OldPeopleFacebook discuss loli and of course one person defends it.

8  2017-05-27 by Magoonie


Cool story, bro


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loli is disgusting and if u like it kys

That said is only morally wrong if it leads this people to actually diddle kids, otherwise meh

You can personally find something reprehensible and disgusting while simultaneously believing that people should have a right to do it/express themselves.

I think smoking marijuana for non-medical use is one of the stupidest things you can do for your health and career success, but I still believe that the government shouldn't be wasting billions of taxpayer dollars throwing people in prison and enforcing a ban on it. People have a right to liberty. If your actions don't cause harm to another human being or their property, there's no reason you should be prohibited from doing it.

Just because I support the decriminalization of marijuana does not mean that I advocate marijuana usage. I would discourage anyone from using it. But I do not think it is morally right to go to government and say "I don't like this, therefore we should ban it and punish anyone who makes a decision I don't agree with".

For some reason, with mainstream politics, there's this idea that you have to be be either for or against something. Either something is an inherent human right and the government should use other people's money to pay for said service for you, or it's a product of the devil, and the government ought to ban it and throw people in prison for having/doing it.

It's partially why I identify as a libertarian. I realize that modern politics has essentially become conflicts between the values of different groups of people. Each group wants the government to cater to their interests, even if it comes at the expense of the liberty of another group.

With small government, you can allow individuals to practice their own values freely, without forcing those values onto others.

Podt bussy.


Smoking weed kills the career? Lol ok


This is why we need geronticide.

People into loli should he castrated and charged. Filthy degenerates.

Ravioli ravioli, don't lewd the dragon loli!

Loli is love, loli is life.

loli is gross and should be illegal

shota though....

This guy fucks.

Little boys.

brb calling the FBI

I mean, hypothetically the only thing that should matter is the actual mental age of someone, and not what they look like. There are a number of girls out there who do look like they are 12 when they are 20. Nothing wrong with being attracted to them now is it?

Will the judge believe me when I tell him that I heard 18 years, not 18 months? Honest to god, her voice sounded mature

Goo goo gaga

And 'mommy' eerily like 'stick it in me drumper.' I thought she was British, and only acting babyish, I swear!

Everyone knows that British people are naturally 16 years older than they appear!!!!

Yo please don't be racist

Lol at the people who think this is a loli. Haha anime noobs. This particular character is nearly 18 years of age in this anime so once again get your facts right.

:( I missed it the comments are deleted!

the only thing that matters is that all of these disgusting neckbeards want any excuse to masturbate to a child.

I wonder which subreddit /u/smugliberaltears still posts constantly to, unaware of getting with the program.

Because it's obviously a child

Wrong, its a drawing. Japan already BTFO the UN over this, so why do random redditfags think they're smarter?