Every cheeky reply /u/Fonaaldan gets on /r/drama, he gets closer to completing the Trump Bumper-Stickercide

27  2017-05-29 by smokes_degrass




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That person doesn't even sound like they're currently in the US.

That person doesn't even sound like they're currently sane

that person doesn't even sound like they're a person

that person doesn't think we should keep ever so slightly changing the comment for increasingly lower levels of comedic effect

this person didn't even post bussy

They never do 🙁




What a perfect copy pasta

/u/Fonaaldan $20 isn't a lot if you have a steady job instead of an allowance

It would not be possible to damage larger amounts of property and get away safely

So why LARP yourself as a grand revolutionary when you're a podunk redneck inbred destroying marginal amounts of property?

larp larp larp. because you charge trump supporters extra money.

But you've acknowledged $20 is nothing to somebody with a job

however, the time spent repairing the damage, will be worth x hours of the person's time, spent not at work, unpaid, of any salary , so you see, it is a sliding scale tax, it taxes those of whom you speak, at a same percentage rate of wealth / missing labour, as the poor. Plus the emotional burden for the trump sticker person is higher when the face falls

Iunno, this seems like an incredible emotional burden on you.

I'm waiting for you to realize that a portion of the money they spend on bumper stickers probably goes to support their cause.

yes, that's right! a redneck!

So, are you the bestiality type of redneck or the incest kind?