Apparently a bunch of midgets racing a camel aren't WTF material. Also: mod vote manipulation

5  2017-05-26 by Cranky_Kong


Here is the video in question

Also, the shitstain mods undid their votes just to look innocent.

This, but unironically.


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I wonder which mods were doing the fuckery?

Was it the inappropriately racist /u/masta?

Or maybe /u/ani625 initiated this as a form of self-aggrandizement?

Possibly it was /u/Jack_Shid who spearheaded this out of opioid withdrawal?

I have a hard time thinking that /u/wtf_mod would take time away from their rampant dogfucking fetish to even engage here, but I could be wrong.

And as we all know, /u/Antabaka is too busy hiding in bushes and photographing joggers to get involved.

So that basically leaves us /u/TheBringerOfDarkness or /u/IHWTH. Though I'm pretty sure these bros are actually just a collection of roaches stuffed into a pillowcase to simulate actual humans, so I doubt it was them...

What about you guys, any thoughts who was doing the vote manipulation?

This is an impressive level of autism.

Apparently not, I'm not yet autistic enough to know that messages with 3+ names don't ping.

As Autistic Grandmaster Potato Degree /u/SuchSpookySkeltal above pointed out.

I must be getting weak, time to pound some Autism-O's and take a few laps on the Aspie Track.

Take it to /r/subredditcancer, we're not your personal army. Your post sucked anyway. Also if you put more than 3 names in a comment, pings don't work. You suck.

kys u/Cranky_Kong doesn't know how to ping doesn't post bussy and thinks his shitty post belongs here.

Holy fuck since when is not having autism a reason to kys?

Fuck you, I hate /r/subredditcancer almost as much as I hate the way your sister keeps trying to PM me. Seriously, I don't date ratheists.

Also if you put more than 3 names in a comment, pings don't work.

Well fuck, TIL. Good to see your useful for something other than rancid smegma production, you diseased knob gobbling pederast.

Protip: Skeltal memes stopped being funny in 2004, but considering you were probably still just an unfertilized egg in your mother's cancerous ovaries, I'll forgive you for this if you upload a photo with a pickle in your mouth and a loaf of bread on your head.

Skeltal memes stopped being funny in 2004

I think you mean 2015

I think you're too young to remember it's origins.

That's ok tho, not your fault your fatheruncle banged your mom later rather than sooner.

Woulda taken me a few years to get used to her jabbaface and cheese odor myself...

her jabbaface

How dare u she is clearly Ewok

Maybe her muffplace but I never got near enough to her to see...

And for that I'm profoundly thankful.

anti-dooting ageist
still apes dead /v/ memes in his damn username

You are lacking in the social graces, my friend, and your style's all retarded.

Bitch, retarded is the best style, and I'm not memeing.

I'm physically, literally the pixels of the original Donkey Kong.


Bitch, retarded is the best style, and I'm not memeing.

My flair agrees, and thanks you.

I'm physically, literally the pixels of the original Donkey Kong.

Well that changed things, and is a whole other level!

Also: my account age predates the /v/ meme.

Debatable, but in any case it's all the more reason to finally pull that trigger and delete your account. That was not good r/wtf material and the mods were right to remove it and downvote you.

Why should I delete my account, today has been such a lovely day!

/r/wtf won't be showing up on my frontpage anymore, and I found you guys.

I kind of like it here.

At first I thought you turdburglars were just another /r/srs, but on closer inspection it seems that you're all the exact type of crazy brain damaged emufuckers that I like to hang out with.

And trust me, I say 'emufucker' with the greatest of respect and admiration.

Not an easy thing, to fuck a giant land-bound bird that can kick your intestines out of your ass faster than you can get the condom on.

Why should I delete my account, today has been such a lovely day!

This is just a customary greeting. Well it was, before we jumped to an outright "kill yourself." "Ironically" suggesting suicide was once frowned upon here. A bit at least. Anyway, welcome fellow emo fucker!

Ah I get it now, a way to filter out all the thin-skins.

Good idea, now about that emo, can I get my own or do you guys have a communal 'sticky sevenths' thing going on?

You have to earn the private orgy invites. All in good time.

who cares

Your side-sliding mongoloid daughter-thing already told me she likes my post more than your dong, so I've got that going for me...

You're an idiot.

And you're a vector for aerosol distributed superaids, thanks to your mother sharing placental test needles with her husbandniece while she was pragnent with your half-beast of a whorebrother.

You're an idiot.

You're a figment of my cough syrup addled brain.

You're an idiot.

You're an uncreative milksop that constantly fetishizes local wildlife.

You're an idiot.

You're a hyperactive lemur buttsniffer with a predilection for shaming your parents with every action you attempt.

You're an idiot.

You're an aspie buggering smegma-stain without the proper self-awareness to realize your existential wretchedness.

You're an idiot.

You're a chunk of dried afterbirth that managed to survive being flushed down the biohazard sink.

You're an idiot.

You're a dumpster diving used condom enthusiast with several years of semen spelunking under your belt and in your mouth.

You're an idiot.

You're a carbuncle ridden toilet seat licker with one testicle and a collection of obscure mental illnesses that motivates you to engage in sheep buggery in public places.

Also: congratulations I've been added to this sub's spam list now and I'm not waiting 9 minutes between insults.

So in specific: fuck you, you uncreative scab chewer, +blocked forever.

And in general: Fuck you all, I'm out.

You're an idiot.

I have now become an enemy of all of you, which should come as bad news. The majority mayos just gained a follower. Sincere congratulations to you guys. I hope r/drama gets banned and none of you every see a glimpse of the bussy and mayocide so you so eagerly desire. Have fun always being a whiny social minority that never escalates their status because they refuse to convert people to their side. You guys took an L on this one. Score 1 for the mayo community. Look at the contrast in our reactions. I realized reddit beef is utterly useless and not worth my time as I have real bussy to see and real Seth Rich killers to find in my daily life that do not involve Reddit. Multiple posts have been made about me across multiple subs because apparently you guys have way too much time to sit and dwell about insignificant drama. That's probably why you post here in the first place, if I had to guess. I will be deleting this account shortly, but I will be back on Reddit. Never to return to this region of the site, but just know that I will be out there, fighting for the mayo side from now on. So again, congratulations. If making the normies stronger was your goal, you all succeeded with flying colors. I'm gonna be A-okay in my life. You guys are condemned to an eternity of saltiness and anger toward perceived hellmans-oppressors. I am at peace just knowing that. I no longer have sympathy for any of you besides a minority few that have reached out to me. I will never dedicate a shred of energy to any cause surrounding r/drama or the Autism community because of all of your actions. So please, throw a party and celebrate that. Apparently that is your goal; complain about mayos while simultaneously refusing to explain yourself to them. It's a recipe for total disaster, which I hope I live to see. Goodbye cruel world, and please consider this. The amount of people I have instructed to post bussy: 0. The amount of times I have been instructed to post bussy: 3. As someone who lost a friend to bussy posting at age 12, those 3 can go straight to hell and never return, because they are the absolute worst type of human garbage that can ever exist. I would argue that they are legitimately worse people than some real SRDines that post at r/SubredditDrama. No good person tells anyone to post bussy. Please refrain from telling people to post bussy on the internet in the future, one of them could actually do it and then you'd get locked up for shitposting because those are the laws now

Man the copypasta up in this sub is just beyond spicy!

I knew I'd like it here...

I get like this every time I metabolize oxygen...

You might wanna take a break then

Nah, pretty much addicted at this point.

Withdrawal can kill, ya know.

Also: being angry is fun! Being dead is not...

How do you know before you try? Check it out and report back to us.

Nah, I already spoke to the wizened raisin-like corpse of your placental twin, she said it was overrated.

Then the walls started bleeding again so I knew it was time to get to work.

Forgot where I put your unborn sister's corpse tho, srry... (not sorry)