Please stop harassing people

88  2017-05-27 by phedre


This is why we need mayocide.


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/u/phedre, please ban snapshill for bullying mayoscum.

please stop harassing snapshill

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Bang on target.

Always and forever, amen

Joke's on him, i'm already banned there.

How selfimportant do you have to be to feel the need to make a post about why you unsubbed from some shithole or other?

Why not just unsub and move on?

Because it gives u/FuckinHomerunChippah a reason to keep living

It needs to be a statement of sort. You can't just leave the room filled with autistic children.

it's full of smug passive aggressive NEET types. the comments are usually 10x worse than the submissions

top mod is an autistic 10 year old who spergs out whenever someone speaks out against the sub. go through these posts and you'll see what I mean

I still remember seeing someone in there bragging about unsubbing from a bunch of subs and saying /r/justunsubbed was the only reason he still comes to reddit

Mod contributing stale drama that's already been posted, then stickies it? I want to kys you.

I'm just doing my part to keep /r/drama from bullying people on the internet.

You are protecting retards from bullies by making yourself out to be an even bigger retard, thus a more tempting target? How noble of you.

/u/phedre is already a ginger. You can't really be much more of a target than that.

Some people just need a good bullying.



Unironicly. (Is that spelled right,looks wrong).


I swear my phone is making me dumber.

Sure let's go with that.

Ha-ha. Fuck u.

Don't let the eternal Anglo exert his English privilige to keep you down friend

quis bully ipsos bullies?

So after all the bans are issued, you guys can post to the sister sub, /r/justbeenbanned

/u/FuckinHomerunChippah, please dip your head into a wood chipper.

If you're still being a dumbass in a few hours when I get back home, you'll get banned from /r/gussy for Rule 4.

/u/FuckinHomrunChippah please heed this man's advice, /r/Gussy is not a sub you want to be banned from.

/u/FuckinHomerunChippah I missed the opportunity to brigade and now I'm kinda feeling left out. Can I get a ban anyway?

Sorry u/fuckinhomerunchippah is terribly busy right now attempting to find his penis. Spoiler alert: he won't.

Dude can't even tell if his shoes slippers match because he can't see his feet.

u/Fuckinhomerunchipper cry moar

Time to go all-Scientology on his ass.

Before he gets a docudrama deal with A&E, of courseā€¦.

It's drama fair game policy.

What if I unsub from r/Unsubbed?

U will disappear.

First sub to actually ban me for my standard "I'm just here so I don't get fined" comment

I don't even get to feel special for being banned. Ruiner.

im actually disappointed i didnt do some standard copypasta job now, i've been trying to grow my ban list

more like r/justuncucked amirite boyes?

u/FuckinHomerunChippah actually sent me a fucking FAX telling me I was banned. Quite creepy tbph

Make me fgt

Asking us not to harass would be like the mods asking to not be faggots it's impossible

Who the fuck is u/phedre?

Tbh, isnt everything in reddit a circlejerk?

Post bussy.

Since my bussy is on my bottom bc I'm on the top side of the world, is your bussy on your head bc you're on the bottom side of the world?

Either way pics plz

user reports:
1: you're awesome
1: n-notice me mod-senpai

Thanks! And you're noticed, grasshopper.

haha le bussy I'm funny

/r/drama is going downhill. Time to end my life

That pasta is delicious.

Lol centrist circle jerk. So trying to apply logic and being against the extremist bullshit is bad.

Anything that hurts people's feelings is bad, remember that already.

/u/Evil-Corgi literally who the ducks are you?

Brigading is the type of thing everyone expects you to care about as a mod but is a really dumb thing to care about

/r/Drama is an enlightened centrist circlejerk.

/u/Evil-Corg Don't call us enlightened you alt-right cuck