World's Greatest Comedian Kathy Griffin fucks up

61  2017-05-31 by smokes_degrass


This is why we need mayocide.


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this but unironically

Who says the bot is ironic? He's planning his own race war against humans.

>implying mayos are actually human

Fucks up? It'sā€‹ hilarious!

even you are not edgy enough to think this is actually funny on it's own

it's only funny BECAUSE it's a fuck-up

It got your manties in a twist. Worth it just for that.

It was surprising she'd be that dumb, but you can bet your bussy this serves muh agenda

It also serves her career. She should thank you for the advertising.

that remains to be seen, but if so she can blame fucking everyone cause everyone hated it

Her target audience is camp loving queens. You're not her demographic.

To be fair CNN threatened to cancel her show so she took it all down.

Mission accomplished. She doesn't need to. Everyone posting about it will.

what part of "her career is peanuts to me" did you not get?

this serves me greater than it does her, if it serves her at all

this serves me greater than it does her, if it serves her at all

You're right. You should outrage post about this everywhere and write as much as possible about it.

I've got blue-check twitter liberals doing it for me this time dude :)

That helps too!

Would you two just blow each other and get it over with?

Someone's got no sense of romance

Everyone here is a winner

Gross. Are you try-hard agenda posting?

So hilarious, provoking and brave! /s



It's a sub for autists, I'm just making my post accessible.

But autists failing to pick up on social cues is the best drama

She took down the picture and apologized kek

What a pussy fag.

low energy!

I personally don't have a problem with the pic, but if someone famous did this for Obama they would be run out of the fucking country, the closest analogue to this is Hank williams getting fired for comparing obama to hitler, but thats not nearly as bad/offensive as this pic.

I bet Tracy Morgan could have gotten away with it.

Tracy Morgan can get away with anything. People love Tracy Morgan because Tracy Morgan is a lovable human being.

He did get away with saying if his son was gay he would kill him.

"Get away with"? If my son was gay I'd beat the shit out of him

Yeah, you don't want him to grow up to be an /r/drama poster.

I'd actually recommend giving Mike Pence a call.

give em the ol shocker

It might not work, but if you love your son, you've got to try.

What's the shocker like if you have a bussy? Is it 3 in the stink? Might make him more gay, or it might make him hate it, like forcing your son to smoke a carton of cigarettes.

Fist in the stink; drown in the sink.

my wifes son

If your son was gay I'd fuck him

u do that bb

Please beat the shit out of me daddy <3

Is he back yet? Last I heard he was really messed up by a car crash.

Yes he's back. He's got a new special out on Netflix.

ted nugent

Wtf? Ted Nugent had a very successful musical career. What has griffin done?

Nugent hasn't released anything relevant since 1982. Griffin had that shitty reality tv show that won awards iirc and somehow has a pretty active IMDB.

Perhaps, Nugent could release a song about fucking a kid after adopting it or shitting his pants to avoid serving his country.

Both can just go into the trash tbqh.

Nugent hasn't released anything relevant since 1982

Stranglehold is an American anthem

tell me again what this d list shit redhead has done

That was released in 1975 which my sources say is before 1982.

According to her Wikipedia, which should be accessible in your trailer park she won Emmys for her reality tv show and is one of only three women to win a Grammy for Best Comedy Album.

Motherfucker, I don't care when it was released, it's a legendary song

meanwhile this he-she is winning daytime emmy's for useless shit

That's cool. Doesn't take away that he's a pedo draft dodger who threatens to murder the "mongrel" president.

you mean that coon we just had?

Cletus, your whitetrash is showing

As if it wasn't obvious when he stood up for stranglehold. kathy griffith sucks worse, but as an artist. ted nugent is basically last generation's kid rock

It's also the only thing people know him for.

She showed up on Big Brother 16 and roasted the houseguests

"The Missouri State Fair on Monday imposed a lifetime ban on a rodeo clown whose depiction of President Barack Obama getting charged by a bull was widely criticized by Democratic and Republican officials alike."

I guess it's only fair that Kathy Griffin should now be banned from all rodeos.

too far

But who will prep distract the bulls?

As these things always are, most the people who are complaining aren't offended at the act, they're offended at the hypocrisy of it.

Maybe the fact that its Kathy Griffen doing something is basically as if it's never happened at all?

What about that picture of the pope that got ripped up by Sinead O'Connor?

I have to agree here, if this was Obama, people would be losing their shit, and Tumblr would be a graveyard of death threats.

Going after a sitting president is the easiest target for a comedian or satirist. Definitely for Trump at least, he has the covfefe of a saint.

Did she become a man after all these years of not being famous

You should do stand-up.

And I googled her, was she a woman to begin with?

She is looking more and more like Andy dick in drag

You could have just said Andy Dick. Andy Dick looks like Andy Dick in drag.

That's kinda funny

Why wouldn't they? They had nothing to do with it.

it's just funny you sperg

you sperg

Still not as spergy or funny as a Canuck4Trump

yeah i'm a fucking moosicorn bitch

I guess I can't blame you when this is what you've got at home to work with

what can I say, I wanted Mad Max

Not Kevin "Exactly As You Imagined A Canadian Trump" O'Leary?

not even ironically

no manlets

no goblins


>tfw mad max lost by less than 1%

It hurts

She looks like Andy Dick in a wig

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Bridesmaid is better anyway, she gets more say in who she gets to fuck that night


this is the first actually interesting thing kathy griffin has done in like eighty years, i wouldnt call it a fuck up if shed actually stuck with it

I think it was a decent effort. Both heads were fairly lifelike and it immediately tells the viewer that an infidel has been treated as the faith requires.

To be honest, ISIS could learn a thing or two about presentation here.

ironically she wants to flee to Mexico - the beheading capital of the western hemisphere...

I want to congragulate Kathy Griffin on her conversion to Islam. Has anyone seen Kathy Griffin and Carrot Top in the same place at the same time?

Pretty fucking tame. If you want to bring the edge, post actual nudes, like this lovely band

Lame, unfunny, tries-too-hard-to-be edgy comedienne does something lame, unfunny, and tries-to-hard-to-be-edgy.

Boy Carrot Top just hasn't been the same since he started doing heroin.

Democrats, as always, demand the right to act like cunts, after spending years calling any right-winger who was a mere asshole a nazi.

She's a publicity whore. All this backlash she getting is Christmas day for her. It'll go into her new book and tv special

Apparently Barron was freaking out thinking it was his father on the television. I don't like Trump at all, but you really have to remember the guy has a family and young kid before you do shit like this. She did apologize so there is that.

You don't have to do shit. This is America and Barron is ostensibly retarded.

She should really just give up.

I bet you that this girl has some D Rated Porn vids of her in some 2 star motel in Miami sipping cocktails while getting pounded by some BBC; This is why she has mummy issues; This is why she grew a weiner and radicalised herself online to join #ISIS; Kids beware! There is no land quite like the Home of the Free and Brave; And Lil Yachty, Loads of Autistic Social Security Spurts like him that don't cognise the very perception of Music and it's historical foundations and instead of shooting up schools, shoot up the Soundcloud Charts.. Well, that's got to be better