Put down your needles and hark to the tale of the woman who travels the land giving drug addicts IUDs and vasectomies, and making Reddit go REEEEE

19  2017-05-27 by HuckleberryFN2187


Now with added cancer!


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She obviously cares about the innocent children involved, but I don't think she cares one bit about addiction or the people suffering from it.

Typical of a person who never met an addict.

Armchair empathy is overrated.

I ain't no skank!

holy shit does reddit hate drug addicts. It would be a shame if they knew how many drug addicts enriched their lives with music, art, entertainment, technology, science, etc.

Drugs don't work like that. If you were nothing special before, you'll just be nothing special + junkie. Credit should be given to personality, not drugs.

"No bad people just bad targets" the reddit quasi sociopathic mantra.

Sure this all sounds like a good idea on paper but have these fucks really weighed the ethical and cultural ramifications?

the only people that should be having children are drug addicts imo tbh