(((/u/zachisjew))) is ashamed of karma from The_Dolan, asks how to hide it in his beta profile.

29  2017-05-28 by Clopernicus




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/u/zachisjew this is unacceptable. You're now a goy.

He can say goodbye to that Hollywood or legal career. What a shame tbh

(((We))) won't even let him get buried in a Jewish cemetery now.

I'm really bad with yiddish can you fill me in?

I'm really bad with yiddish can you fill me in?

Wow. I'm gonna need your Jew card. Now.

When I was younger my mom used super basic yiddish, like the maven, oy vey, nosh, spiel. Stuff like that haha

Even the goyim know what it means

^ Excellent context clue here, btw

I like how getting 80 upvotes didn't change his mind that TD might not just be all lies.

It's lies and poop. Mostly poop.

You know what wasn't a lie? Winning an election.

You know what else isn't a lie? Most of the embarrassingly low number of voters preferred the awful Democrat.

Not my election

Mods like /u/75000_Tokkul are the reason /u/zachisjew feels he has to hide something as trivial as posting in the wrong sub.

If I may ask, what did /u/75000_Tokkul do?

Thanks man

Pleasure. Kek bless.

If it means anything the reason I made this post was because I got two messages saying they didn't know I was posting in /r/nba since it's a predominantly black sport and because they thought I was a racist trump supporter.

Ah jeez, yes, this kind of thinking has spread everywhere. Political ideology has just drifted further apart. Conversation has broken down and we are left with this shit.

Sure, let's say all the racists voted for Trump. So, that means there are like say maybe 10% trump supporters who are racists and the rest are chilled. People need to relax, but the whole political climate of 'everyone i disagree with is a racist, reeeeeee' isn't helping.

Kek save us.

I mean the brigading from this subreddit doesn't help but I agree

Sorry, some of us are dicks, that is true.

I try give non-smarmy advice and spread the word of Kek though.

That's because we think everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is bigoted and we have to call it out. If we don't, we are complicit in the destruction of our minority cultures.

Honestly though, I was wondering why this shit wasn't in the default news subs.

What a cuck

I have 30k karma from FPH, no regrets.

I have 30k karma from FPH, no regrets.