/r/Anarchism mod reports that all itsgoingdoen links are being auto removed. Presumably because they regularly post doxx and take credit for attacking people in alleys. Shitshow just starting, get in here!

41  2017-05-25 by lvl99SkrubRekker


u/shitty_cartoon yeah cos a bunch of low-t college students are really threatening.

KYS faggot

you first bb

When the revolution comes your ass is mine babe.

how will you find time when you're so busy masturbating

Fortunately I'm not a woman so multitasking comes easy to me.

so that's why they call them jackboots

I'm pretty turned on right now. If you ever feel like making the switch to fascism holla.

Hows the revolution roleplaying going?

i reached level 12 and got the ability to roll twice on propaganda saving rolls

Must be shitty to always be a low level bard pretending to be a rogue by using their equipment and failing.

don't worry, my party helps me out

...are you guys even insulting each other anymore?

I don't know what is happening but it is weird even for drama.

How is your sad grandstanding on Reddit going? Posting vacuous comments here, there and everywhere with no real value or purpose.



Nice new alt, and arm chair intellectualism u pleb. Lol

reddit's profits


Whoa, that's pretty fucked up.

Reddit is kind of losing their minds with the increasing radicalization all over the spectrum going on in the world right now. It is like watching a cartoon pig in a sinking ship desperately trying to plug holes with their hooven appendages.

Self-awareness is a forgotten virtue

u/shitty_cartoon don't be mad at us for your shitty choice of college major, lack of career prospects, and poor hygiene.

fascism doesn't threaten reddit's profits, but anti-capitalism does

lol what fucking profits /u/shittly_cartoon

is there really anyone over 13 in that sub? I remember etching the anarchism A on my papers in 6th grade, and hanging out with my patch wearing skater buddies. Man we thought we were super rad

you've changed so much in the last six months since then

yea it probably doesn't take that much time to realize anarchism is a childish thing to be serious about

And now you're an apologist for Donald Trump, of all people. At least you are finally "super rad".









The Donald Trump flock have arrived. Run along, see what your shepherd wants you to bleat next.


chemtrails made you gay

I was gonna tell you that even though it is fun to throw around baseless accusations about people supporting Trump you shouldn't do it. Then I checked his post history and you were right! It is so absurd how /u/Juicy_Brucesky isn't an individual in his posts.

fascism doesn't threaten reddit's profits, but anti-capitalism does

I don't think reddit makes any profits, but hosting the world's biggest neo-Nazi and white supremacist forums definitely stops that from ever being the case in the future

You mean Pizza Hut doesn't want to see their ads pop up when people talk about how great the holocaust was? Crazy talk!

I also think its funny that they think anti capitalism is why igd is no longer linkable. It could possibly be the doxxing and direct calls for violence on said doxxed individuals. Lol Not to mention idg acts as a platform for antifa groups to take credit for attacks a la attempted murder with pool sticks just recently.

Yeah I'd be willing to bet it was the doxxing and recipes for molotovs and shit like that. I don't really like IGD that much though so I don't know the extent of what they hosted.

If it's about doxxing, why are 4chan and weshearchr still linkable?

Hey bitch, go back to your hole until I start pinging you.

The fuck?

Hey, people do say similar/worse shit on youtube comments all the time and avertisers could give less of a shit, so I'd say it's less about the nazis and more about not wanting to advertise to NEETs. You of all people should know that most corporations have no conscience lol.

What's anti capitalist about a bunch of kids living with their parents?

Confirmed that It's Going Down has been censored, possibly for its extreme views about all humans deserving life and respect.

I respect human life so much I'm going to beat the shit out of it with a bike lock.

When they attack, you've gotta grab whenever's nearby.

I just saw that! Hahhahaah

Well 4chan reguraly doxxes people so why isn't it banned?

If reddit staff did logic the site might have made a dollar by now

Wew you assholes are out in forcw today. Go buy a hammer and sickle flag and masturbate to femdom porn or whatever you do back in your sub. We will ping you when you aay something sufficiently stupid fam.

i thought this sub was meant to be funny

Go back to your hole until you gdt pinged pinko larper dip shit. Lol

Thanks for reminding these fucks that big brother is always watching them. I appreciate the effort.

We should high five more often.

I am enjoying the drama from the trashy hairy pussy girl at the moment. She never gives up.

Shes replying to me about how well her therapy is going and about how her marriage wont fail because they are obviously both well rounded individual in therapy. Lol

Oh her story to me is that her life is amazing and her dad loves the shit out of her.

TIL my shit converse/nike hybrids are a sign of facism

Just write "It's Going Down (Google it)"


It's time the rest of the internet blocked reddit for stuff like r/SlutJustice

Thanks for advertising an unknown subreddit /u/brocialistslaughter. That'll show 'em!