In a follow-up to the other day's STICKIED /r/TheCinemassacre post, head mod and Cinemassacre employee Mike Matei makes a post addressing all of drama he created, except for posting dick pics. One former mod is not having it

62  2017-05-30 by ZadocPaet


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Is that sub solely populated by children?

Every response to the ex-mod is "get a life bro."

Oh, it's one of those "youtuber" subs. Figures.

NotAllYoutuberSubs Probably all gaming Youtuber subs tho.

Easy now. AVGN is a national treasure.

Mike isn't

Not children per se, but you have to be on the mental level of one to seriously defend somebody like Mike Matei.

Yeah I don't get it. The Mike dude seems like he has some issue. I mean posting a dick pic to make a point and then pretending it never happened is retarded. Either don't be a retard or own it...

This whole shitstorm all stemmed from a shitty Minecraft video, I think that's says it all

It's really annoying. I especially like the ones that are like 'Oh it's just a dick get over it'.

Like, a lot of people don't seem to grasp how incredibly inappropriate and not okay the situation is.

Had to go find the inspector gadget video just out of curiously I love AVGN but holy fuck these guys are so criminally unfunny sometimes I can't even watch

At this point the video is hilarious for how terrible it is and it's memetic quality. It is pure concentrated autism and what makes it better is how hard Mike is trying to keep it from resurfacing online.


Do you really think Rolfe is going to listen to you, an internet moderator, and fire his friend Mike over his shitty moderating practices?


But I think he'd listen to me as a figure in the gaming industry who has worked professionally with YouTube channels for 7 years, and currently works full time as a PR guy and editor for a youtube channel of a similar size to his. Also I don't think he should fire him over his 'shitty moderating practices' on their own, I think he should fire him because of him posting a fucking dick pic on the subreddit to predominantly teenage fans, AND his shitty moderating practices.

Every show you work for is because James led the way early on for these kinds of personalities. The chances of him listening to you at best, is 0%.

You'd be surprised, I can make a lot of noise.

That link is why I hate YouTuber culture.

Yeaaaaaah, I'm not a fan myself really.

The MattGate thing happened accidentally, and I'm getting involved with this due to my inclusion in the modmail and stuff. It'd be nice if YouTubers just weren't cunts a lot of the time.

>Karma score of 50

Yeah, bruh. That noise is deafening.

oh also, /u/mattophobia - you mentioned several times that you "work for professional youtubers". Are you paid for this work (with real, honest-to-God money)?

He mods for Boogie2988 and Nerdcubed so I'm guessing he works for one of those two, or both.

Most I do for free a favours. I do however work full time as a PR Manager and Video Editor for a channel with 2.5 million subscribers.

How'd you get into that? Sounds like an interesting job.

Literally from running a few subreddits in my spare time. I then started talking to who is now my current employer more and more in regards to his subreddit, I was then brought on as a community manager full time. My role expanded and I now handle most other random stuff, as well as edit most of the videos.

So, you landed a real job from reddit activity? That's the dream, bro.

I knew there was a reason Vinny called him Mike "Big Cock" Matei but this going too far. Settle in boys, this is gonna be good.

So many people there sucking on Mikes 10 incher.

Seriously though, other than posting let's plays with James between AVGN episodes that I skip past on my sub feed, what does he do?

He edits some videos

youtube stuff

He also streams on his own a bit, but he does it on a different channel.