Incel finds date. Incel fucks it up. News at 11

44  2017-05-29 by lokichilde


Be incel, want to get laid get date do whatever I can to fuck it up, fuck it up then go on r/incels and hitch about women

Chicks and Chads, man. They're the real oppressors in society.

/u/pyrofield why jump through all these hoops? Why not just save your tendie allowance and fuck a hooker?

Has there ever been a less sympathetic group?

Even the jews don't bitch this much

Imagine being in so deep that you actually have a good chance to get laid and INTENTIONALLY FUCK IT UP. At this point he isn't even an incel anymore, he's just a cel.

Also, r4r actually works?

Don't you see? He thinks she's only in it for the free food. He thinks everything good that happens to him is a prank or scam. This guys life has sucked.

Yeah, he seems to have lost all hope to the point where he's just completely delusional. Sad!

And now he's trying to cover it up by claiming they went home and fucked twice. I don't know how to feel.

When in doubt, assume none of this ever happened and laugh at all of the participants, real or otherwise. It's what I do!

Also, r4r actually works?

There's gotta be more r4r stories like this

someone needs to do the needful and dig through that sub to find them.

Brb. Ordering a pith helmet and stocking up on gin & tonic

good luck my man!

I've gone on some dates from /r/foreveralonedating. In case anyone wanted to hear about them:

  1. I met a half-Pakistani guy who was from the county where I grew up. (I have since moved) He was a legit virgin, even though he was fairly good-looking and normal. We got to like second base lol, but then he became too busy after a couple of months. I was also obsessed with talking about 4chan memes and my gay porn obsession. Oh yeah I would also talk to him about my drama with my trans roommate/ex. Not really sure why the guy stuck around for so long.
  2. I went on a date a couple of days ago with some random chef. It was the cheapest date I've been on, since I hadn't bothered to schedule a restaurant beforehand and we ended up going to Panera. It turns out he was a chef at an expensive restaurant I had ate out at a couple of days before on my rich friend's dad's dime. (He is friends with Jack Ma) I told him his restaurant was overpriced and outdated. He also didn't know who Murakami or Bergman were and tried to talk to me about Terry Prachett instead. Never got a good answer as to whether he was a virgin or not.
  3. This guy is a Magic the Gathering judge who I met at the store I work at. Apparently, according to my boss, he is the top judge in the city. Who knew? I insisted on going to a Mexican restaurant with him, where I ordered fish and belittled his lack of ability to read Spanish. After he paid for the meal, I told he came on too strong. He told me he hadn't had a girlfriend in seven years. I was always wishing for more attention while I worked at the store, but not from guys like that. Monkey's paw.

Here's the kicker

#4 This guy was nuts. For one thing, one of the first things he told me was that he lived in a homeless shelter. Long story short, the reason why is because he had hooked up with a 16 year old, went to jail for a couple of years, and his wife divorced him. He had two kids my age. He also made a bunch of cringey texts like this. His favorite manga was Bleach.

I probably doxxed myself from this comment, and I should delete it in a couple of days lol. Hope someone enjoys. Ahhh the shit I do to keep myself entertained. lol

dude you need to get a regular hobby

I think I know why you're forever alone.

Nah it's because I'm too picky and I can't like a guy unless they make me feel like shit sometimes

I can't like a guy unless they make me feel like shit sometimes

That shouldn't be difficult

STFU you dumb cumbucket.


🤔🤔🤔 yeah what a puzzle

I dont want to be a cunt, but I think you might have a bit of blame for this trainwreck

You dont come off as an easy-going person honestly

Nah I have no chiol

The real question is, are you hiding Jewish heritage or not?

I'm Chinese which is close

This is why we hang out on Christmas

Holy shit, #4 is insane.

You should probably stop trying to find dates on reddit and start trying to find them on 4chan. The people there are crazier but will probably have a more compatible set of interests/personality.

To clarify, I go on these dates because I am interested in finding out about adult virgins and/or interested in free meals. I don't know how to take dating earnestly.

Some sort of sleeper cel. Waiting for orders from chief in cel.

Fuck off, she didn't validate him and was not a virgin

Everyone fucks up a date or two, the thing is to keep trying

this people are too negative

Well most other people aren't as fucked up as incels are.

Incels are legit frightening. I don't trust anyone that can't get gussy, much less bussy.

yea women don't deserve to be treated like this because these fucking enormous losers with a laundry list of mental issues

Just grab it.

I swear I've never seen such a group of self-fulfilling prophets like /r/incels

Of all the groups in reddit they are legit the only ones I pity

No one wants your pity, stupid cuck, kys

He could have been the one to kill your 27 year virginity streak, but you ruined it by being rude.


Cucks 👏 still 👏 have 👏 more 👏 sex 👏 than 👏 you 👏

I catfished you.

Please come back :3

I'm at the restaurant with the potential victim

Now that's a phrase that's going to bite him on the ass at the inevitable trial.

He hasn't updated his little date blog. Probably in cuffs already.

He's now made up a pathetic story to cover up how sad he is.

Add that to the OP

youre following me around. i must really drive you insane after getting on a date. how mad are you right now? your little ploy didnt work did it?

My only "ploy" was to make fun of you publicly. I'd say it worked.

Post bussy, freak.

LOL, now you deleted that thread because your string of lies fell apart once people took a second to think about your bullshit. Do the world a favor and shut up, delete your account, shut up again, and then kill yourself.

Thanks bby

And now he admits he is full of crap with another sad set of screenshots

He's since deleted it and ceddit didn't worm. Would you happen to have an archive link or screenshot?

Yeah who refers to a date as a "potential victim" 😕😞

None of this seems healthy

I love how people like him finally get a date and then shoot themselves in the head by wanting to dine and ditch.

It was weird when he knew he was going to go on a date.... and asked everyone if he should have sex with her. Doesn't sound very involuntary.