Professional Trump-Tweet-Troll William Legate taunts /pol/ last week, deletes Twitter today after they post pics of his freakishly large salami nipples

68  2017-05-29 by Dgenmedia


Nipple shaming is the body shaming I can get behind.

Then post your nips.

That's fucking disgusting

It's like baphomet and Gabriel all over again.

How does a guy that skinny even get nipples that big?

If I was that level of disgusting freak, I'd never take my shirt off and take pics.

Id honestly kill myself if I looked like that.

Because they're photoshopped. One of the responses shows the real photo.

His nips are a little big and /pol/ just photoshopped them alto absurd sizes.

Just imagine the size of that bussy!

What the fuck are those?

Apparently he's some sort of silicon valley wonderkid, not some random troll.

This is big. And true.

not anymore

I meant that him deleting his Twitter will have repercussions irl.

Silicon valley is a Twitter circle jerk.

I'm just paraphrasing /pol/ but I was referring to his apparent waste of the Peter Thiel money he won developing a now dead app

Are /pol/ users self-aware enough to realize that even if this kid's app wasn't a big success, he's still far more accomplished than any of them? I mean, they can laugh at his nipples all they want, but that doesn't change the fact that a vast majority of /pol/ users are worthless people.

i'm sorry your crush got taken down, now post YOUR nips in solidarity

I don't pay much attention to the technology sphere in Twitter because it's too navel-gazing for my tastes. You still didn't answer my question, though.

Taylor Swift posts on and is queen of /pol/ and this guy is a college dropout who wasted 100k with parents who hate him

try again

Taylor Swift posts on /pol/

rofl, right

try again

/pol/ users being pathetic losers is a given. I don't know why this is such a sore spot for you. Are you a /pol/ regular or something?

look, William, just apologize to your parents already and get a nip/tuck on those breakfast logs on your chest

So you are a /pol/ user, rofl. That actually explains a lot.

r/drama users being pathetic losers is a given. I don't know why this is such a sore spot for you. Are you a r/drama regular or something?

reddit users being pathetic losers is a given. I don't know why this is such a sore spot for you. Are you a reddit regular or something?

I mean, yeah. It's not a sore spot. It's reality.

Everyone is a loser, except you.

Programming anything and not ending up rich just makes you a nerd. This nerd has pepperoni nips.

He's an incel waiting to happen tbqh fam.

I have a 9" penis and make 140,000 a year at Wendy's.

9" penis

If you're not packing at least a foot, then I'm not impressed.

Holy fuck

I followed him to watch the drama unfold. He promptly DMed me to sell me some shitty t-shirts. Fuck that guy.

Fuck that guy.

finally we have common ground.

Savor this moment, bby. I even gave u an upbutt

You can milk anything with nipples that big, Greg.

You must be one dumb person to think taunting 4chan is a good idea

I can't remember a single time it went ok for the taunter.

I mean, most of the time nothing actually happens so there is nothing to remember.

owned so hard by 4chan his dad disowned him lol

This is the hard-hitting reporting I come here for.


usually people exaggerate when trying to poke at someone's insecurities, so I was NOT expecting that

Omg that is absolutely disgusting. 🤢😨🤤

Requesting an unironic trigger warning for that nipple pic.

Dude looks like he has some grade A boipussi.


Hope he kills himself.