Guy that RKO'd that reporter is now governor of Montana

164  2017-05-26 by Zappert


Frankly I'm proud. These journalists have been going unbullied for too long. Fucking nerds

I'm just waiting on Trump to put Don Lemon in the Figure 4, tbh

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Don Lemon will suck Trump into a black hole at the last second.

I'm sure Alex Jones will come running out of the dressing room and do his signature "Gay Frog" move on Lemon to break Trump out of his mega-combo before anyone gets tossed off the steel cage.

trump is a softass. guy looks like boiled fat left out in the sun.

he's a guardian journalist so be probably wears glasses. fucking poindexter

The day a man literally twice your age bodyslams you is the day you learn you are too much of a pussy to be allowed to exist in Montana.

Welcome to the Wild West bitch.

Jesus Christ, I abhor violence but something about that guy makes me want to take his lunch money and shove his head in a toilet to do swirlies. It's no wonder the Montana representative beat his ass. Anyone with a functioning Y Chromosome wouldn't have been able to resist the urge to smack him around.

i'm sure women beat on him too. which he excuses because of past oppression

Just read your comment after posting mine and had the same visceral reaction, I never heard of the guy, I know nothing about this story beyond the headline but I have an urge to just beat the living shit out of him.

I'm one of those guys who like being weak and small and im pretty sure i could beat him up without trying.

He looks like Anthony Burch.

looks like a linux dev, a stock hew, and a canadian hipster had a child from a gay orgy

Jesus Cristos, I want to fucking body slam him just looking at this smug skinny fat face.

This is good /r/killthosewhodisagree material.

I'm just saying if there's one thing i've learned growing up in the Wild West besides straight shoot'en, horsewrangling and how to make coffee using a sock is that when you are built like my grandmother don't piss off the guy who donated $1.5 million to the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum because statistically he's going to kick your ass.

What a...wonderful comment

i've learned growing up

implying this happened

in the Wild West

/u/imgur_lurker seems like the kind of person who regenerates his own virginity

It's almost as if he isnt being entirely serious.

/r/drama is the most serious place you can be

Dude, your grandmother's built like a goldbrick shithouse.

BRB, going to crush the fuck outta some teenagers in Montana

Periscope that (or whatever the kids use now). I want to see you get destroyed by some teenagers.

"You should totally film yourself breaking several laws!"

No thanks I'm not republican

"Crush the fuck outta some teenagers" lol, who the fuck do you think you're kidding? Pls send photos when you become

Journalists two years ago: "Bring back bullying!"

Journalists now: [Gets Bullied]


I agree that we need to Bring Back Bullying™

Fuck, I'm an idiot. The dude became a Rep not the Gov. 0/10 I should post bussy.

It's Montana. No one gives a shit.

Seriously. Pretty sure in Montana, the only difference between the positions is the governor gets an extra sack of barley as tribute per harvest season.

One of the few states ass backwards retarded enough for this to happen.

Also it wasn't an RKO you fuckin nerd

We can submit quotes?


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This is the best timeline.

i never want to get off of this wild ride.

Don't work yourself into a shoot, brothers.

Much love -HH


I'm sorry dad

Man, called out by PK of all people. That's a huge blunder. KYS

I'll start a GoFundMe page to send enough mayo to op

At least it's not /u/riemann or /u/corgiwiggle.

two sides of the same coin

An alt of yours

i don't use alts


pls believe me this is v important


Some pedo it seems

oh my

I am a normal person who doesn't feel the need to hide his sexuality. I say what others are thinking

other people are not thinking about diddling children, you sick freak

Other people want partners that love and respect them

they're children

Age is irrelevant

report yourself to the local authorities and see if they agree

They are aware of my beliefs

a depraved dogfucker. nowhere near as bad as rie

Could've been worse, could've been me

On election night I suddenly realized that I was wrong about America and I really had been living in a bubble. It just keeps getting confirmed and it's so heartbreaking. I'm a dual citizen who moved here after university and I really thought I would end up living here for the rest of my life until November but now I'm making plans to get out as soon as I can.

> Being this upset Montana voted Republican

On one hand, I think that a politician assaulting a journalist should be a career-ender. On the other hand, I found it difficult to elicit sympathy after hearing that pussy whining in the audio recording. Why couldn't he have handled that with some more dignity?

He went to the hospital afterwards and got X-Rays done.

The X-rays showed he was born without a spine

The GOP dude?

No, the reporter

But you said he didn't have a spine

That was a reference to him being a whiny cunt on audio

The GOP dude?

I see what you're doing here...

Yeah, they were talking about that in /r/science. Apparently those X-Rays have led to a huge debate among biologists and medical professionals. They didn't believe it was possible for a human being to live without a spine.

LOL btfo cuck! SAD!

On the one hand I think he's a British faggot, but on the other hand I think he's a British faggot.

The dichotomy is killing me.

How was he whining? It was a completely reasonable response

During the battle of Waterloo the young Lord Raglan, an aide of the allied commander-in-chief The Duke of Wellington, was shot in the fore-arm by a French musketball, shatteringvthe bones in his,arm. He handed his duties over to another officer before calmly walking across the battlefield to the medical tent. When there, the surgeon gravely informed Raglan that the arm was too badly injured to be saved and an amutation must take place immediately. Without another word Raglan lay down upon the bloodied bench and bit through a leather strap while the surgeon removed his arm at the elbow without any anesthetic (even whiskey was in short supply) using a hacksaw and a scalpel. Afterwards, Raglan asked that his wedding ring be removed from the hand of his severed arm and placed in his pocket.

Witnesses testified that throughout this ordeal, Raglan never once cried out in pain.

tl;dr: MANLET!!!


I really thought I would end up living here for the rest of my life until November but now I'm making plans to get out as soon as I can.

Bye. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

So much salt

If attacking reporters is OK now,is it also ok to start attacking alt rightists on the streets?

Keyboard revolutionary, reporting in

I like the implication that "Alt Reichists" weren't being attacked before this.

Also forgetting a reporter literally false flagged being attacked by Donald Trump

I also remember some Nazi faggot get sucker punched mid interview as well. The guy who coined the phrase "alt right". Alex Jones I think?

Richard Spencer actually.

He got banned from that gym for causing a ruckus lol

Which is a real shame cuz he's getting awfully tubby.

Isn't he pretty rich? Can he just buy an home gym and learn how to lift from wikis like any antisocial miscers? Machines are for cucks,no?

Haha I don't know why they would be? But sure, why not.

And iirc it's his parents who have the money, he's basically a NEET that has a twitter and occasionally gets on tv

Not knowing machines are shit tier and only for softies who are afraid of actual useful lifting.

Ultra newfag not even knowing /fit/ culture. I bet you don't even masturbate to Zyzz, you homo.

I'm such an enormous fag I don't even know what that is...

He didn't coin the phrase alt-right. Thats one of those myths out there trying to make the alt-right all nazi's.

But the alt right are self admittedly nazis

implying they hadnt been trying to do that the whole time

antifa get arrested, this dude gets elected lol

To be fair, this happened the day before so bunch of people either didn't know when they voted or had already voted.

Probably this. It was actually too eleventh hour to impact the election.

Either way the guy is a bit of a shitbird, apparently donated money to some really far right organizations

How does that hurt considering where he lives? He ain't from Portland.

Probably gained him voted TBH. I'd have voted for him twice.

I love drama as much as the next whore, but I have to draw the line at giving people's elbows to the media.

The Guardian...

I didn't say i liked them.

And he's from New Jersey. Literally a multi-millionaire carpetbagger and criminal, lmao.

You sure know how to pick 'em, America!

Democracy in action.

when everyone's an idiot, democracy don't work so good.

It's a feature bruh.

it wasn't already permissible in their mind to do so.

Just punch nazis, start the mayocide now

frankly these pasty little pussies shoudl start attacking the other pasty little pussies still wearing maga hats 8 months after the election, but id also like to see them attacking normal white people minding their own business just to see what would happen.

attacking normal white people minding their own business

Implying white people can be normal or mind their own business

There's a really funny irony here, that part of the reason this guy won is because of early voting policies - which the /r/politics crowd heavily advocates for.

According to NPR something like 35% of people already voted before this bodyslam incident ever happened.

Smart thinking. Bodyslam a libcuck reporter after you've already put a lock on the vote. This is the kind of forward thinking politician Montana needs.

We need more of this. Cucky annoying reporter gets all up in your grill. You DDT his ass.

I feel like you ain't ddting anyone....

Early voting is pretty essential since we don't give people a holiday to vote. Besides I frankly doubt this would have swayed things heavily a month ago or however long. Apparently after the Trump election people are still surprised how bitterly partisan Americans have become.

The New York Times' awesome results page has a map of the special election results side-by-side with the 2016 Presidential results and it's a pretty stark comparison. After seeing that, I decided to compare the special election results to the 2016 Presidential results myself. I found that Gianforte took 90,660 fewer votes than Donald Trump did, whereas Quist took only 13,042 fewer votes than Hillary Clinton did. Libertarian Mark Wicks took 6,697 fewer votes than Gary Johnson did. If you assume that every Quist voter went for Clinton and every Gianforte voter went for Trump, that means Quist lost one voter for every seven Gianforte lost. That's one hell of a drop-off, to put it lightly.Real Americans don't vote republican.


Bernie can still win!


N O. R E F U N D S.


/u/knowerofall85, where do you lie on the spectrum?



I'm so used to the normie subs removing my comments. plz forgive :(

Asking for forgiveness in /r/drama is like putting your balls directly into a sharks' mouth and then trying to tickle its belly with your foot.

sounds hot tbh

It's a good thing that state is irrelevant.

Governor of what?

The state that rhymes with banana.

Alabama? That's the closest I could think of.

Montana you fuckface

Never heard of it. Is that the state that is proud of it's potatoes or some irrelevant shit?

That's Idaho, you uncultured motherfucker

And Randy Orton lost to Jinder, could this be a sign of possible future?

Jobbed out to a Canadian Pakistani. Smh.

I can’t wait for the days where libertarians and/or independents get more votes than Dems.

hahaha holy shit 2017 is the year of reddit btfo. Personally I am enjoying every pathetic depressing minute. Honestly, I don't even support politicians for their platforms anymore, I just support the ones who piss off the most whiny bitches.

I don't support politicians for their platforms anymore, I simply support the ones who troll the best.

Right wing Idiot > Left wing populist

Right wing Idiot > Left wing populist

smashing journalists really appeals to the everyman, its true

Censoring the press is a virtue signal for the left and right these days.

Not so much censoring, just beating their ass when they step out of line is fine.

nature trolls slactivism. It's basic science.

Wow this shit really happened? LOL

I'm just waiting for Senator Armstrong to show up so i can vote for him.


I made some OC just for the occasion!

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Jesus, the bots really are the best contributors to this sub.

Why are you using snow nigger memes?

spurdo is literally the only good meme.

spurdo is literally the only good meme.


Suck my dick Democrats!

>whiny brit gets 1776'd by politician

>said politician goes on to become govenor

Its beautiful

Not British, not governor, congressman.

The journalist wasn't British and the politician didn't become a governor.

Consider suicide.

Im already here, arent i?

The weal should fear the strong

/r/the_donald seems like a place filled wuth scaredy boys so yeah.


U.S. House special election

OP, are you fucking illiterate? He's a representative, not the governor.

He came out and cucked his supporters last night by apologizing. That isn't the kind of man Montana voted for.

Would you say he gave his Democrat challenger a beat down?

His Challenger was even a Country Music singer.

What is Montana? Sounds like 7up-like drink that uses mountain water.

The land of incest and mormans

That's Utah, you tard. Montana is where gay cowboys live.

Well I'm a gay cowboy too, so don't go too hard on me :/

please god sell them back to france

Feeling the burn still liberals? lol

He won by 8 points in an election that would normally be 20+. And that's with 70% of the ballots having been cast in advance. You should be worried.

I keep hearing how republicans should be worried yet all the special elections in the last few months have gone their way. It reminds me of how I kept hearing that Trump couldn't win and Hillary was going to walk away with the presidency in a landslide. I'm looking forward to 1-1/2 to 2 years of democrats telling us how they're going to sweep the 2018 midterms. So long as this trend continues the popcorn will never get stale.

I'll start getting worried when Democrats actually start winning.

True. lol

He also assaulted someone halfway through the vote.

And still won. The left is such a shitshow they could not even pull off a win there.

Considering your party actually worked against the dem candidate that had the support of the next generation of dem voters and decided that the young voters did not matter....then failed at every level of the election and special elections. Yea, it is not the right that needs to worry right now. lol

Fuck's sake, you idiot. Count the fucking votes. Bernie lost. If he had won the delegates and the supers had handed it to Clinton, it'd be cause to bitch, but he didn't. He lost the actual vote and the delegate count. He LOST. But if you match me, he can still win!

That whole sub is ridiculously salty, and half the comments are just calling the GOP a death cult, i.e. r/politics