Social life of r/drama users

0  2017-05-26 by AlcoholicMood



No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Last time I had sex was 2003 and I'm ashamed to admit it, but it wasn't free

I believe you sir

I believe you too. Come to Kekistan, we have legalized it.

Is it the monthly suicide awarness thread ?

Because i need guidance tbf

i need guidance

I think Home Depot sells a nice thick rope.

Jump of a building, always works

Down the road, not across the street.

Don't listen to those guys, when you kys you want to make the news. My advice, decapitate yourself with a chainsaw or better yet jump in front of a school bus, not only will you make the news but think of all the children you will scar for life

I don't want to encourage the anti-chainsaw lobby with my suicide fam

Do cousins count?

Well of course! nazi white trash too

Good now I know ALL my boyfriends count.

trashy high five!

I just need to know how many of you have actually got laid, and how many times per week

~1-2 per week

how many friends do you have, and how many people do you know

Real friends as in people I'd trust with my life = 4. As for "friends" that I'll go out drinkin with or shoot the shit 8 more.

I hate people and I'm a reclusive bitter drunk but I'm doing all right on that front rofl. I'm actually amazed I've maintained these relationships because I sure as fuck am almost never the one to suggest chilling

Are you the dude that fucked their cousin or was that someone else with "mood" in their name ?

yes sir

Bruh why


lack of self control

no discipline

Are Brazilians the Alabamians of South America ?

yes and I lived in the most rednecky state of brazil

I just fucked a tinder chick in the ass last night. Just matched the morning before!

good job mate

I have 2 genuine friends, and some more acquaintances. At this point i'm so permanently doped out on drugs that my sexual desires are 0, and they weren't very high to begin with.

Is English your 2nd language?

my 4th really

Well at least you have an excuse.