Is Jordan Peterson an attention whore? /r/Canada victim-blames, I mean, lays it out straight.

29  2017-05-24 by zahlman


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Dude is awesome, listen to his episodes with Joe rogan, really eye opening on whats going on in colleges particularly within the social sciences

If school shooters only targeted the humanities would anyone really care?

They'd be heroes, doing the world a favor

oh please just convince them that doing something or other that will kill them is something the nazis want to stop its bound to kill the worst ones aka the ones that need to die.

Joe Rogan has to be one of the most spineless fucks ever

"one guy on r/canada who got downvoted to hell says Jordan Peterson lied, I better tell r/drama how oppressed Peterson is!"

"yeah, weird pronouns are how we got Gulags and Holodomor. What do you mean Peterson is talking out of his ass?"

You seem mad.

Be nice to him. Its rare they come to us willingly without being summoned.

Should we ask him about his favorite pronoun?

You seem brain damaged tbh


Haha! You got em good!

Fair enough, I mean the metaphors he is using were originally intended for uneducated illiterate medieval peasants so I can see why you're struggling with them.

I prefer the nominative pronoun 'that fucking autist,' the genitive pronoun 'that fucking autist's,' and the objective pronoun 'the fucking autist.' I never hesitate to whine to the canadian government about people being mean to me, so behave now. And if you say that a phrase can't be a pronoun then I will shitpost on SRS.

I remember when Anita Sarkessian

Of fucking course.