Trump lashes out at all the negative press covfefe [sic]. Tags are hashed.

14  2017-05-31 by zahlman


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I'ma go ahead and TL:DR this whole fucking thread before it even starts ( no need to suck my dick plebeians)

Everyone in this sub starts fellating Turnip harder than Pence sucks his "mothers" big black dildo.

My tongue didn't slip. its good enough to keep your whore mother in my bed.

Lemme tl;dr this thread properly: inb4 a bunch of libtards start showing off that they're not like the other /r/drama posters


Liberals are smarter and better looking than a sister fucking, banjo playing incest spawn like you. I hope your pastor sticks his collection plate straight up your gaping oozing asshole.

they're not like the other /r/drama posters

I'm not like the other drama posters at all: I'm not even the same species as you fucking neo-nazithals.

Can you really not take libtard? It's literally the most generic/pol/ insult. I bet you're just mad because your kind is weaker.

It's literally the most generic/pol/ insult.

All /pol/ insults are generic, they use the name brand to cook up meth.

your kind is weaker

Yeah, rednecks were created by Darwin to be the dumb labor

/pol/ insults are generic

That's cause you guys copy them, cuck.

dumb labor[sic]

Yeah, well according to ur own big daddy Marx, the labourers are he ones who will ultimately hold power in society when his model of history has run its course.

That's cause you guys copy them, cuck.

How's it feel to be the first person on the internet with an objectively retarded view, ever?

Yeah, well according to ur own big daddy Marx, the labourers are he ones who will ultimately hold power in society when his model of history has run its course.

Gulags are for the Lumpenprols. Class conscious labor is the one that gets the carrot.

I came.

That's some nice covfefe, haha

This but unironically.

Ur trying too hard

Vote meme into presidency. Get upset by presidential memes.

I'm just glad to have an Obama level scandal for once.