Reddit's latest pedosexual community gets the ban hammer

51  2017-05-31 by poopy_ass


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He says what we're all thinking!


Former mod here.

We were a peaceful community advocating the end of hatred and bigotry towards pedosexuals yet /rJesusChristReddit brigaded and reported us to the point of having our sub /r/antipedophobia taken down. Meanwhile literal neonazi subs like /r/The_Donald are still spreading their hate speech like wildfire.

I have reported them to the admins and they should all be ashamed of themselves for pulling off this sick stunt. Intolerant people like them are the reason why Drumpf is our president. We will be moving our community to Voat since reddit has become a breeding ground for bigots.

Dude I thought being hated makes you learn something.

Then you go

neonazi /r/The_Donald

Fuck you and your lolis.

Fuck you and your lolis.

That's what I do anyways.

Fuck you and your lolis.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Been there, done that...

Neon-nazi is what I read at first

Literally a _Dumbass

How's it feel to be less popular than childfuckers?

Prison hierarchy as follows:
Regular felons>pedophiles>t_D

this is the most transparent trolling I've seen in a while

I have been as subtle as a brick to the face yet people keep taking me seriously. I suppose some reddit users love being outraged and took the brave stance that raping children is wrong before reporting our joke sub. Meanwhile you get to the laugh at the aftermath.

do beastiality next

If he wants to be more subtle he could do incest. Pretty much every argument used for gay marriage is equally valid here.

And when they ask about genetic disease you can ask them why they support eugenics and want to deny marriage to disabled people.

He could also do a bestiality/monkeys/sowhyinterracialisok? combo.

Why you want to deny marriage to disabled people is brilliant. Please /u/TheVirtueSignal

Pedo Vore would be better


Reported for sex negativity

I have been as subtle as a brick to the face yet people keep taking me seriously.

People are stupid, even Kekistanis.

Not everyone who posted was joking known pedophones posted there. Also why joke about child sexual abuse? You can't find another topic to troll about?

I think there were other taboo topics such as incest, necrophilia, and bestiality that could have been chosen but they wouldn't have been as effective at getting a reaction out of people. The sub was only up for a few days so I'm not sure if actual pedophiles showed up at some point who thought they were in good company. That would have quickly turned into a shitstorm since they have a tendency to share CP on any subreddits harboring them.

If another joke sub like this shows up in the future it's bound to attract people who unironically agree with its message.

You wanted to troll. But you have to care about how you troll. I have heard of the police visiting people over trolling. Actual pedophiles did show up, which is why your sub went to shut. I recognized a few from pedofriends.

I was afraid of something like this happening since the joke was going too far although we weren't doing anything illegal. If some infamous users from pedofriends showed up perhaps it was a good thing the place was shut down.

Personally if I decide to help out doing something like this again I would rather not risk having the police show up on my front doorstep. A joke subreddit revolving around a legal topic would be a better idea next time even if it won't be as effective.

I was afraid of something like this happening since the joke was going too far although we weren't doing anything illegal.

True but you have to realize that Reddit has rules against pedophilia. A dangerous game.

If some infamous users from pedofriends showed up perhaps it was a good thing the place was shut down.

Yeah. Oddly enough I saw one who knew it was satire but he said something like it is 65% satire.

Personally if I decide to help out doing something like this again I would rather not risk having the police show up on my front doorstep.

Yes. A guy said he joked about a murder and police questioned him about it. Not everyone is assuming what he posted was a joke so people reported him. Not to mention people might comb through one's comment history to find out where they live. Or Reddit could have released their IP address to the cops.

A joke subreddit revolving around a legal topic would be a better idea next time even if it won't be as effective.

Yeah you can be edgy with jokes but stay legal and check with Reddit rules first.

And yet...

fuck everyone who said "muh slippery slope fallacy"

Kys And to be clear I mean that you should kill yourself.

Castrate yourself.

Mega upvotes to you, dude. Nobody understands that there are many pedophiles out there that do not act on their urges because they obviously kmow it's wrong, but with such an insane stigma attached there's nowhere they can go to get help and the only "help" they ever get is prison time if they just can't take it anymore and end up watching cp or even actually touching a child. It's sad, if people would just take a step back and look at the situation logically this is something we can prevent from happening but choose not to because nobody even wants to hear the word "pedophile" they're degenerates, monsters, total deviants--even if they've done absolutely nothing wrong.

Stop trying so hard for the drama mod spot you fucking doof.

Lol what makes you think I want to mod this sack of shit sub?

Why wouldn't you? You're a degenerate with a need for attention, you'd fit right in.

I am not, but whatever you say

I am not

That's too bad.

Maybe because TD doesnt suppoet child rape you fucking retard.

Where will /r/Drama mods spend their time now?

They will be moving the community to Voat.

Wow that was quick


is /r/nambla already taken?

Hey, gghazi still stands

Here's the thing. You said a "Ephebophile is a Pedophile."

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who is a Ephebophile, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls Ephebophiles Pedophiles. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "Pedophile Family" you're referring to the fetish of Pedophaila, which includes things from Pedophiles to Ephebophiles to Hebephilies.

So your reasoning for calling a Ephebophile a Pedophile is because random people "call the ones who like kids Pedophiles?" Let's get Lolicons and Shotacons in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a BDSM Lover or an Fetisher? It's not one or the other, that's not how fetishes work. They're both. A Ephebophile is a Ephebophile and a member of the Pedophile family. But that's not what you said. You said a Ephebophile is a Pedophile, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the Pedophile family Pedophiles, which means you'd call Hebephiles, Lolicons, and other Fetishers Pedophiles, too. Which you said you don't.

It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

Can we call a spade a spade? Or a trilby a fedora? Neither of them is a baseball cap and I wouldn't wear either one. Frankly I doubt most people could tell the difference or care. Since anyone wearing either one is probably a pretentious hipster douche then it is pointless to differentiate between trilbys and fedoras, for all intents and purposes they are the same thing.

Can we get queer kids stuff banned next on youtube?

It is a pedophile that is grooming children for sex.