together and spend literally every single minute together. Everyone you know is either a lifelong friend or blood relative. There would be nothing to gain from abusing them. If anything you'd risk being ostracized and exiled for posing a threat to the group.

The difference between rape and consensual sex was probably way less sharp too.

If you remove all society everyone would be able to fuck, guilt-free. Imagine walking around naked all day with no available entertainment except for hanging out with other people. All the women would see your boner the second you got aroused. There would probably be more sex in this prude dystopia.

If you're not the absolute omega of the group I think it would actually be nicer, more humane than now.

You can't remove all society. Thinking that society is some sort of miracle system imposed on us out of nowhere is complete bullshit. Society is what it is because it's the human nature to be social.

That's how we evolved, we formed tribes because we benefited from it, and those more inclined to be part of that tribe (i.e. capable of socialisation) had stronger chances to survive and to pass on there genetic material.

Another hugely effective way to pass on your genes is to fuck evething all the time. That would explain why males are so much more sexualy driventhan women. And at this point, that ugly guy in the clip is saying that those guys fucking 24/7 (yes, "fucking", because rape is a social construct :3 ) had better chance to reproduce with submissive females.

The theory holds up, it's not completly stupid but it goes against the huge role forming groups to survive played. SJW are mad because it's somehow controversial this days to think that women and men evolved differently to meet different needs. Today's trend among leftist is the blankslate theory : women and men are the same, any difference is socialy engineered.

You can't remove all society.

I think you know what he meant. Removing all (modern) societal repercussions, if you prefer that.

I wonder if humans were anything like Bonobos. That shit would be dope af xDDDD

I never said they were consistant. They do say gender is a social construct that has no link to biological sex, but somehow are completely oblivious to the fact that it would anihilate transexuals claim that their disorder is innate.

Academic feminism, I love it.

we were extremely primitive and only acted on instincts, needs, and wants

We would act like chimpanzees, who display altruism and empathy?

They also display ordered tribes with a hierarchy, bullying of the weaks to tighten the group and throwing of poopoo. We're pretty similar after all.

And rape and cannibalism!

And torture and murder.

Empathy maybe but I think altruism is a more modern concept. I could be wrong though, I'm just talking out of my ass.

You are wrong. Look up Franz de Waal's work if you're interested. Altruism is an important factor associated with how groups survive and thrive

No he is trying to describe masculinity , detached from species in nature. Where he is entirely correct. A huge amount of animals including out ape brethren are all about dominance.

Dude they're call POC not apes you fucking shitlord.

Well Ethan could have been better at phrasing what he wanted to say. What a moron.

I don't think he could honestly. He's an idiot.

Finally they found out. The true founder of /r/theredpill, (((Ethan Klein))).

I think he meant conquer as in conquering affection.

You don't show female a ticket that you have a free ride anytime this month, you make them interested in you and you do adult stuff together, real simple piece of the puzzle.

But I might not be up to new trigger words

I think that's exactly what he meant, the people on circlebroke are just mentally disabled

I don't understand why these days people think of 'who can get offended by this/how to get on this high horse' before actually thinking about the meaning of what a person said.

I think reading literature teaches you important skills, because in great works you often have to read between lines, understand metaphors and arrive to conclusions on your own.

And when people don't read anything more than a 140 character blog post stuff like this (thread) happens.

Is there any context to back up your interpretation?

Interpretation of 'conquer' wording?

Personal experience and research. When I was a boy in high school we had fights about who gets to go out with a certain popular chick, we showed off constantly and behaved shitty to get attention from females. Ultimately folks 'conquered' attention and got to get together with someone.

Here's a study into rise of testosterone levels in presence of an attractive woman:

Abstract and publication

The Study (pdf)

Here's a study that links testosterone and violence and risk taking: Publication

Here's a study into male competition and violence that results from mating motives:

Behind paywall:

Good abstract

(Somehow I found) a PDF:

You don't show female a ticket that you have a free ride anytime this month

maybe you dont

o shit, all those date moneys went out the window

No, if you watch more of the stream for context you'll find that Ethan meant 'conquered' as in 'raped'. It's quite clear that he meant "[In their natural state, some 10.000 years ago,] women were to be [raped]".

However, I don't think he means that women want to be or are supposed to be raped, but rather that they used to be. And according to him, we've evolved beyond those primal urges. And that's a positive thing.

IMO Ethan is ignorant of feminism, social issues and anthropology. But he isn't a misogynist.

How is this drama? It's not like anyone's fighting in the comments

Ethan coming out as a rapist is pretty dramatic in itself imo.

Sure, but isn't it important that the thread itself contain drama?

We can't have good drama all the time. "DAE disagree with this idiot"-posts are nice to whet the appetite. Quantity over quality. Don't strive for excellence.

"I'm comfortable with being terrible"

Ethan coming out as a rapist is pretty dramatic in itself imo.

What? How does this prove that he is a rapist? Are you autistic?

He raped my mom, show some respect. Please.

Who hasn't tho

Most of the time it's consensual actually, which makes this even harder to bear

Whales can't consent bruh.

Your mother has to say no for that to happen.

Where do you think we are

What is it about that Hila?

She is not objectively attractive but, like, there's something about her kind of makes me want to try this choke fucking she's apparently into.

So yeah... there's my two cents...

I'll go now.

Dunno if you saw their "how we met" video but Hila looked pretty traditionally attractive when she didn't dress like a total retard and wasn't an emaciated skeleton.

Can't blame her tho. Just look at Ethan dude is fat neckbeard.

... there's something about her kind of makes me want to try this choke-fucking she's apparently into.

You know that she's Jewish. Combined with her skeleton like appearance she would be perfect for your Nazi + Jewish concentration camp prisoner sex roleplay you're into. Just make sure that she wears a potato sack to make it more realistic while you strut around in your SS uniform.

Her eyes are massive

The most upsetting thing to me is that whiterapper is smoking in a very clearly nonsmoking room.

why does Ethan keep dragging his un-charismatic wife into everything?

I dont know what all the fuss is about on CB, I mean he basically just repeated the rape culture idea, he just did it in a way that would piss feminists the fuck off

i honestly can't tell if he was being sarcastic or not in that new poscast im fucking shook

/u/alonelyleaf on theneedledrop;

"I'm a ""liberal"" but I can see how nazis have a point"... "I'm a nazi by every metric but name"

Are you accusing Mr. Melon, a Clinton voter married to a black woman, of being Nazi? Because he questioned the idea of safe spaces? That's funny. I'd understand brocialist, but Nazi? That's a new perspective I guess.


I hate how he immediately praises all "experimental" music as good just because its experimental

"I get so mad that he has a different opinion on music than me". Are you that insecure about your musical tastes that you need to be validated by some random youtuber?

And finally /u/ZeroDivisorOSRS

he gave Damn. a 7/10 just to spite rap culture

Yeah, that sounds reasonable. He gave one of his favorite rappers a positive review. In this review he thoroughly explained his personal opinion on the album. All this was done "to spite rap culture".

He's a music reviewer on Youtube. You guys take him way too seriously.


Huh I wonder what he dislikes about "rap culture"

Me too actually. I wonder what a guy who spends most of his life listening to rap, talking about rap and interviewing rap artists dislikes about "rap culture".

If I have to guess I would say nothing at all, but I'm not sure. What's your take on it?

I'm not mad that he has different opinions on music and I'm certainly not looking for validation. I just think he needs to give the same level of critique with experimental music that he does with everything else. Now, this doesn't mean I think experimental music is bad either. I just think that it has the capability of being critiqued just as harshly as everything else.

He does this. That the Knife opera for instance. He thought it sucked because it was experimental without any substance.

Ah I see. I've never seen this one since it's such an old video.

I am a vet, my fiancΓ© is a social worker at the VA.