Buzzfeed goes after mayo femoids

71  2017-05-25 by I_need_to_be_killed


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Welcome to the club, white ladies!

Please see Susanne in HR for your privilege knapsacks. Remember that they must be checked any time you want to do, say, or think anything.

> Brooklyn yoga studio

> dancing very discreetly to Moby

> Burberry perfume

Is this author sure she's not a closeted mayoskin herself? She's showing all the symptoms.

She has the skull structure of a Mario Thwomp Block, i think she's a new race altogether.

Her name seems Arab and she's definitely white passing, so yes.

Mirza is a word in in most central asian and mid eastern languages, it means something like royal

And aisha is an Arabic rooted word derived from life

Yes true but it's common for ajam to carry it and she doesn't look arab

I could see her being Iraqi

Exactly :^)

Her name seems Arab

No you idiot.

Her first name is literally Aisha, you know the name of one of the prophets wives

Do you think your Mexican gardener Jesus and your neighbor Mary are Israelis, you know the Messiah and his Mother?

What about her last name of Persian origin? Or the fact that not all Muslims are Arabs? If you're American there is no point in even trying. Some of you will get it wrong not matter what.

أتكلم العربية

ya asshole. I've seen that name in the Arab world as well and just guessed, she's apparently Urdu but she could pass as Iraqi which is why I assumed Arab

Urdu is a language, not a nationality or ethnicity. You could pass for a retard which is why I assume you're full of shit.

I know that asshole, I used shorthand

Do you call your gardener Jesus Spanish when using shorthand?

I might say he's Spanish (short for Spanish speaking) instead of Hispanic yes.

Wow, that's stupid. And you'd call your neighbor Mary English?

No, I wouldn't call her, if somebody asked I would say she's Anglo

Cool, it sounds really natural :)

I think that's part of her point actually.

From London

Lives in NYC

I mean, from a socioeconomic point of view, this is the epitome of privilege. But she didn’t feel comfortable being in the same level as the evil white woman. The oppression Olympics must be won! Good thing she isn’t white. Otherwise what would she use to feel like a victim?

At some point in the near future, New Yorkers outside of the Upper West Side and Downtown will demand they be treated as minorities.

Black and brown men experience as much gender discrimination as white women.

[[white feminists exploding in the distance]]

Bring back public executions

and trail by combat

I bite my thumb at you sir.

is that meant to be insulting? (actually asking, never heard that expresion)

Back in medieval times bitting your thumb at someone was the equivalent of flipping someone off.

oh wow, well thanks xD

Back in medieval times bitting your thumb at someone was the equivalent of flipping someone off.

I've tried to find the origin of this, but while it being an insult is known, its actual origin is not. I'm just trying to figure out how it could have started as its a very odd gesture.

Seems like it could be a blowjob joke, like a Shakespearen way of saying smd

My only thought too but biting?

Maybe instead of bite me it's like bite you

You know thats a good point, I wonder if thats the origin of "bite me".

The expression is used in the lead up to a duel in the first scene of Romeo and Juliet, you should have encountered it in high school.

smdh at the uncultured swine in this subreddit.

I read this as "trial by Comcast" and I think that's a better idea.

Fuck not a diamond trail. My calves will hate me in the morning.

We are taught to walk home with our keys between our fingers for protection from men in the night, but no one tells us how to defend ourselves from the white women who will try to ravage us from the inside out

That would make a great /r/WritingPrompts post. Apparently white women are trying to go "alien" on her chest cavity.

It's funny because I like ravaging women from the inside out too...

I like to start by eating the spleen, maybe munch on the liver, and then bursting out of her chest cavity.

With some fava beans?

And a nice Amarone.

I thought it was a nice chiante?

In the book it was amarone.

Well there you go, I didn't read the book.

That picture along with that story made me sick.

So not your kink.

Nope, my tastes aren't that refined.

I guess it's an acquired taste. I can't even find good vaginal insertion of toddler videos on the darknet.

Vaginal unbirthing is one of those fetishes that's good in fantasy, not so good in real life.

To me it's bad in both instances.

Is kinkshaming your fetish you vanilla fuck?

It's more about that fetish being very unpractical. In the example I posted, you have the hugest hambeast trying with a tiny toddler and it didn't even work (couldn't fit in), and ended up in the hospital.

I don't see what practicality and fetishes have to do with each other.

In this day and age, you'll always find 2 or 3 people sharing even your craziest fetish (thank Craiglist for that). So "impractical" is one thing, but "every participant ends in the hospital every time we try" could be an issue.

I never want to meet someone who matches my fetishes in real life. ERP is enough for me, thanks.

Stay frosty.

Envy is a powerful self-hating trigger.

Why does the cartoon illustration show a black woman when the writers not black?

If anything I think she's Arab and definitely she looks "white passing"

~~I'm not ugly I'm oppressed

Every vaguely ethnic looking mystery meat kid I grew up around got into some kind of social justice movement. I think it's because they subconsciously know they're literally the only people on Earth with less of a culture than mayos.

It's always "black AND brown bodies" with them because it allows them to piggyback off of a more logically coherent narrative of racial discrimination.

She suggested this with the kind of half-arsed, sad-eyed, apologetic shrug that white women perform when it is less of a scene to administer psychological warfare against a brown child than it is to challenge your fellow white woman.

holy shit this cunt thinks everyone is out to get her

I don’t know if I liked sleeping with white women because I’m queer or because they all smell so good. Like if I pressed my body against theirs and breathed deeply enough, some of their clean might rub off on me. I just wanted to feel clean. I wanted to smell good.

I mean it seems kinda obvious that the issue is the author hates herself, not that white wimminz are the worst (but they are tho)

Aisha Mirza

In my experience Persian women are borderline obsessed with femininity and beauty. I don't want to be mean about looks, but this gal don't seem to fit the Persian beauty ideal. She's probably projecting that rejection from her own in-group on white women.

The Persian women I've met would be pretty pissed if they were referred to as non-white, I mean they are fucking white. They also hate being lumped together with all the other muzzies, especially Arabs.

Bonus fun from her website that seems to confirm my bullshit postcolonial psycho-analysis;

i am interested in body hair, madness and race. i study the impact of microaggressions (including forced hair removal) on the psyche of queer black and brown people

I think you're really cute though Aisha, I'd cuddle up to them nice legs. You're beautiful just the way you are :)

She claims "egyptian heritage", so I don't know what's her actual ethnic makeup.

Also lol@the hairy part. I live next to Spain and Portugal, that's where you'll find hairy as fuck white women.

Yeah, but the "Mirza" is definitely Persian/Dari/Urdu. Found an article where she confirms she's a Paki. Doesn't seem to matter to her anyway since she's subscribed to the neo-postcol/sjw idea of "brown" as a race culture and identity. Wew lad.

It requires a different kind of strength and sacrifice to challenge body hair norms as a Pakistani woman than it does for a white one, for example,” Mirza said.

I was completely right! So predictable it's not even funny.

Yes she mentionned speaking Urdu in the article.

Now whenever someone mentions their egyptian roots my mind jumps to "kangz" ideology.

Saw that now, I couldn't get through the whole piece in one sitting.

Some Pakis have their own version. "We wuz Alexander the Great".

You'd think people who are massively addicted to heroin would be more chill.

Girl, you should go and watch some of the antics these folks get up to on the Pakistani/India border. Chill it is not.

Now that I think about it, Afghanistan is poor in everything but heroin, and it's always been quite hectic over there.

She's on the lighter end of Pakistani though that can still pass for white

Spain and Portugal, that's where you'll find hairy as fuck white women.

implying paellaniggers are white

If they shave, they can look it. It's always surprising how many women have super pale skin despite living in that climate. But the mustache always betrays them.

Aisha has a face like a shovel goddamn

forced hair removal

Is this a thing?

The Muslim "Sunan al-Fitrah" hygiene obligations require shaving your pussy and armpits if I'm not mistaken. I'm assuming this is what she is referring to.

Of course she doesn't bring up that Islam is the cause.

Muslim "Sunan al-Fitrah" hygiene obligations require shaving your pussy and armpits

WTF I love Islam now

If the right-wing manosphere could get over their xenophobia, they'd find a lot love about Islam.

For example, the only people who hate Jews more than voat and /pol/ are Muslims.

It is also forbidden to shave your legs.

Love is gone :(

Yeah she has serious issues, it's just a shame she'll probably spend too much pushing the "blame" for how she's feeling elsewhere on other people, then trying to think about why these white women make her feel that way.

There's a lot of crying drunk in the shower in her past.

I sleep with white women for the exact opposite reason

You only sleep with white women that smell horrible?

homeboi want dat pussy rank

They all smell like kraft singles and white guilt to me

Maybe she should try Burberry perfume. I hear it's lovely.

That WOC fragility, my dude.

I mean black dudes aren't dating white women for their cooking

holy shit this cunt thinks everyone is out to get her

Her article legit sounds like the rantings of a schizo.

“In 2017, can white women relax?”

Said the woman who has a panic attack every time she perceives a microaggression.

Are you implying women are more anxious than men? that's sexist

“Listen, it was an innocent mistake,” I shouted

Sums it up nicely

Yesterday I stepped on a white woman’s yoga mat by accident and she looked at me like she had woken up to me standing at the foot of her bed, like I had just suggested we murder her husband and run away together. She looked at me like I had escaped from a zoo, like a hippo had found its way into this Brooklyn yoga studio and was casually waiting for the 8 a.m. class to begin. She looked scared, like she had just found out that the world really did end in 2012, and she had been going to yoga three times a week since then for no reason, because she is actually a ghost.

She looked at me like I did not exist in her world; but here I was, and she did not know what to do with me.

Women get bitchy for literally no reason, shocking. Another amazing fact is that fire is hot.

The rest of the article is just get bitching about being ugly and the effects of being ugly. Whatever buzzfeed paid her they paid too much.

She definitely got less than Becky.

Wow, fuck Becky's mom

implying absolutely anything in this article is real and not the fevered fantasies of extreme mental illness

I'm ready to believe in lies if I can justify my hatred towards white womyn that way.

Wow, fuck Becky's mom

when they find out we have heritage from Egypt or other suitably palatable brown countries their ancestors have stolen from)


What if she finds out the white woman is jewish? They have an entire holiday dedicated to talking about how the egyptians enslaved the jews 3000 years ago. They literally read the same story every single year around the dinner table.


Well she's Muslim so fuck da jooz, I mean the evil zionists

Of course they disabled the comments for this.

WTF I hate white woman now


completely worthless no bussy

Lesbians were a mistake.

I feel like black women hate me so im always nervous around them which probably makes it worse.

Turns out your nervousness is the reason they hate you so much! It's a viscous, self strengthening cycle that can only end in race war! Knowledge is power!

Its really awful, my friend group is so white. But to be fair i only have a few friends.

Is that counting your Everquest guild, or nah?

dude i wish, i'm not really into games. not really complaining about my number of friends, i don't like many people.

Holy crap. This really sets a new standard for "taking the retard cake". It's like a look into the future, like they just skipped about ten years of the outrage machine becoming more and more facepalmy and then actively tried to take it to its peak. If there ever was a reason for the mayocide, it's that we're guilty of putting a thought that could result in an abomination like this into the world.


So this is where that meme comes from.

People with social anxiety used to be laughed at and shamed until they got the therapy they desperately needed. Nowadays instead of encouraging them to control their emotions, we call it a "microaggression" every time their disorder gets triggered, and instead of mocking them we try to structure society around their disorder.

I hate to sound like the stereotypical "cranky old man" here, but I really pity all of you young people. Back in my day, you could wander around on your own at age 10, get into fights with people without a 3-stage mediation process, and you didn't have a permanent Wall of Shame in the form of social media. Sometimes a kid would get killed in traffic or from eating bleach, but for the most part they learned valuable survival skills and learned not to be so fragile.

I feel like a lot of r/drama posters would have done really well in that world, and it's just a shame that you kids were born after your time. Hopefully we as a society can really turn back the clock a bit over the next few years.

On the other hand, if you were anxious during that time you mostly just got the shit kicked out of you which, despite what some people think, isn't always corrective. Some good some bad.

True, but back then, it was acknowledged that it was not society's role to accommodate the delusions of the mentally ill, but rather than the mentally ill had to adapt and manage their own disorder to accommodate society. And when they learned to do so, they stopped getting bullied.

Nowadays, we still have just as much bullying, it's just that the roles of been reversed - instead of normal people bullying the mentally ill, it's the mentally ill bullying everybody else through their political correctness. And whereas well adjusted people will generally ease up on the bullying when their target learns to fit in, the bullies now have no such restraint, because they're mentally ill. You think the bitch who wrote this article is ever going to overcome her persecution complex? She'll be seeing "microaggressions" and lashing out at people until the day she dies. The only real solution to her problem is institutionalization so that she can get the help she needs.

I am not about to serious-post on /r/drama, both because of the community we're in and the fact that I'm between running a psychotherapy group and seeing my next client who should arrive any moment now. I will briefly say, though, that the actual definition of mental illness is glad not to have your personal politics inside of it, and my patients are no doubt glad not to have to submit to the dual treatment modalities of forced institutionalization and pimp-slapping that you seem to be advocating.

Long speech to establish completely unverified background in psychiatry

Oh yeah? Well, as long as we are comparing our professional credentials without any proof, let me just tell you how badly you're outclassed. You see, I'm a literal dog (a Belgian Malinois, for anybody who cares). I hop on the internet when my owner is at work, and have a very successful Instragram page. Obviously I clear out the browser history when she gets back, and on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. So before you start flashing around your own fake credentials, take a moment to consider my fake credentials, and how badly they outclass yours.

That's right, I bet you feel pretty stupid now, don't you? Or as we say in dawglish "Woof woof WOOF!"

In this case I fully accept your credentials.

In the most literal sense society is being run by the inmates at the asylum, not the other way around.

I mean kids can still do that but you're right. Same with the trans thing, it's a mental disorder and if having your dick cut off is the best way medical science and psychology know to treat the disorder then okay. However this whole bullshit you have to play along with their disorder is silly. You don't play along with a schizophrenics delusions. This whole accepting degeneracy in the name of equality is going to be the reason the empire falls.

a person dancing very discreetly to Moby at a bus stop. 

I think I found the reason for the strange looks, and it has nothing to do with gender or color.

Her twitter is full of sycophants.

Americacyde when tbh

Have you noticed how the women who seem to cry loudest in the first world are the ones going through the most trivial shit? Guess you have to be pretty far up your own ass to be a blogger

She looked at me like I did not exist in her world; but here I was, and she did not know what to do with me.

me IRL 24/7

This is what mental illness looks like.

I mean, i hate white women too but this bitch is next level crazy


Does anyone else think that all the REEEEing about "white feminism" on the left comes from: 1) black men's sexism and 2) black women's envy of white women? Lots of black guys are super sexist, but I think the main driver is #2. There's so much viciousness towards white women from proud WOC and I think it has to do with white women being seen as more beautiful. This theory makes so much sense but I've never seen it seriously talked about.

I have social anxiety too, but that's some next level shit

Sometimes white women look at the rest of us like they are hungry. These are the kinds of white women who might refer to us as chocolate, or coffee with or without milk

Goddamn whitebread mayo crackers always associating to poor POC with food.

Ethno-nations when? Its pretty clear brown and "golden people" cannot fucking be like normal people. Perhaps they'd be happier in their own communities away from the white devil.

talks about white privilege

illustration depicts her as black

she's not black