Basketball-Americans launch mayocide ahead of schedule due to terror by makeup

21  2017-05-29 by VaginalAutism


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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This is pretty spot on tho

Edgy culture comes from bored white people who don't have any actual shit to fight for for themselves because they have so much privilege. So, they create conflict by shitting on and stealing from others and then call it bullying when it gets called out.

Maybe if you have a sub 80 IQ.

no u

u sound edgy

Woke minority detected.

I think they are just jealous that whitey painted brown is better looking than they are.there is a reason mayos are the master race

They know at the first chance to upgrade their men will ditch them for a mayo or rice bitch, so their anger is understandable.

Not everyone is so easily replaceable.

mayos are the master race

Oy vey! Look at this goyim and his self delusions.

Singular is "goy".

Does mayocide come with sexual revolutionary violence? If so sign me tf up.

Reading buzzfeed is like hanging out with your pedophile uncle. I mean, you could, but like, don't complain afterwards.