/r/conspiracy of all places isn't crazy enough for /r/WayOfTheBern.

14  2017-05-28 by IAmAN00bie


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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/u/NetWeaselSC how do we know you're not a shill?

how do we know you're not a shill?

Hi there! Actually, to be honest, you don't.

There's nothing I can say here to prove that I'm not.

All I can give you is this: Look at my post history, and if you know anyone who would pay me money to write stuff like I have written, PLEASE send me (and that person) a link. (Serious request)

These guys pay me really well. You could probably apply.

Doesn't sound like a serious response to a serious request.

You're spare changing in /r/drama. What did you expect?

Hey... you are the one that called me, remember?

I did. How much would you charge for some Bernie and Donnie slash fic?


Sounds like something a shill would say.

In that context, it sounds like something anyone would say.

Wtf? Being nice to each other? Who are you, some kind of second-coming-of-Christ pretender?

This is r/drama, retard


You know shill accusations make no sense, right?

Wasn't there a post about how wayofthebern got taken over by the Donald or something?

Wasn't there a post about how wayofthebern got taken over by the Donald or something?

Daily. And I'm still waiting for my Porsche!

Heh! Not sure if this is the result of not reading the post, or of not possessing either context or a sense of humor (not mutually exclusive), but this post was tongue-in-cheek.

i don't think /r/drama are used to reading the high-brow, sophisticated content that we put together at /r/WayOfTheBern. lot of idiot hillary fans around here.

Nah. Last election was my third time writing in Vermin Supreme.

I'm concerned about their constant cries of 'concern'. Kek clear their chatter.