Alamo Drafthouse virtue signals hard and does women only Wonder Woman showing, commenters duke it out with each other in a fight probably more exciting than anything in the movie itself.

18  2017-05-25 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


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Nixe bait Alamo. For drama some dude needs to go to that screening and say that he's a chick, better yet - with legal documents.

Breaking news: woman gets raped by ftm transsexual in all-woman Wonder Woman showing at Alamo Drafthouse.

Or by a MtF, that should trigger gendercritical.

I'm sure they are triggered abyway

Trigger, how the shite do they stop i imagine if you punctured their skin it would shoot blood like a firehose they are so high strung.

Phew, smelling another Ghostbusters 2016 scenario. Good thing women make up the majority of all nerd shit, this should work out fine for Alamo.

52 % of gamers 'member, 'MEMBER???

Damn, you're right, and it's totally not just puzzle games and Sims and other casual shit.

BUT...BUT...Dragon age, horizon, life is strange......I had the distinct honor to be linked to r/girlgamers where supposed girls whine about: a) not enough naked dicks

b) playing as male character

c) dodohead called me a bitch on internetz

d) other girls make fun of us only because of da patriarchy and dicks.

True. I read that women purchase 99% of Paradox's DLC.

Some say women were 100% of gamers before ET the game and then the patriarchy won.

Some say women were 100% of gamers before ET the game and then the patriarchy won.

I wish I had that kind of money.

This will be more interesting than Ghostbusters 2016 drama.

Like Ghostbusters, Wonder Woman will get a really high RottenTomatoes score because women, and then it'l stick out as the only DC Comics movie above 30% in RT, and it'l be really obvious why.

Don't worry... Salon is on top of this.

Silly manbabies... and digital tears?

I'd love to collect Salon's digital tears when I debut my "no blacks" showing

At a Madea showing too

people anticipate drama way too much nowadays. I honestly kept scrolling for some hilarious drama and all it was was people posting popcorn and 'male tears' pictures in anticipation of drama. I'm beginning to think drama is just a phenomenon invented by /r/drama and doesn't actually exist in the real world anymore

Did anyone complain with they did an all male viewing of Captain America?