Satirical post about The_Donald goes just as you'd expect

32  2017-05-24 by betazoom78


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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The blatant lack of historical knowledge being spouted in that thread gave me cancer.

"I'm sure the same democrats that founded the KKK have the same ideals as the modern day democrat." said no one, ever.

Not to surprising they don't know anything about what happened during "the southern strategy" with the cuts to education a lot of red states do, even with good funding it's hard to cram 200+ years into 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week, and in less than 10 months when you include holiday weeks. Some people are willfully ignorant or in denial about it though to, quickest way to get banned from /r/conservative is to point out the southern strategy did indeed happen.

Lee Atwater don't real

They know, they're passive-aggressively feigning ignorance.

"I'm sure the redditors who founded the_donald have the same ideals as old timey Klansmen" is perfectly rational though.

It's a sub called /r/fakehistoryporn. Why are you arguing over what's real there?

You gotta understand these people have no understanding of the fact political parties can shift over the years.

People in the KKK literally keep this myth alive as well. You can find KKK dumb asses claiming to have donated to Hillary Clinton and stuff.

You're getting the two KKK guys confused I think, David Duke is the modern guy who the Donald tries to ignore, whilst Robert Byrd is the one they loved spamming

No, they spammed about both.

They spammed about a guy that claimed to have donated to Clinton, and also spammed a photo shopped picture of byrd.

Solid brigade good for them.

/u/LuniWin That doesn't make any sense, especially after Trump's visit to Israel. OP could you please clarify.

What exactly are you getting at? It was a joke about trump supporters and spefically the_donalds mods?

Yeah it's called satire. They don't understand they think every joke has to be truthful.

They don't understand they think every joke has to be truthful.

Idk about that, any joke about them? Sure, they get upset when it portrays anyone but they're most trumps most inclusive supporter. When they joke about people? Nah.


God damn Reddit is cancer

Tightest unironic post in that thread.

/u/butthead why are you such a flaming faggot?

/u/sickonsarz what's wrong with calling a racist a racist? Because it hurts his feelings? Factual observations aren't politically correct outside of your safe space.

Says the guy getting mad over being called out for his hypocrisy.

Says the guy who's nan sucks off people behind the 7-11 for your Tendie money.

If you call a racist a racist you're actually the racist. Duh

That imgur album of women and minorities is some high quality bait. I'm totally using this in my alts haha.

And yet 90% of those people are clearly too young to actually vote.

Body shaming huh. That’s naughty naughty.

High school progressives attempt humor. High school conservatives respond like high schoolers. High school progressives respond to the response like high schoolers.


I can't understand you go back to your country

LOL goddamnnnnnnn people get SO SALTY