Professional Trump-Tweet-Troll William Legate taunts /pol/ last week, deletes Twitter today after they post pics of his freakishly large salami nipples
68 2017-05-29 by Dgenmedia
First, the taunt:
Next, the nips:
Clothed nips at an antifa rally:
His now deleted twitter page:
/pol/ thread laughing about it:
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-05-29
You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.
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n/a LSU_Coonass 2017-05-29
Nipple shaming is the body shaming I can get behind.
n/a Pablopubes 2017-05-29
Then post your nips.
n/a Ultrashitpost 2017-05-29
That's fucking disgusting
n/a 80BAIT08 2017-05-29
It's like baphomet and Gabriel all over again.
n/a SperglockHolmes 2017-05-29
How does a guy that skinny even get nipples that big?
If I was that level of disgusting freak, I'd never take my shirt off and take pics.
n/a Dial_A_Dragon 2017-05-29
Id honestly kill myself if I looked like that.
n/a ComedicSans 2017-05-29
Because they're photoshopped. One of the responses shows the real photo.
n/a Vladtheimpaler14 2017-05-29
His nips are a little big and /pol/ just photoshopped them alto absurd sizes.
n/a IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-05-29
Just imagine the size of that bussy!
n/a ThatGaymer 2017-05-29
What the fuck are those?
n/a bobbybonnadouchey 2017-05-29
Apparently he's some sort of silicon valley wonderkid, not some random troll.
This is big. And true.
n/a smokes_degrass 2017-05-29
not anymore
n/a bobbybonnadouchey 2017-05-29
I meant that him deleting his Twitter will have repercussions irl.
Silicon valley is a Twitter circle jerk.
n/a smokes_degrass 2017-05-29
I'm just paraphrasing /pol/ but I was referring to his apparent waste of the Peter Thiel money he won developing a now dead app
n/a UpvoteIfYouDare 2017-05-29
Are /pol/ users self-aware enough to realize that even if this kid's app wasn't a big success, he's still far more accomplished than any of them? I mean, they can laugh at his nipples all they want, but that doesn't change the fact that a vast majority of /pol/ users are worthless people.
n/a smokes_degrass 2017-05-29
i'm sorry your crush got taken down, now post YOUR nips in solidarity
n/a UpvoteIfYouDare 2017-05-29
I don't pay much attention to the technology sphere in Twitter because it's too navel-gazing for my tastes. You still didn't answer my question, though.
n/a smokes_degrass 2017-05-29
Taylor Swift posts on and is queen of /pol/ and this guy is a college dropout who wasted 100k with parents who hate him
try again
n/a UpvoteIfYouDare 2017-05-29
rofl, right
/pol/ users being pathetic losers is a given. I don't know why this is such a sore spot for you. Are you a /pol/ regular or something?
n/a smokes_degrass 2017-05-29
look, William, just apologize to your parents already and get a nip/tuck on those breakfast logs on your chest
n/a UpvoteIfYouDare 2017-05-29
So you are a /pol/ user, rofl. That actually explains a lot.
n/a scrivenontheedge 2017-05-29
r/drama users being pathetic losers is a given. I don't know why this is such a sore spot for you. Are you a r/drama regular or something?
n/a eva_unit_hung 2017-05-29
reddit users being pathetic losers is a given. I don't know why this is such a sore spot for you. Are you a reddit regular or something?
n/a UpvoteIfYouDare 2017-05-29
I mean, yeah. It's not a sore spot. It's reality.
n/a wwyzzerdd 2017-05-29
Everyone is a loser, except you.
n/a DoctorFahrenheit 2017-05-29
Programming anything and not ending up rich just makes you a nerd. This nerd has pepperoni nips.
He's an incel waiting to happen tbqh fam.
n/a Vladtheimpaler14 2017-05-29
I have a 9" penis and make 140,000 a year at Wendy's.
n/a UpvoteIfYouDare 2017-05-29
If you're not packing at least a foot, then I'm not impressed.
n/a ProphetRith 2017-05-29
Holy fuck
n/a lokichilde 2017-05-29
I followed him to watch the drama unfold. He promptly DMed me to sell me some shitty t-shirts. Fuck that guy.
n/a smokes_degrass 2017-05-29
finally we have common ground.
n/a lokichilde 2017-05-29
Savor this moment, bby. I even gave u an upbutt
n/a wwyzzerdd 2017-05-29
You can milk anything with nipples that big, Greg.
n/a BigDaddy_Delta 2017-05-29
You must be one dumb person to think taunting 4chan is a good idea
n/a SpotNL 2017-05-29
I can't remember a single time it went ok for the taunter.
n/a eskachig 2017-05-29
I mean, most of the time nothing actually happens so there is nothing to remember.
n/a Harradar 2017-05-29
Taunting /pol/
n/a JasonJewnova 2017-05-29
Got milk Legate?
n/a Evolution-Happens 2017-05-29
owned so hard by 4chan his dad disowned him lol
n/a jaredschaffer27 2017-05-29
This is the hard-hitting reporting I come here for.
n/a 30blues 2017-05-29
usually people exaggerate when trying to poke at someone's insecurities, so I was NOT expecting that
n/a chanilastname 2017-05-29
Omg that is absolutely disgusting. 🤢😨🤤
n/a WyrmSaint 2017-05-29
Requesting an unironic trigger warning for that nipple pic.
n/a bleasehalb 2017-05-29
Dude looks like he has some grade A boipussi.
n/a IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-05-29
n/a michgot 2017-05-29
Hope he kills himself.