Sex is a right, just like healthcare and equal pay

51  2017-05-24 by [deleted]



But then they turn around and complain about how they deserve everything. How they deserve healthcare. How females "deserve" to abort their pregnancies. Women bitching about how they "deserve" to be paid the same despite doing a vastly inferior job. They keep talking about how many things they "deserve" but come here and tell us to stop whining about how we deserve sex.

because the situations are not similar. you cannot compare the two.

let's look at the proven concept of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Just google it if you dont know....

sex... is somewhere in the middle of the pyramid.. meaning that its less necessary than the bottom 2 layers.

healthcare is closer to the bottom two, without decent healthcare you can die.

abortions are a financial issue/ societal pressure issue... many issues... so I still argue is somewhere in the bottom two layers.

paid the same wage... again... that has to do with survival. there is a point when its about greed but realistically... you want enough to survive and be comfortable... more than comfortable if you can. so this is also part of the bottom two layers.

to compare something that is in the middle to things in the bottom is... kind of dumb. you cant compare the two fairly. sex is not a NEED. and doesnt relate to needs. sex is extra. you can live fine without it. not to mention about half of a normal lifespan is lived without the same desire for sex (really young and really old can have it obviously but typically are not as aggressive as young adults and middle-aged)

you cannot live as well with the things you are talking about.

I can't believe you would take the time actually arguining such asinine bullshit. Its just goinh to fall on deaf ears. Please userping next time.

I think it's important to educate the ignorant. Otherwise, there is no possible way they will change.

If nobody had sex, humanity would cease to exist.

If nobody had healthcare, humanity would still exist.

With todays technology that is a lie.

And sex for reproduction isn't what hes arguing... I'm sure of that. If thats the case we only need to have sex a few times in our lives...

And the maslow thing focuses more on psychology. Obviously we could live withoit healthcare.

But those that dont have it or more likely to constantly worry about it and focus more energy towards getting it rather than living and enjoying life and being productive.

As we go up each level the psychological effects are not as strong. Lack of sex definitely has an impact, but not as much as a person worrying about healthcare... And all the other things mentioned.

The point being there are lots of caveats to your argument. For instance, education is free or near free in a lot of Western countries, especially primary and secondary education. Yet it is above sex in the pyramid, all the way at the top in self-actualization.

...what? I don't get your point. The pyramid is not about money. Its about mental state.

Wait, are you trying to argue that education is less of a need but its funded so sex should be because its lower?... Or it would be seen as a right?!

Lol econ major here!!! Basically education can be seen as a spectrum (those who care and those who don't). But education typically leads to higher money. And money is linked to survival. So I would argue that education ... Is actually in the bottom but how well you do in school is the top.

An example... A starving person probably won't do well in school. They are too worried about eating... Same with a sick person. So because they don't have the bottom covered, the cannot achieve the top. They are in school, but arent recieving the benefits.

A person with that pyramid taken care of is more likely to excel in school because they have no major worries compared to the starving or sick person.

Going back to money which equates to survivability (the bottom level).. The government sees its citizens as investments. They spend x amount,on you now... They can get 2x or more back in taxes.. Obviously sometimes more sometimes less. But they basically expect a profit from you.

Did that answer your question?

Your original argument was that sex does not need to be socialized because it is in the middle of the pyramid of Maslow. But that argument is faulty, because things all the way on the top of the pyramid are socialized.

Things at the top being socialized have to do with the bottom.

As I said, sex is not necessary and lack of sex doesn't have any actual negative consequences on society or individuals... Well not at a statistically significant level.

Plus, humans don't really need help having sex. Since when in history has there every been massive amounts of people unable to have sex which led to some kind of natural decline in population? Never.

But, if education were not public. Many people would not go. Some people wouldn't care, some are too poor... And unless you are willing to work harder or you are lucky... You would be at a disadvantage for resources (bottom tiers).

The pyramid describes the psychological level of each. Meaning that if lower levels are not appropriately taken care of, its harder to achieve higher levels. Doesn't mean its impossible. But like my example, a starving or sick kid with have a harder time doing well in school than a kid with all of his needs taken care of.

I will also add that every example is unique. Going back to economics again... Who the he'll is going to pay for sex for a small percentage that cannot afford it? Rich people get sex. Do you think they want there income going to that budget? Do you think middle class... Or even poor people are willing to pay for that? A majority of the population jas no problem getting laid. There's no major benefit to that.. In fact it might even have negative consequences such as more unwanted babies... Diseases... Murders... Etc.

If you are going to bring up examples look at all the consequences. School isnt just "school". Succeeding in school can help a person survive.

Succeeding in sex well... I guess the species survives but again, we aren't really in any human extinction crisis at the moment.

Maybe you should take some econ courses to understand. Idk how to explain it better but we can't just make everything socialized. Economists have to look at cost, need, social consequences, long/short affects, etc.

As I said, sex is not necessary and lack of sex doesn't have any actual negative consequences on society or individuals... Well not at a statistically significant level.

I think Japan would disagree with that. It is true that humans did not help having sex, but sex was traditionally distributed with great inequality.

.... So are u suggesting communism? im Not going to argue communism with you. Because I'm sure you wouldn't want your food water shelter belongings and money to be evenly distributed.

And Japan seems to be doing quite fine.

And as I keep saying. Sex is not a need! It is fulfilling and has benefits but you can lead a life without it.

I'm not going to discuss fairness with you because life will always be unfair.

No, I am not arguing communism. But even America is in part a welfare state :)

Japan surely does have some problems. It's economy is suffering from the population drop

I'd downvote you but you have lolcow potential.

Respect is on the top, but somehow lefties manage to demand that fro trannies and other very nice people i love and respect.

i dont understand this? are you saying we shouldn't respect trans people? and respect can be seen as a top or a bottom.

if you simply don't accept trans people then its a top.

but if you are hating them or endangering to the point where their mental of physical being is at stake... its a bottom.

There was a drama not long ago about trans people in Australia that were outraged because of a diversity program had a goal of "reaching tolerance to lgbtq", they said that they don't want tolerance, but acceptance, thus this program was harming them and eventually was closed.

You can demand everything you like these days, not just stupid masolow bottom.

ok. the pyramid is about PSYCHOLOGY! I never said that countries ran their government based off of it.

I never said people don't have demands at each level. but how the demands are met will be different.

The fact that these people had demands at the tops means that all levels below are relatively taken care of. I mean I do not know specifics of this... plus this was a drama? a tv show? Im not going to argue entertainment with you. that doesn't even make sense. The director/writer/producer of this drama can do what they want.

But If society demands water and food, the government will usually respond well to that. (bottom)

If society demands something in the middle, the government will probably try to compromise but aren't too interested.

If society demands something at the top... good luck with that.

Its ok to demand something. I am only trying to say that the significance of the demands are not the same. demanding water is not the same as demanding sex.

plus this was a drama? a tv show?

That was IRL. I found no source atm, but here is very close event that happened:

The director of GetUp’s campaign for marriage equality, Sally Rugg, said of the petition: “This 1950s tolerance bullshit is offensive, completely tone-deaf and detrimental to the campaign. “Privileged, cisgender celebrities have no right to speak for the LGBTI community on what students need.”

I dont get the point... People can fight for whatever cause they want. You are actually getting way off topic here so I'm going to end the convo. Take care.

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post -,*,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

pretty much ended the whole issue right there. well done, bot

Why don't they just screw each other? Did I just solve the incel problem

So you're saying being gay is a choice?

Hey they are like prisoners so it's the only way

I mean so is being an incel sociapath and blaming the world for it.

no, but sex is a choice. Holes are holes. I mean if you are so desperate for sex you want to kill yourself... why not have sex with each other?

Being fabulous certainly is.

Seriously, the furries solved this a while ago, incels need to give up on that last bit of hope and go "jailhouse gay". Or kill themselves. Either way, the genepool improves.

They're basically an oglaf comic. (extremely nsfw link)

YES!!!!!!!! hahahaha

The Affordable Sex Act would be legislation I could get behind

In all seriousness, just legalize prostitution and be done with it.

And put us unpaid whores out of work?! HOW DARE YOU SIR.

you could finally get a raise!

"Undocumented" whores are akin to first world slavery.


i see nothing

I demand the 5 seconds I spent on that shithole back OP

this sub XD


I'm a libertarian, I think you deserve nothing, NOTHING at all.

Also my wife set me up with a friend of hers for sex this weekend. Yes my wife set me up with a side chick. I didn't deserve it but eh, sounds good.


I always do, I wrap up.

Agreed! Keep Yourself Safe and wear a condom.

Noodles Delenda Est.

God, can Redditors stop appropriating the word normie.

Its like, so offensive

You look better when offended.


So you are a 20 year old 'suicidal' virgin. Have you tried a few techniques that work wonders on women?

Some of these include:

Developing a personality

Stop whining about everything and suck it up

be talented at something other than making crusty socks

try showering and actually grooming yourself, no one fancies a fat fucker with bad breath; wonky teeth; a bad smell & a shit hair cut.

Lol stupid normie platitudes.

How do people like you come into existance? Why are you so utterly fixated on woman? When are the people on that subreddit going to realise that their fixation on attention of the opposite gender is exactly what makes them stand out so much?

Sadly I already know.. Never.

Shut up cuck, you will *NEVER * be anything else but a beta bux. Your wife is prolly out right now sucking Chad's cock.

That's a very very poor attempt to rustle my jimmies. How do you know I have a wife though? And do you have anything else for me in store? I'm rather curious to be honest.

I know you're have a cuck fetish and a tiny penus. I know you were lied to a lot as a child and made to believe that you actually matter even though you don't. I know that your crush who friendzoned you always tells you about all the Chads who fuck her and then dumps her. This eats you up inside but also makes you horny because you are a worthless cuck

Okay so for the sake of being extremely bored at the moment i'll respond to this as if I am having a regular conversation with someone.

I know you're have a cuck fetish.

No idea what this even is.

and a tiny penus.

Sadly I also have no idea what a penus is.

I know you were lied to a lot as a child and made to believe that you actually matter even though you don't.

Actually is not true, I was straight up told I didn't matter and was stupid and I was the one lying to make sure I didn't get punished. So.. quite the opposite really haha. I USED to think I didn't matter but I went ahead and got myself fixed by seeing a psy and am actually quite happy. (:

I know that your crush who friendzoned you always tells you about all the Chads who fuck her and then dumps her.

We just established that I have a wife so I am very confused about what you're trying to say.

Hmm, so we got some contradicting stuff and now we are both here with too much time on our hands being bored. Anything else? (:

you're getting strung along here have a semblance of awareness

No no I am very aware, I mean it's a 8 day old account i'm responding to. I was just wasting time since I was bored and was curious what other things he would write. It's a form of entertainment I guess.

Thank you regardless haha.


An advanced peanut. You should be happy and proud to own one.

Hah! That made me laugh more than anticipated.

This is a good parody account. Even the name is perfect.

Your post has been removed by the reddit spam filter. Because QuickMeme is banned from reddit due to vote manipulation, please find reupload the image to imgur (or use a different image host in the future. Thank you.

No m8, no


K m8, k

So you'd rather be an incel than a beta bux cuck?

Shut up cuck, you will NEVER be anything else but a beta bux. Your wife is prolly out right now sucking Chad's cock.

I have a wife?

or like, just not caring that much about sex. these people are so miserable because they just fixate on sex and they have literally nothing else in their lives.

if they just picked up a normal hobby they would probably be happier and less annoying

I love how you can tell exactly what their issues are without even knowing them!

Jesus Christ u are completely on point with your description. I just learned what this sub meant & checked it out - my fuckin God! Serious anger issues. They are blaming others for their lives - even a few suicides of their own. I hate to be coldhearted but they need to take your advice - women respond better to things that are not repulsive.

reminder that not fucking autistic white men is literally genocide

Eugenics not Genocide.

Eugenocide! It's the good kind!

Lemme guess incels

Yup I was right

Yeah. Incels are fun to poke at. What are they gonna do?

autistic screeching

MFW /r/drama is the normies in this particular shit show.

that's like 55% of the time

When will I be receiving my state issued waifu from the Trump Administration? I thought he was going to shake things up!

Reddit admins really need to clean this up - that subreddit is going to cause an incident in real life connected to Reddit.

I think it already has. Remember u/camibb, the almost daughter rapist?

Context pls?

After asking his mother for sex and promptly getting rejected, he assaulted her and went on a quest to find a girl with "the lowest self esteem possible" to impregnate, and somehow he succeeded.

His plan was to impregnate her, leave her alone with the child for years, and finally when the girl turned 12 he'd come back and rape her.

The last we've heard of him he was being investigated by his country's investigation bureau for rape and child porn.

How recent was that? His most recent blogpost was February of this year.

Before he got 100% beleted off the site, he had a large array of comments detailing his plan.

I think it was caamib, actually.

Yeah, it was. It's been a while

Reported for "trying to prevent drama"

/u/gufestus1 if you weren't such a worthless little shithead you would be able to get yourself laid. Don't you nerds love science? Read up on survival of the fittest. Some pimply little nerd never leaving his home nor getting a job is not the definition of fit in human society. So kindly take your genes and exit stage left, you're polluting the gene pool with your existence

But they are right. Everybody should have the right to reproduction or you just support eugenics. And its unfair that some men get to have 20 women/week and some men get none. "Poor" people bitch about how the le rich have so much more money than everyone else while living a comfy first world lifestyle, these guys are being denied a basic human pleasure. They should receive prostitute coupons.

I hope this is irony

No one is supporting eugenics by not wanting to be raped; it's not like if they found a girl willing to reproduce with them the government would step in and stop it. The only people stopping them from reproducing are the other half of the equation themselves. Are you saying random woman should be raped and spend 9 months pregnant with their rapists child just to prevent ""eugenics""?

But they are right. Everybody should have the right to reproduction or you just support eugenics.

Everyone does have the right to reproduction, at least in civilized countries. If you're able to find a biologically compatible partner who is willing to have sex with you, you're allowed to have sex and reproduce with them. However, that does not mean you are allowed to impose on others by demanding they have sex with you, if you do happen to be so unattractive that no one is willing to fuck you. Because that would be taking away their right to not have sex with you. It's like the Second Amendment - you have a right to bear arms, but that doesn't mean someone is violating your Constitutional rights by refusing to give or sell you a gun. All that the right means is that if you find someone willing to consent to a transaction (whether it is sexual reproduction or transfer of ownership of a firearm), then there shouldn't be any legal barriers to it. It does not mean anyone is required to consent to such a transaction - because if law forces someone to consent, it's not really consent in the first place - any more than someone handing over money at gunpoint is participating in a "consensual transaction".

So "equal sex for everyone" is not plausible or defensible, since it would require infringing on the rights of others. That's why our system of rights exist - the idea that you're allowed to do anything, except force others to do something - it's the closest we can come up with to a system that will satisfy everyone without making them feel like they've been wronged.

these guys are being denied a basic human pleasure.

The pleasure is primarily biological, and may be attained without placing demands on other people. Not to mention that having sex with people you're not attracted to tends to be quite displeasurable, so making it so everyone gets an equal amount of sex would lead to a net decrease in pleasure.

They should receive prostitute coupons.

Earlier you mentioned reproduction though. AFAIK prostitutes normally don't allow you to "reproduce" with them.

The government can't take away your right to reproduce, but that doesn't mean anyone has to reproduce with you.

user reports:
1: its fucking incels- op didnt even warn us

Really? You read that title and couldn't tell it was from /r/incels?

Out yourself so we can shame you.

You do deserve sex. It's a basic human need, along with food, water, and safety.


It's funny how you can predict the subreddit a post is from just from reading the title.

Just have sex who really gives a fuck

They can't that's why they whine

You do deserve sex. It's a basic human need, along with food, water, and safety.

I think this is the part where this person should fuck himself.

I don't think that it should be provided. I just think it's a basic need. The version of Maslow's Hierarchy that I learned placed it close to the base. If it wasn't a basic need, people wouldn't masturbate and watch porn so damn much. But that's pretty much where I draw the line, at the concept of it being a need. I'll never advocate for anything more than, say legalized and safe prostitution. (Even then, I'm unlikely to partake, because I'm happy with my sex life.)

None of them is right in US of A tho

Holy shit, I think I'm about to defend an /r/incel post.

Please downvote me into oblivion.

No one "deserves sex" in the sense that someone else is obligated to have sex with you if they don't want. is a huge deal and part of a fulfilled life for the vast majority of people. The same logic used for healthcare, education, etc seems to apply to sex. I'm not saying I agree, but this isn't a totally insane argument in my opinion.

"Lack of sex won't kill anyone", neither will lack of education.

Plus I think ISIS was created by the Islamic equivalent of /r/incels.