In a totally shocking move, a guy guy acts cunty in askgaybros.

16  2017-05-28 by Kysbu


/u/Waywardshrink, did you get shot down on grindr again?

Its ok, im sure someone out there is into bitter uggos

Haha stop that. I was so confused on this link and died seeing this lol.

Considering how often I'm approached you're definitely right ;)

Jesus dude. You can't LARP for shit. If you want to pretend to be attractive, you have to play the part.


I don't care if you don't believe me. I know what I experience in my life.



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guy guy

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Ugh, I hate these bitter, entitled fat old queens.

/u/WaywardShrink, try putting the fork down for once in your life and maybe people will want to sleep with you. Don't blame hot people for wanting to sleep with other hot ppl.

Yes, because anyone who is disgusted by the attitudes in this community must be a cave troll. It's impossible that someone who is considered attractive could, idk, have higher standards.

How about you try not being basic as fuck if you're gonna come for me? Huh? I mean honestly that was so uncreative I'm offended.

Mate, if you wanna talk about disgusting attitudes take a look at your comment history. You're pretty clearly some old, out of shape weirdo who gets bitter that the young guys on grindr don't pop their bussies when you send them wink emoticons and give them unsolicited advice because you've "been around much longer than [them]"

Guys like you are dime a dozen, and love, fucking no one likes you. Judging by your own words other gay people are clearly repulsed by you. Funny that, who would imagine that people don't wanna be around some bitter old queen who does nothing but whine about how no one wants him?

Fucking get a decent haircut, stop wearing brown polo shirts and go for a run every once in a while.

Mate, really? I hope you're Australian otherwise you're just pretentious.

I honestly don't care what you imagine me to be, I don't owe you any kind of proof. I'm in my later 20s and am physically active but if imagining I'm some bitter old queen is easier for you to accept than a young person thinking you're garbage go for it.

My age and the way I look, ironically, are part of the problem since "attractive" men hit on me but then get upset when I'm not like every other guy they talk too. They expect me to be some sex starved twink who doesn't think for himself and I leave them angry and feeling lesser because I don't let them play their bullshit with me.

Also, I never message guys who are younger than I am as they are most assuredly immature. Case in point ;)

Scottish. We say mate here too, pal.

My age and the way I look, ironically, are part of the problem since "attractive" men hit on me but then get upset when I'm not like every other guy they talk too. They expect me to be some sex starved twink who doesn't think for himself and I leave them angry and feeling lesser because I don't let them play their bullshit with me.

I suppose at least your fantasies aren't overtly violent, that makes you one of the nicer incels I've seen.

Violence is not the answer. Why hurt someone physically when you can plant seeds of doubt about their decisions and, hopefully, assist them in becoming less of a caricature?

assist them in becoming less of a caricature?

Get some self-awareness, fatfat.

I'm sensing some projection. Are you obese? Or maybe you used to be and still have strechmarks? You're really obsessing over this weight thing. It doesn't count as sweating if it's from your underboobs fyi

am gay guy, can confirm we are cunts

Is this supposed to be upsetting for me? Bring it, as I sincerely enjoy letting trash people know they are trash.