The official accounts of Russia and Ukraine start a meme war on twitter. (Notice the blue verification mark)

128  2017-05-30 by iuhpiz98z


Cool story, bro


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I don't know what weapons will be used in World War 3, but i know that World War 4 will be fought with dank memes

Well if memes will be the main tools of war, it also means - lesser deadcount.

But a higher dedcount

Much higher suicidecount

all of those are 4chan reaction .gifs

Really jogs the noggin huh.

did you see the thread about starting a political party in smaller countries.


World War 3's main line of offense will be weaponized autism.

I had no idea eastern Europe had weaponized autism

Dude, where do you think it originally came from?

ok so has WoG confirmed that autism come from Neanderthals? this has been my headcanon for awhile

Eastern European history is essentially defined by the sudden appearance of an autistic leader that changes the whole direction of the region.

In this cycle, he is reborn as Vladimir Putin: Read this

Near sociopathic, yet bizarre efficient and brutal leader? Seems legit.

yet bizarre efficient

lol. you're more likely to find a successful retard than a successful aspie.

Oh Jesus Christ this is amazing. The Pentagon actually funneled money and resources to figure out if Putin is an aspie.

They wanted to evaluate if they could manage to make him less effective at ruling his country by secretly pushing for the release of more Sonic games.

Giving Sonic blue arms was punishment for Crimea.

They have plenty of other weaponized shit, so I'm sure that the Soviets earmarked some pork for military autism research.

JUST Eastern Europe?

This is amazing. Less amazing when you realize it's just 2 PR guys bantering with each other, but still.

There is also the official account of Russian ministry of foreign affairs involved in the thread, so we might be dealing with 3 PR people here.

>wwIII is caused by a twitter fight

What a time to be alive

"By this frog, thou shalt perish"

Well Ukraine and Russia are already sorta in a war, this isn't going to start anything

Honestly it would be more like "the day poland went away"

Poland devastated by surprise meme attack from Polish forces and declared missing, news at 11.

Our world ended not with a bang, but with a kek

This really is the best time to be alive.

Blue checks on Twitter used to mean something. Now they're just giving them to anybody.

Except Milo.

ooooooo got em






Shitposters are a protected class.

This really is the dankest timeline.

This unironically made my day.

Did I drink paint thinner to end up in this weird time line

We exist in the dankest timeline.


wtf is an official twitter account of a country? Like, how do you go to twitter and say 'hi i am officially russia.' This is dumb and people that think this is some sort of official diplomatic discussion between two countries are retarded and need to get off twitter.

maybe life is worth living after all

Twitter fingers turn to trigger fingers

I don't understand why the SPLC talking about memes is cringe but not this.

Either way, everyone involved should be killed.

The Great Meme War: Eastern Front (Operation Dankbarossa)

The best part about this is people tagging Sweden in replies.

Eastern Europe has had a chromosomes​ deficiency for a long time now, ever since Chernobyl decided to nuclear cream pie everywhere, there are literally Babushkas with Great Big Penises on their foreheads, roaming around, looking for mushrooms and fake taxis. The World will never quite be the same without the Soviet Union. Yes, it anally penetrated some countries, but every story has its baddie, right???