[DeepDickedHillyBilly] Obviously fake story once again ANGERS Internet feminists who can't even rn when a professor plays fuck, marry, and kill with the women in her STEM class.

107  2017-05-28 by HowToDealWEntitlemnt


Now with added cancer!


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He finally got to me, and the dudebro who sat two chairs away (I had to put my bag/gym bag down in the chairs next to me so he would stay away)

I think the real crime here is the unapologetic womanspreading.


where else can you put your rape-prevention rifle?


He finally got to me, and the dudebro who sat two chairs away (I had to put my bag/gym bag down in the chairs next to me so he would stay away) pointed and said "PEE ON!!!" The class roared with laughter and the men started chanting "PEE ON, PEE ON, PEE ON." The professor finally calmed them down and said "...OK, pee on." They burst into cheers while the women looked down dejected.

Why do I feel like I've just read a woman's repressed fucked up sex fantasy?

With a username like /u/tryitidareyou I wouldn't be surprised if her mind wasn't filled with watersport fantasies.

hahah dude nice one, i'm sure /u/tryitidareyou the definitely real women is triggered!

real women

You think they suffer from multiple personality disorder or something?

Yes two personalities, /u/tryitidareyou and /u/holditsteady

Yes, /u/tryitidareyou and /u/holditsteady

Neither of them are real women

Yea sure


Me busy, leave me alone!

Me not that kind of orc!

What if...

Me am that kind of orc?

Well, then, me want phone number

A large percentage of Tumblr feminists have BDSM porn blogs where they fetishize about the patriarchy, being a sexual slave to men, and so forth -- in those terms.

And yes, water sports are a frequent motif.

I don't believe you.

You could quickly confirm it by looking at some feminist tumblr blogs. So I guess we'll never know.

I see.

I was waiting for the part where the professor gave all of the dudebros $100 each.

They all got $100% on their exams

Because I find these fake stories so tryhard, I ran this story through google translate from English -> Maltese -> English -> Catalan -> English -> Hungarian -> Engish. Maybe I can at least get some entertainment out of it that way.

It was a classroom with about 80 students. There are only seven women at the club in the STEM class and many women move it for obvious reasons.

I thought he was a feminist ally of the professor. We said that at the beginning half of it would help find trainee or student work if you needed it because it made it clear how difficult it was to find it. He began to say that once every female student was present and was surprised. She said our menstrual cycles should be prepared for all that may occur simultaneously. Then he noted that some of them seemed suspended, "probably going too far in the student home."

Then she started telling us all that she sometimes fantasized why girls are very rare in STEM classes. He asked if we heard in the class every man's "fucking, marry, kill" game and wild laughter, he started all the values โ€‹โ€‹of the boys playing together.

Finally they came to me and they asked him that two seats had gone (my purse-bag chair had to be placed in the gym so that he could stay there) and said, "Flat !!!" The class laughed and the men began to sing "PEE IN, pee". The teacher finally calmed down and said, "... OK, the apartment." He grabbed the applause while the women were down.

He was so angry that he just got up and left the classroom. On the way, the teacher said, "I bet your menstrual cycle has just started!" Until I close the door. I went to the bathroom where I screamed and I threw it at the same time, fortunately over the sink.

She did not know what to do. I complain about campus security and ACLU's reflection. I need more alcohol.

That held up pretty well. Good job, mr gogle.


This is so outrageous it doesn't even sound real.


/u/wannam, it is NOT okay to try to delegitimize her experiences.

shut ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ the ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ fuck ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ up ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ and ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ listen

woah woah **WOAH*

Who told you it was ok to appropriate African-Redditor hand tones in your emoji claps?!?

The level of violence that displays is quite frankly nauseating.


kill me

In the back?


Who the FUCK do you think you are you little shit, referencing the place African-Redditors were relegated to sitting on public transportation to their cotton picking fields in a thread about violent microaggressions against them?

It's like Hitler and Trump shat out a baby and they grew up to be you.

I'd say that sub would be great creative writing practice but it's so pathetically easy to get them to believe anything it'd just end up testing your grammar and spelling.

It's been two days and I'm still so furious I can barely even breathe

Can't believe it's above 85% upvoted. /r/TooManyChromosomes users are really fucking gullible.

That was hands down the dumbest fake story in the history of that sub by far


At least it made me uncontrollably lol

Maybe the upboats are for its being a hilarious story

/u/TryItIDareYou A+ my dude, how do they fall for it every time

Imagine a fish. Now imagine that fish has a asphyxia fetish, and is intelligebt enough to associate that effect with hooks.

You should now understand how it is easy to capture certain people with only the most cursory attempts to disguise the bait.

the men started chanting "PEE ON, PEE ON, PEE ON."

Every time with the chanting

what can i say, us dudes love chanting. it's just biology, sugartits


I'm so hungry rn I just can't even

Maybe she accidentally joined a coven.


I do love that of all of the chant options, she chose 'pee on'. I mean really, of all the things to chant, pee on is kinda fucking unsatisfying. Mind you, the image of STEM dudebros chanting it is hilarious.

She should have written that they chanted 'cum slut' instead. More fun

What the fuck. I am so angry for you, and all the women in your class, and all the women in such a toxic field.

Pretty much sums up any outrage perfectly

Holy shit they really will believe absolutely anything.

I went to the bathroom where I shrieked and vomited at the same time

Dr Cox should add Shravomiting to his lexicon.

that bankrupt twitter gif is just the icing on the /r/thatHappened cake. What a terrible post. Woman are a mistake. Femicide soon pls.

Dude, it's totally vagicide like wtf are you even doing.

Of all the things that have happened, this is the truest thing.

It was a class with about 80 students. There are only seven women in the class because STEM is a boys' club and most women steer clear of it for obvious reasons.

...that "STEM class" isn't as impressive as "Physics 101", and they got partnered with that Bangladeshi kid who smelled like a block of cheddar?

wait if they steer clear of it how do they get partnered with that bangladeshi kid? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

lmao, this shit is such a stereotype. Gonna make myself an alt just to see how far I can take it before they start calling bs.

Please do and PM me your username. I'll add it to my username check list

/u/ktwarda this is why I lump TrollX in with the other dumbass subs, man.

So to begin, this whole story sounds more like it belongs in r/thathappened. However, if it did indeed occur, the majority of the responses are encouraging the individual to report the professor (which I would hope anyone would be in favor of). It's cool if feminism offends you or whatever, but the sub is mostly light-hearted and memes. I don't think the same could be said of t_d or Incels.

In terms of retardedness though? Oh absolutely. This is a sub unironically upvoted into the thousands, a story featuring the phrase "get owned by gamergate bitch!"

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that our ridicule of Side A means we support Side B. That's the SRD way, we just sit back and laugh at how retarded both sides are all egalitarian-like and shit.

I don't think you understand: the people on this sub don't care if someone is light hearted. They don't care about feminism. They care about if someone is acting fucking retarded.

That sub, collectively, acts retarded.


Dude you're a fucking moron. TrollX isn't bad because they're women, it's bad because they're as stupid and clueless as you.

Sorry, but you can't criticise a woman because sexism, now lemme tell you about treating me equally.

If it makes you feel better, I prefer cock and wouldn't touch your greasy repulsive legs if you paid me.

Dawww sweetie I wouldn't allow you to touch me with someone else's hands <3

Very homophobic.

Oh, its absolutely real. Sometimes during labs, my male classmates and I will form a circle around a female classmate and start loudly smacking our erect penises against the table until she starts crying.

I know they can't smell the trolling over there, but /u/magalucaribro are killing it.

Glad someone has some taste in trolling.

Before you take anyone on reddit seriously, or engage with them like an adult, remember that most of them are this retarded.

Not me tho I'm the exception here

Me too, don't forget about me.

Wait so he got to you and some dude said 'pee on' like urinate on? What the actual fuck? That's not even one of the options

I agree with /u/Lick_The_Wrapper, the bigger injustice in this totally real story was the dudebro who thought he could just change the rules of the game to suit his fancy.

This is what privilege looks like.

Who wants to bet that she got picked as "kill"?

look neckbeard, if i am supposed to feel whatever for your white guy angrymads you gotta choose a better title.

Internet feminist got angered.

All those replies. This is why women weren't given the right to vote. Our ancestors were wise.

Umm, could you maybe try to listen and believe for once in your life instead of automatically doubting a survivor's story? What makes you so sure you know more about a woman's lived experiences than she herself does?

And for the record, I have seen far worse things than this happen on a university campus. Prof are given tenure and allowed to get away scott free with all kinds of creepy behavior. It doesn't help when people tell their stories that dudebros like yourself decide that they're automatically lying just because they're a woman.

You. Mayocide.


+4 on trollx though

Yeah 'cause we're upvoting it.

Gotta be careful not to eat our own shit.

Remember, comments = not brigading, votes = brigading. Let them do the upvoting, throw in a bit about how disgusted you are about PIV or something and you're a shoe-in.

Apparently brigading is now just voting after being told to vote or something?

That's the sort of brigading that can see entire subs banned, yes. Regular peons can get banned for ordinary voting in linked threads.

This is so outrageous it doesn't even sound real.

I work in a STEM field that is one of the worst for sexism - so bad, no one can even get statistics. I am not surprised at all.


This is why no one in TrollX is breeding stock, aside from them being fat.

Fat women breed like rabbits somehow. I blame Dr Malcolm.

I have to admit, between this thread and the linked thread, the laughter almost mayocided me.

How stupid are these women? Or do they have a kink of being professional victims?


Saving for posterity. Just in case another fuck claims that STEM isn't hostile towards women.

Now, I don't know about other women, but I think this does demonstrate why /u/marija-il-maltija in particular isn't in STEM ;^)

welp, I happen to be a medical student who works part time as a neuro and psych academic. Sooooooooo....

So how do you manage that while being this gullible?

It's a little thing called listening + believing victims and offering them sympathy rather than cross-examining them.

The worrying thing is that you're not merely acting gullible, as in, understanding perfectly well that the story is almost certainly $100% that happened, but seeing that supporting the victim on the off chance it's real costs you nothing.

It looks like you actually switched off your brain for real. Because you didn't offer sympathy, you increased your belief that STEM is full of sexism and said that you'll use this story to convince other people in that, supposedly in order to get support for certain policy decisions. Believing and acting on false things is no longer without cost.

that's a hell of a lot of assumptions you've made there, mate.

Saving for posterity. Just in case another fuck claims that STEM isn't hostile towards women.

I was referring to the assumptions you made off the back of that statement, jfc. And while I may be incredibly lucky in my department, I have experiencing flabbergasting amounts of straight up misogyny in other departments AND in other countries AND in surgery.

Saving for posterity. Just in case another fuck claims that STEM isn't hostile towards women.

I was referring to the assumptions you made off the back of that statement, jfc.

Like the assumption that this story made you believe in sexism in STEM more, and that you're going to use it to convince other people?

ohgod, one woman warning another woman about the issues they may face? What a horrible thing to do.

It is if you as a confident to some other impressionable younger person turn them off a career path they might enjoy by regurgitating a 100% made up nonsense story from some reddit board as a cautionary tale.

All you're doing is perpetuating am old wives tale. Please use real documented sexism from credible sources and not rumours and jokes from the Internet.

also, that was very much a hyperbolic statement made in passing. I have plenty of verified stories to draw from. But thank you for the concern.

I have plenty of verified stories to draw from.

How do you know, if you always listen and believe? Or are you sometimes being a shitlord and leave your brain on? Tsk tsk.

You... you do realise that listen+believe is a core part of offering support, right? and that medics are trained to offer support? and that support is not mutually exclusive to being present for an incident in person, or some profs' shitty behaviour being corroborated by multiple people? Christ.

You... you do realise that listen+believe is a core part of offering support, right?

But you're supposed to keep support separate from actually believing things. You read a story of oppression on the internet and you support that person because if they are telling the truth then supporting them does good and questioning them does bad, while if they are telling lies it doesn't cost you anything either way. That's what everything hangs on, that compassion is free.

But if you actually believe them, not just say comforting things but literally switch off the critical parts of your mind, then that no longer doesn't cost you anything if they are lying, because you're end up believing false things about the world and harm yourself and others when you act on those false beliefs. So you are not supposed to do that.

For example, if someone posts a story about how John Doe got her drunk and raped her, on one hand you don't interrogate her even if the story is quite frankly ridiculous, because it doesn't do anything good even if she lies but does a lot of harm if she is telling the truth. But on the other hand you don't switch off your brain and actually believe her, and then call John Doe's workplace and try to get him fired. Because that's actual harm, choosing to actually believe a liar isn't free, it has harmful consequences.

So if you apparently don't understand it and have been actually believing everything you were told, how do you know that your beliefs have any resemblance of reality? Go check out https://www.reddit.com/user/TryItIDareYou/submitted/, how much of that creative writing has informed your worldview?

No response from /u/marija-il-maltija.

I wonder if it includes the "get owned by gamergate bitch" story?

You didn't make it in passing, you're still here. You made it in setting-up-camp-for-the-night.

>replying this seriously to ten day old account

kys laddo

Oh shit. I guess I am having a case of bad kms then.

But my account is even newer and i get lots of replies

Lol, didn't realise you were already ITT.

Doubling down on the stupidity, I see.



Last night fifteen women jumped me and said it was because they hate men. They cut off my penis.

Listen and believe. Save this for next time someone says women aren't violent misandrists.

if someone said that at a support group or in a clinical setting without disingenuous intentions then that's exactly what would happen. they'd be offered support. And part of trollx's remit is to offer support.

Did you save that comment though

This subreddit is satire, correct? I apparently can no longer tell the difference between feminism and trolls.

This is hilarious. Like that account is obviously a troll designed to make feminists look crazy and unreasonable and most of them are just lapping it up


How are you this fucking dense? Seriously.

d'awww aren't you a sweetheart.

>immediately resorts to sweetieposting

Thanks for answering my question.

you didn't offer up a point or anything to rebut/discuss. you insulted me. so i returned the favour.

I can tell by your nonchalant and condescending demeanor that you are not an idiot who believes everything they see on the internet.

I'm pretty sure this person is just a farming karma from that sub

Fake as fuck.

I shrieked and vomited at the same time

holy shit u/TryItIDareYou This is why no one takes feminists seriously, holy shit you're a laugh and a liar.

/u/Sabuleon how on earth does people making shit up on the Internet to make feminists look bad compare to actual rape?

Who's talking about actual rape, except you? I never said anything about actual rape.

Ooh, you got me. You are comparing the way in which actual rape is dismissed as a false accusation despite being statistically unlikely(no disagreement there) to a very obviously fake story.

Wait so he got to you and some dude said 'pee on' like urinate on? What the actual fuck? That's not even one of the options

Identifying the real issues here. They're playing marry, fuck, kill wrong.