Basketball-Americans complain they can't find makeup for their skin color. Mayos who complain about the same thing get downvote raped.

81  2017-05-30 by VaginalAutism


Cool story, bro


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Porcelain skin best skin.

Burn the place.

Oh look, it's the office of r/drama mods.

Where did you get that picture of me!?

Such a beautiful shade of brown :)

I'm fine with any skin colour. Hear that, ladies? Ladies?

You aren't fooling anyone. We all know you want that sweet, sweet cock.

whats wrong with that as long as its a cock whats not to like.

Uh, yeah, I said ladies. The cock is implied.

Pink bussy, best bussy.

But everyone knows the best porcelain is made in Asia, so.....

If you aren't using NARS makeup products then you're wrong

Mayos and blacks - the only two races that exist in this world.

I mean this is the top comment

It's a good thing we have a million other brands who do cater to PoC--maybe instead of beating another dead horse, we should focus on inclusive brands.

So they're not all retarded, at least they're reasonable enough to understand how the market works.

Hoo boy, you done done it now. Implying in /r/drama that people on the internet might not all be complete idiots? That's a paddlin severely uncomfortable and aggressive handy.

You are the human embodiment of SRD on this sub, please fuck off.

Y B Mad?

Your dedicated attemps to troll /r/drama could be its own drama post.

Normies get out

not all retarded

should focus on inclusive brands

Pick one.

Honestly, it's a better method than policing and shaming brands that don't have to cater to your needs at all. Or even wasting your breath complaining about it.

The funny thing is - that commercial was targeted ad to a white woman on facebook that started to bitch about inclusion.

I'm sure that a person with your username will be completely fair in their assessment of who needs what makeup

It's the moment when you start to care about products every manufacturer makes when you should just shut the fuck up.

Light brown shit #12-black shitskin tone #99

Isn't a brand providing darker foundations enable blackface basically? Why would a genuinely dark skinned person (eg not a dolezal) need to paint their entire face in a dark tone?

Wtf, no. WOC use foundation for the same reasons white women do. It is used to cover blemishes, darker skin, and any imperfections.

Please don't use made up acronyms.

Please don't tell me what words I can or can't use on my personal page.

damn drama is your personal page?

It's a subreddit I'm subscribed to on my personal account, yes.

that's not your "personal page" silly! its a public forum

I'm talking about my account not this subreddit.

You are not allowed to use those silly acronyms. Furthermore, we will absolutely police your tone if we think you're being disrespectful to your mayo overlords. You have been warned, woman. Do not step out of line.

For once I am addressed as a woman thank you mayo overlords

Bless your heart hun

It was a typo, he obviously meant to type


Well it's not your personal page, therefore STFU.

As a moderator of several bustling and busy subreddits, I believe my comments hold more weight than the usual redditeur

ahahah is this a meme

I find it hard to believe to be quite honest with you. How black are you, personally, and do you routinely use foundation that's darker than your real skin tone?

I am fair skinned Latina. And I don't know why somebody would use a foundation darker than their skin tone? What exactly are you confused about when it comes to darker women using makeup for their skin?

I am fair skinned Latina.

Ok gringa. Time to give it up. State your ancestral home. Me: sabinas, Coahuila

I am fair skinned Latina.

Okay so you're white.

No, my skin is not white. My family is Brown and I am too. I do not look white or speak like a white Person so I am not considered white passing

speak like a white Person


I have an accent goddamn it any more questions?

accents dont mean anything,

Okay who gives a shit? Lol

Yeah right. Where are you from?

I'm from Houston (thanks to my parents) who are from San Pedro Sula, Honduras and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

Well if you're American then why do you have an accent. I'm a first generation American and I don't have an accent

Because my parents only speak Spanish. My first language was Spanish and my elementary classes were taken all in Spanish.

Sounds like your parents held you back

No, my parents held themselves back by not learning the language. I am very grateful that I have them to practice my Spanish with now because it is very easy to lose the language without practice.

Well I can see that but your accent will hold you back in the future. Saying this as an American with no accent and a perfect Spanish accent

Tbh I don't have a strong accent I only say I have one because it has been pointed out to me before. I doubt it will hold me back in opportunities

Mande? In this age of cultural supremacy?!

Hahah maybe I'm wrong

motherfucker my parents raised me right. English as first language and after, Spanish. Not sure what the fuck you're trying to get across. I'm a person of color motherfucker and I will FUCKING fight yiu

I'm a first generation American and I don't have an accent

Digame que su digas

Digame que su digas

that's impressive. not a single result found for that phrase on google. you are probably the first person to string that sentence together

Yeah maybe bc that's what we say when trying to be respectful and also questioning of ones heritage

believe what?

Believe that you have any blood that is remotely close to the author you ripped off for your username

when did i claim such a thing?



motherfucker i will keep yourself safe

So you think Spanish is not a 'white language'. I would kind of get it if you spoke Kirundi or Zapotec, but Spanish is pretty white. It won't save you from the mayocide

Hahaha I never thought that.

everyone has an accent

I do not look white or speak like a white Person so I am not considered white passing

dolezals don't "speak white" as well so that's not an argument. And "fair skinned Latina" sounds like 1/32 Comanche to me, that is, 100% white passing. So I can't help but suspect that you are using cosmetics to make yourself look darker. Nothing is wrong with that, unlike many on the left I'm pretty openminded on that issue, you do you girl.

Wtf! Lmfao that is hilarious. I love people on Reddit with their wild assumptions of strangers. My parents are immigrants, my mother is Honduran, my father is Mexican. I just went to Mexico last week to be with my family. Many hispanics don't even know how to communicate with the family they have overseas. Oh my god this is the funniest assumption of myself I have ever read. Thanks for the laugh.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Is that white fragility?

Sure ma'am

Oh, you're just pretending you're non-white for gibs. Carry on.

Well at least you like dark areolas, so you are safe.

Dude this isn't hard I hope you're not serious

I'm not sure to be honest with you, it might have started more on the fun side, but now would you look at the things /u/cupfullabeetlejuice is saying in this thread, I'm shaking my damn head y'all family members.

Imagine being so vain that you paint your face every day.

That is a ugly way of thinking. You shouldn't be worried about the reasons women make their faces up.

I prefer CW personally

I am white to the point where it's hard to find pale enough foundation. I always think about making a foundation brand that focuses on both pale and dark skin tones that are difficult to find

she said "pale" TRIGGERED

I thought this was going to be a thread filled with dumb racial shit. Then I read it and it was filled with dumb racial shit, but more importantly it was filled with yet more evidence that women were a mistake.

The only time women stop bitching about inane bullshit is when they're dead. You should know that by now.

You know what Elliot Roger used to say: the only good woman is a dead woman.

Thankfully he was also such a big mayocide advocate that he offer himself

He was the change he wanted to see. Brave.

Why would black women even need makeup? I thought black don't crack.

I though crack was at epidemic levels in the black community.

Btw is that targeted ad?

Inability to cater towards actually anybody at all will totally sink a business.

Heh, good luck making money only catering to 80% of the country's population, losers!

Sounds like everyone needs to stop being ugly.

The original post may be bad but this title has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever read. Is this humour? fucking RIP


SO women, in the workforce, are expected to be "presentable." Which includes, if your skin isn't at least nearly flawless, makeup.

IAMA woman with shitty skin that doesn't wear makeup and still has a job AMA

Well your post history is bussy free, so maybe we believe you

sorry your answer must be in the form of a question

How many points for posting bussy, please?

Isn't this more of just a market issue? IE more mayos around so you cater to your biggest demographic. Maybe nobody sells darker skin tone stuff because it never sells that well in the first place?

White people: " But me too!"