Autists cringe at 9/11 truthers, Top Minds swarm to defend the greatest freethinkers of our generation

22  2017-05-27 by ahbslldud


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Wow a conspiratard is claiming to be a physicist

Is that shocking? They claim to be scientists pretty often, there are a few on /r/conspiracy claiming to be chemists and talking about vaccines contain near lethal amounts of "formaldehyde."

When I had an argument with /r/badphilosophy they were all suddenly "philosophers of physics"

Tbh, probably should've been posted in r/TopMindsofReddit

But I wanna shit-stir and be autistic more than I want to be smug.

Somebody is making their own version of the navy seals pasta, except it's about being a published physicist.