In a thread about everyone needing to calm the fuck down about politics, /u/Alpha__Rogue takes the opportunity to remind everyone that all Republicans are literally Hitler

26  2017-05-24 by RoboHooker




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/u/alpha__rogue I voted for trump. Come tell me how bad of a boy I am

You are not bad. Just retarded. You would probably let Trump fill your wife.

It would be an honor



Wanna know how I know you're under 18 years old?

Wanna know how I know you are wrong?

My date of birth.

oh shit gottem

One day, I am going to become president. And on that day, my first and only executive order will be that anyone who ever claimed that any president was literally hitler or the end of all things good shall be executed on the street via a single bullet to the brain stem. After that I'll launch myself into the sun.

Get ready for a spectacular one-day presidency, coming 2044.

I'd vote for you.

We don't negotiate with terrorists and the GoP are the equivalent of the American Taliban. Well, at least the Taliban had morals.

wew lad.


These disgusting liberal bastards are RUINING America! Why do Democrats hate America so much? Is it because Sharia law hasn't been implemented? Their EVIL ways will never win!

In this thread /r/drama pings a 1 day shill account.

Lets see how this works out!

Who used the words literally Hitler?

Who used the words literally Hitler?

literally Hitler?

You did.

Actually, you did. Quoting me quoting them.