She don't want no scrub and he won't fucking feed her, Black Twitter debates who is in the wrong when a guy refuses to give money to a struggling woman he barely knows

115  2017-05-24 by [deleted]


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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Where's the earlier convo in which he asks to tap that ass?

As if he texted to ask about her opinion on climate change and the economy...

It never ceases to amaze me how often women declare themselves to be whores.

If all women that men approach are entitled to a check, why would we pay for an amateur when we can get a pro.

It could have been those "Hey so-and-so, long time no see. How're you doing?" and then she devolves into her issues. I had an ex go right to the "i can't afford my rent" basically straight away.

It could have been those "Hey so-and-so, long time no see. How're you doing?" and then she devolves into her issues.

This guy?


No, no time for that shit with this guy...

Still. Not his problem. She is the one that is a blatant whore.

She's not gonna fuck you.

How the fuck would you even know ?

I had an ex go right to the "i can't afford my rent" basically straight away.

I certainly hope they're homeless now

She was briefly, then she got herself knocked up by a guy as old as her dad so now she has a home.

Are you calling her a prostitute?

As if he texted to ask about her opinion on climate change and the economy...

What are you implying you racist

This is why I always for for pasty beta dick, they're so pathetic I always get whatever I want.

Jokes on you, I'm beta and cheap.

Whoa your jewish too?!?

Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger (when I'm in need)

But she ain't messin' with no broke niggas

Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger (when I'm in need)

But she ain't messin' with no broke niggas

Get down girl go head get down (I gotta leave)

Get down girl go head get down (I gotta leave)

Get down girl go head get down (I gotta leave)

Get down girl gone head

His wife's worth more than he is.

But was she when the whole thing started?

They got married in 2014. I can't find net worths for that year, but earnings for that year peg Kim at $40M, and Kanye at $30M.

So Kanye is The Kevin Federline of this relationship?

Not quite that basic bitch, but yeah.

The more you know..

He's more the Russell Brand to the Katy Perry

You are not properly assessing the value of his memes in the marketplace.


So stick by his side

I know there's dudes ballin', and yeah, that's nice

And they gonna keep callin' and tryin',

but you stay right, girl

And when you get on, he'll leave yo' ass for a white girl

They werent even together when he made this song 🙄

Kanye is a prophet, educate yourself by reading black twitter.


I thought that only icky white neckbeards referred to women as females. Has SRD lied to me?

It's okay when black people do it because of Sally Hemmings or some shit.

the vast majority of people who write "females" are black. dunno why

they also never get called out on it lmao

Don't talk shit you pasty mayo bird shit looking cracker

you forgot honkey

And cumskin

Am genuinely curious, is there a derogatory term that whiteys find insulting?

"on welfare".

derogatory term that whiteys find insulting


Yeah but you cumskins are becoming more immune to that, we need something new and fresh.


Idk, imo it differs from person to person more with mayo's

it helps if they're "dirty white"- micks, gypsies, polacks and greaseballs (especially sicilians) all have an abundance of genuinely derogatory terms for em

otherwise your best bet is a political slur

Oi gypies aren't white m8, don't lump them in with us.

they're whiter than the french, dude

"Trailer trash"

aside from alt-right retards getting genuinely mad whenever someone says "whitey", prolly not.

"Trump Supporter"

that hurt my feelings you meanie

Black fragility

It's a step up from bitches after all.

I have literally gotten into fights over this. It taught me the restraint of an angel.

Just like any other dialect of English (like Cajun English, the "Brahmin" dialect of upper-class Bostonians, or the "Engfish" of academic circles), AAVE has its own grammatical and phonological systems as well as its own vocabulary and, though there's a lot of crossover between AAVE and Standard American English (what many people describe as the kind of English that doesn't have an accent, like what newscasters often speak or what many Midwesterners sound like--though in actuality, even the Midwestern accent-that's-not-an-accent has its own particularisms), there are some particular differences. One such difference is the use of the word "female."

In many varieties of AAVE, "female" isn't reserved for scientific or clinical communication. Instead, it's used in casual, everyday communication in quite a few different ways--and none of them are appropriate in academic writing.

If you can replace the word "female" with the word "b!$$%", or, actually, any other defamatory term used to refer to a woman that is displeasing in some way, and the feeling of the sentence is the same, then be offended [or, in the case of writing, revise to use another word]. If the tone of the sentence hasn't drastically changed, though a profane word is being used instead of "female," then you know what the person is REALLY trying to say.

Get it now, you whiny little female?

i prefer the term b!$$% actually

It's pronounced 'bissolo'

That's the name of the new model of Dyson vacuum cleaner.

That's sexist

Jesus fucking christ just type out the word you Cunt.

The Chris Brown Test.

Which reveals something I've suspected all along. SRD is latently racist by finding the sharing of cultural elements to be displeasing.

Latent? They are as racist as coontown but without the honesty.

Most of reddit in general is incredibly racist and extremely classist, especially the parts who claim not to be.

English that doesn't have an accent, like what newscasters often speak or what many Midwesterners sound like

do some americans genuinely believe they dont have an accent

also "aave" is possibly the most condescending patronizing thing ever

In what way? It is a vernacular that has its roots in African American slavery times.

pretending black americans arent capable of normal english, and that they all speak their own separate language because they have their own terms for things is insulting

they know how to speak english, its just got slang in it like any other group uses

No one said we aren't capable of speaking normal English.

Yes, the majority of aava users are African Americans, and although I'm an African American who doesn't use it, as my roots aren't linked to slavery, it isn't racist or insulting at all to acknowledge different types of English

Yes, people who use aava have their own terms and grammar, the same way anyone else with a "non-standard" vernacular would. Most Scottish people use some different terms than most Australians, Americans, or Nigerians and vice-versa; that's how vernaculars work.

Aava isn't a derogatory term the majority pushed onto African Americans; it has it's roots in African American history and can be easily explained and accepted. It started in the African slave population; a mix of their native/parent's tongue and southern English, which led to a very distinct sound and vocabulary.

It isn't beneficial to ignore history like that. It helps no one; in fact, it helps paint the picture that the people who use aava are unintelligent and are choosing to speak that way, instead of being raised to.

No one said we aren't capable of speaking normal English.

street slang isnt a separate language, and the only reason they classify it as such is because deep down they think youre less capable

the same way that upper class white californians think youre incapable of getting yourself an id card, and thus the idea of needing one to vote is racist

notice how no other cultures slang is considered a unique language, its just considered bastardized english

but you guys, congratulations! its a great language and dont let anyone tell you its less valid! good job for being able to speak!

it has it's roots in African American history and can be easily explained and accepted.

and white guilt makes them afraid to criticise the idea

you cant just call its slang, thats racist!

and are choosing to speak that way

and random southern rednecks arent dumb, theyre just raised to speak a certain way!

except nobody makes that argument ever because nobody feels guilty about them

One, it isn't a separate language; it is a vernacular which has been studied and written about hundreds of times for many years. It isn't classified as slang, as it has it's own consistent grammatical structures. It isn't some thing racists brought up out of thin air. Ignoring it doesn't make it non existent nor does it make it made-up.

Two, its seen as an unintelligent vernacular because it was used primarily by urban poor African American people, a.k.a people who tended to not have good educational systems and high crime rates. I do not blame them for speaking that way, and if they want to change their accent to sound more mainstream that's totally fine and I fully support them.

Three, I've never looked down on a southern person for having an accent; they have no control over that for the most part, as they're raised and surrounded by people who sound like that. It's a thing that's unconsciously passed down. "Random southern rednecks" aren't dumb just because of their accent and vocabulary. Calling a southerner dumb for sounding southern is the same thing as calling an urban African American they're dumb for sounding that way.

I don't know where you've lived, but this has been a hot topic in my area since I've opened my eyes.

Is the term Ebonics better?

i mean you could just say theyre speaking english and theyre black

I speak jive.

You know which other English venacular uses "female" informally? Just all of them.

Yeah, black people don't get "called out" on things. STFU moron.

i think you are lost my friend

Get outta here Tyrone, this place ain't for you.

The swastikas are unironic btw, fuck off.

Wait, whats wrong with calling a female a female?

Assuming gender for starters.

Oh yea I guess. God why are people so fucking dumb? The only reason Sex exists anyway is so we can fuck each other and raise little shit stained kids

/r/incels is that way

Damn just learned about this sub. My God that's a toxic frustrated life.

Female is sex

Sex is something you don't have.

Neckbeards use it like ferengi so instead of telling people not to use it like ferengi the entire thing is disallowed now.

Sorry you're triggered by the way a character said a word in a two decade old science fiction television program

describe where the phenomenon comes from

lel xd ur triggered by sci-fi

What's it like to be retarded? Do they have you in a jobs program so you can live independently?

Sorry you're triggered by my post saying sorry that you're triggered by the way a character said a word in a two decade old science fiction television program

Maybe when you get a little older you'll learn a bit of emotional control.

Only neckbeards talk about ferengi

I'll have you know my momma is buying me a new razor that can get around my neck rolls, sir

Don't bullshit me pal. We both know you think your facial hair looks good.

Only when paired with my classy fedora and oversized graphic tee!

sjws think its dehumanizing for some reason, not realising they use the word male to describe almost everything they hate

No I don't you gaandu. The only SJW here is you, crypto liberal jhaant saala.

what language is that




Stop speaking ewok

It sounds too "medical" or "sterile"

"women" are real, "females" technically have ovaries. or at least that's the reading I get from it.

they also never get called out on it lmao

they do if there's a WOKE black man in the vicinity

in all seriousness, I have seen them get called out on it a lot. and it's always been another black dude, except the one time it was a black hispanic chick

no you got dem ferengi too, cuz

No, you're just an idiot who assumes "agenda pushers" want you to believe things that they don't believe themselves.

We SRD now

We always SRD

if they don't refer to every femanoid as "queen", they're an uncle tom in denial

This, but unebonically.

I'd have more respect if she just came out and said it.

Beating around the bush then getting mad irks me

I'd have more respect if she just came out and said it.

I'd have more respect for her if she wasn't a financially irresponsible single mother trying to hit up dudes she barely knows for cash.

baby steps

Well fuck YOU'RE the deadbeat for not opening your wallet every time a girl cries. Don't expect anything in return though you're just supposed to buy their attention.

I mean, if it works at least 30% of the time I say it's a good method to keep food on the table. Obviously it isn't good for the victim at all but a gold digger's gotta do what a gold digger's gotta do

The best way to get a date is to complain about your personal problems to strangers and drag everyone down to wallow in self pity. Personally I would have proposed to her on the spot.

Shes a lady, she doesn't have to worry about "the best way" of getting dates. Tbqh she prob could get some money out of anywhere from a fuck ton of guys, to a few lonely losers depending on how she looks of course.

"Send me $50 and see what happens"?

That sub has detoriated so much. Its also waaay too political noe.

Ah yes, the sub.

Lol thought it was bpt,

Is this some kind of novelty account that posts actual drama in /r/Drama?

Keep up the good work!

Capuccino Queen says that "I know it's hard right now, but you'll get it together" is somehow way better than his dry response. Even though it still sounds like a dry response to me. So in other words what the guy did was the correct way of handling it

His dry response was code for "nigga why you telling me about your problems?" so I imagine it did exactly what he was hoping.

Those screeching apes are repulsive.

Slavery was a mistake and not for moral reasons.

It's not that they're sitting on their broke ass, it's because they don't want to give ratchet hoes that cheddar.

i had to put down a litter of baby rats today because my dog killed the mom.

Black twitter always out here staying mad

I read all of these tweets, and I have the following question: what the fuck are these people saying? Case in point:

Nobody especially with children wants a "damn thats fucked up" ass nigga. No one asked for money but u aint offer shit.

??? Is she saying that people with children don't want to engage in anal sex with black people if they happen to be constipated regardless of how much money they are offered?


Broke hoes better become a get another job ass hoe then instead of putting their hand out

Eh....two "hoes" getting jobs involving their asses, I have no clue what this means.

Financial stability is something I look for in a relationship.