Is it okay to say "all men are perverts?" /r/ShitAmericansSay debates!

32  2017-05-27 by HuckleberryFN2187


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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u/LeftRat it's time to get back on your meds


You can't flip the script. Yes,in a utopian world where racism has been abolished and only the fault of a few individuals, you could. But the fact of the matter is that there is a power structure at play, and that is what the phrase "all white people/men" is talking about: not individual acts, but a power structure that makes everyone in it complicit.

It is not to be understood as a condemnation, but you have the same knee-jerk reaction the privileged generally hold when it's pointed out that they are privileged.

I'm having difficulty figuring out is this what a sadist might say or a masochist.

Help me out hereā€¦ are you white?


You can't flip the script. Yes,in a utopian world where racism has been abolished and only the fault of a few individuals, you could. But the fact of the matter is that there is a power structure at play, and that is what the phrase "all white people/men" is talking about: not individual acts, but a power structure that makes everyone in it complicit.

Sorry which power structure is that again? The one that dictates we are all equal and nobody gets an advantage based on race/sex/religion?

As an Asian female, I get a +1 on my aging and acceptable racism saving rolls. Unfortunately, that comes with a penalty to driving and cancer checks.

Imo, Sal good tho. Still not white or Indian.

asian female

Post gussy.

Fucking gross. Is that was this sub has turned into?

God, I hope so.

/u/LeftRat the utopian vision of man is wrong. Any quest for a utopia is doomed to turn to tyranny. In short, shut up maybe?

'Merican mayos smh

/u/LeftRat kys bigot

You're the reason cops disproportionately kill unarmed men. You're the reason men are the primary victims of damn near every crime. Keep promulgating the already established narrative of men being the untrustworthy, monstrous gender deserving of every slight you piece of shit.

Thing is, there are very good reasons for saying "all men are mysoginists"

Being dyslexic?

Yes, you are. That doesn't make you a bad person - we all are complicit. You're telling me you have never in your life contributed to a mysoginistic culture? Not once? And even then - you benefit from it. That doesn't make you personally bad.

/u/ LeftRat have you heard about original sin? Bible invented it 2000 years ago, so you actually regressive, not progressive.


But the fact of the matter is that there is a power structure at play, and that is what the phrase "all white people/men" is talking about: not individual acts, but a power structure that makes everyone in it complicit.

Why are "progressives" so averse to the idea of personal responsibility?

It is not to be understood as a condemnation, but you have the same knee-jerk reaction the privileged generally hold when it's pointed out that they are privileged.

You say that like it's weird for someone to object to being called a creep cause they've got a penis

Is it okay to say "all men are perverts?"

this is like asking if it's okay to say "white genocide is the divine mission which all servants of Allah must seek to carry out." it's just true, regardless of whether or not it's "okay"

This is the only quality reply in this entire thread.

yeah this thread did seem unusually full of actually triggered autists

All people are perverts. Sexual deviancy is unbound by racial, gender, national, political, and social boundaries.