Trump pulls out of Paris Accords, spergs at r/politics blame...Jill Stein?

67  2017-05-31 by poopy_ass


Now with added cancer!


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We're all gonna fuckin die lmao

Not me. I'm gonna get a super awesome robot body.

But only five feet tall.

Nah, I'm thinking 3 meters of bussy-smashing awesomeness.

Probably not "tall" where it counts, eh sweetie?

I do not have a foot-long robotic penis if that's what you're implying.

This is why you don't get second dates


I hope we die soon. I don't want to study for my thermo test.

At least I'd live way close to the sea.

It'll actually be fine for most of us. If you're a first worlder who doesn't live on the coast this won't directly impact you at all.

Not to mention, according to the science, these accords represented too little too late to make any meaningful difference,

Not to mention, according to the science, these accords represented too little too late to make any meaningful difference.

So we're still gonna die

Death is the only certainty in life, we were all gonna die anyways.

Thank God

My house is 19 feet above sea level.

My feet are 19 seas next to house level

Your dad is right at my dick level

Not to mention, according to the science, these accords represented too little too late to make any meaningful difference.

I think you're misinterpreting something here. I've met a lot of climate scientists and in my experience they are very supportive of international agreements like Kyoto and Paris. Thinking of climate change as this binary disaster that either will be "avoided" or kill us is pure fiction. Taking steps to slow down the rate of warming by limiting emissions will not stop climate change; we will continue to warm for decades before potentially leveling out for tens of thousands of years before we descend into another ice age from orbital forcings. Saying that the Paris agreeement can't make a meaningful difference is like telling a smoker that quitting won't cure their lung cancer or a diabetic that changing their diet won't cure them. All are true statements, but misleading.

I'm sure they are, but we don't let climate scientists determine policy for the same reason doctors don't practice law and mechanics don't perform surgery.

They don't understand the elements of the equation outside their field.

To a climate scientist "These regulations will only make a negligible difference, but its a step in the right direction" is a reason to do them, but they don't factor the cost/benefit of such a policy. If the benefits are negligible but the costs both social and economic are more than negligible, its not worthwhile policy.

potentially leveling out for tens of thousands of years before we descend into another ice age from orbital forcings

Boston is going to be under a mile of ice in less than 2000 years, brah.

We're all going to die regardless.

Global warming is going to cull the shit out of the 3rd world.

It's long over due tbh, I can't wait.

america gave the third world the green revolution, prompting massive population growth. it's only fair that america has to correct that growth.

Nukes would be cooler but I'll settle for droughts/famines and the resulting cannibalism.

Thanks Hilldawg voters. Good job voting for an un-electable criminal. Now we've got Trump instead of one of the few unspoiled politicians in the entire world.

Couldn't stand seeing a jewess in the white house, huh /u/iStayedAtaHolidayInn ? I hope you're happy, damn antisemite.

Everyone knows James K. Polk was secretly a Jewish American princess

one of the few unspoiled politicians in the entire world

Not a cult.

What's wrong with a cult? It's a great way to meet new people, you walk around with this slight euphoria all the time, someone else tells what you're supposed to do, you finally get a sense of direction in your life.

Cults are overrated cuuz.

They even provide kool-aid.

Imagine Stein wanting to share her last ever drink with you. It's fucking romantic.

Maybe it's because of my pathological jealousy, but I'd rather starve to death right alongside the big suits at JP Morgan than live a comfortable middle class life and see them make millions.

"Hey Mr. JP, I'm feeling a little hungry right now, how about you? Hahahahaha, oh you want to invest in a hedge fund? Too bad! this is Venezuela motherfucker, we ain't got capitalism"

If those were my last words before succumbing to starvation, I'd die a happy man.

The big suits at JP Morgan would probably weasel their way into the Revolutionary Vanguard / Proletarian Socialist party and nothing would change.

Fuck, you're right. What even gives them their weaseling ability? I'd love to weasel, but it's just not in my nature.

They work and study very hard to get degrees in weaseling.

I'd love to weasel, but it's just not in my nature.

Yes it is, you're a communist

I'm a National-Socialist. There's a difference.


Ahem. True Socialism (TM) has never been tried. Something something state KKKapitalism.

We all shoulda voted for Based Aleppo Man.

The American wanted someone who wouldn't meddle in Syria and Middle Eastern affairs. Who better to elect than a guy who doesn't even know where Syria is?

"Mr. President, we have a problem in Aleppo. There is a war going on."

"Aleppo what now? I'm sure it will pass."

Best foreign policy you could ever ask for.

But sure, Hillary would've been worse than Trump.

There it is, like clockwork.

"sure we rigged the elections, but you still should've voted for our corrupt despot"


t. everyone


does anyone in real life actually think hillary lost a rigged election

I meant the primaries.

Although the media was sucking mad Hilldick

does anyone in real life actually think bernie lost a rigged primaries

the media i'll concede (especially during most of the primaries; afterward though, I don't see how you could responsibly report on Trump without it coming off negative), though they were bipolar af about it.

From my more or less neutral perspective, several statements are true simultaneously:

  1. DNC rigged everything they could to support Hillary, in one hell of a shameless way: like, look at this shit, the DNC head resigns after Barack Obama himself had to tell her to resign, immediately afterwards she was hired by Clinton campaign proper, and the next DNC chair immediately proceeded to send Hillary some debate questions.

  2. Even if that shit didn't happen, Bernie had a snowball's chance in hell to get selected in the primaries.

  3. (bonus) the hacks and the leaks were probably by the Russians, but that doesn't in any way reduce the veracity of the leaked information or how damning it was.

  • The institutional party had somewhat of a bias towards Clinton but the idea that they "rigged everything" is silly; maybe they tipped the scales by a few points but her victory margin over Bernard was ultimately much, much larger than any plausible estimate of their effect.

  • The party had a bias towards Clinton not because she corruptly suborned them or because they hate the left and love (((neoliberals))) but because Clinton had spent 30 years building relationships and earning trust with the party whereas Bernard, who literally wasn't even a party member, has spent his entire career alienating and pissing off the Democrats with, e.g., constant baseless accusations of corruption whenever they disagree with him.

  • The entire primary process is not especially "fair" to begin with and it's not clear what a "fair primary" even means or why we should want one. This is voter-as-sovereign-consumer ideology, which is bad enough when applied generally, pushed down even into intraparty elections. The primary should serve to appoint good candidates not to be abstractly "fair."

  • DWS was already unpopular and widely considered ineffective before any of the WikiLeaks nonsense came out. Moreover she was not an especially important figure and her position was not especially powerful. All of this made her an ideal person to take the fall for the perception of rigging and "corruption" regardless of how justified it was.

  • Donna Brazile's scandalous, decisive intervention in the election was hilariously trivial by any objective standard. You're telling me the most prepared, policy-oriented, crossed-ts-and-dotted-is candidate in Dem history, and one of the best debaters, needed a heads-up to be ready to explain her position on the death penalty, which has been a national issue since she was a college student? Or that a debate literally held in Flint, Michigan was going to ask about the lead poisoning crisis? Those two emails are literally the entire debate question scandal lmao. That's the whole thing. The media covering these things obsessively does not make them actually big issues.

The DNC primary was 100% not-joking in any way rigged. Yes.

LOL proof or gtfo

LOL win Michigan or gtfo

when was AG

Nov. 9, 2016. :-D

so wait if A had never been G before how could it have been M'd GA?

also wouldn't that mean that A was M'd GA when Obama was still president

Who gives a shit?

does anyone in real life actually think bernie lost a rigged primaries

Yes, some people do feel this way. There was definitely some fishy stuff going on, but overall I still think Hillary would have won. She cleaned house on the southern states, and that had a huge impact.

The DNC lawyers all but released a memoir titled "If I Did It".

No wait. They did that, too, lol.

If I Did What tho

DNC only had 3 debates (down from like 15+ against Obama) which was a huge disadvantage if youre not known nationally already.

There was weird state specific things happening as well. NY closed registration like 8 months before the election and Brooklyn had massive rolls of voters with switched registrations.

People having to wait hours in line to vote in Arizona after ton of polling stations were purged.

Unregistered voting in Nevada caught on camera.

California was open but there was an 'independent' party which confused a lot of people as meaning not affiliated with dems or reps. Couldn't vote in primaries.

Media started calling the primary early based on Superdelegates. I cant imagine 16 negative Bernie articles in WaPo in 24 hours was organic. George Stephenapolous (ABC) was a Clinton WH spokesman. Jorge Ramos' (telemundo) daughter was working for HRC campaign. Chris Matthews' (NBC) wife was a Hillary down ballot candidate. Same donors and everything. Andrea Mitchell (CNN) is married to Alan Greenspan, who got a public dressing down from Sanders on the house floor. None of these seemed to be conflict of interests in their reporting. Who knows what happened but there's a lot of seemingly shady behaviour for sure.



it was rigged in her favor and she still lost, lolololoololololol

Here's how Bernie can still win...


Can't leave it
The game needs him
Plus the people need someone to believe in (THIS)

I would have voted for Saddam Hussein's rotting corpse before I voted for Hillary Clinton.

Thank you Stein voters, now we have all this drama to spoil ourselves with. I can't imagine how boring life would be if Hillary won. I don't think I could live without all the Trump drama.

I can't imagine how boring life would be if Hillary won.

I think we can all agree Trump was a better pick for drama, but the right's been screeching about Hillary Clinton since the 90s. Hell, they're still doing it. She would have come pretty damn close, imagine how much better the Hannity drama would be if he was accusing the president of picking off low-level staffers

Plus /r/the_Donald would have probably been banned! Think about what could have been

T_D isn't nearly as bad as the 200 anti-Trump subs that all post the exact same shit

make no mistake, those subs are fucking awful. but on the other hand:

  • each one has like 1/200th as much activity as t_D

  • they didn't vote for Trump

Meh, i rarely see TD on the frontpage anymore, while 50% of the frontpage seems to be anti-Trump at any given moment.

well that's actually the reason there are 200 anti-Trump subs

there's a cap on the number of posts that can appear on the front page for any given sub

There's no way. There's just nothing that I, Spez, a guy who runs a computer message board, can do.

There really isn't lol

It's not like it's a problem though. All they really need is more sitewide bans on variations of "upvote if."

flags every anti-trump micro-turd sub

only one post from the list of anti-trump micro-turd subs can ever be on the front page at any time


well in that case wouldn't we also have to do a similar grouping with t_D, conspiracy, and some other two subs? (i don't check /r/all idk what KiA's up to)

T_D already has a large number of throttles placed on it. The "one front page post per sub" rule was created to slow down T_D.

What about the army of Mods which overlap like 70% of those subs?

those subs have mods?

It's because the admins took the laziest route possible to the /r/The_Donald conundrum. People complained about /r/The_Donald, admins take it off of the /r/popular whitelist, along with /r/EnoughTrumpSpam for some measure of "balance".

Then they made /r/popular a blacklist instead of a whitelist (because they are lazy and don't want to manually vet subreddits), which left room for any trending anti-Trump subreddit (especially the novelty ones) to gain traction, because there was a void left by /r/EnoughTrumpSpam's removal. So they didn't actually address the core complaint, which was the excessive amount of political content, and just tried to treat the symptoms by hiding two popular shitposting subreddits.

What they should have done is keep /r/popular as a whitelist, and then let the users vote every month on X number of newly created subreddits - add to /r/popular whitelist or leave off. Have a bot generate the poll, the users decide the results, and no real work needed on the admins' part. But they were too lazy to even do that.

What they should have done is keep /r/popular as a whitelist, and then let the users vote every month on X number of newly created subreddits

This seems to fall into the "more democracy is always better" fallacy. Why would you want the tiny subset of sperglords who are going to actually bother to vote on something so retarded to be determining site policy?

If you must go by user preferences rather than manual curation, the best choice probably would have been to look at metrics like which subreddits get the fewest downvotes when they make it high up in /r/all, or which subreddits' posts have the highest engagement when they make it to /r/all. The point of /r/popular should be to curate bland inoffensive normie shit like dog pictures and retarded memes.

wait people are complaining about /r/popular?

why don't those retards just filter the anti-trump subs then. if they all do it those subs'll get auto-blacklisted

You're welcome. See, I could've voted Trump to piss off overly sensitive SJWs, but I found that voting third party leads to more RREEEEing on Reddit.

Plans for 2020:
- Vote Third Party and announce it on Reddit
- Grab a cold one and wait for the action

Dissatisfied with ruining just their own country, the US decides to ruin the entire world. What else is new.

Euro bitch-boy doesn't value democracy. What else is new

democracy was a mistake

This. Upvotes

Representative democracy, yes. We need to either go back to despotic monarchies or go the way of the anarkiddies. Unironically.

Of course someone as inbread as you would want a monarchy.

I'd love to show you my pure lineage man. I'm so purely blue-blooded Aryan my feet are webbed.

"inbred", unless you mean he's inside a loaf of whole wheat bread or something strange like that.

Some stromboli would really hit the spot now that you mention it.


Hey Ferdinand, you look a bit sad :( You know what they say, keep your chin up! xD Habsuburgers btfo

his name is Charles smh, Ferdinand is his uncledaddy

Damn. Thanks for the info, will surely come in handy in some future pub-quiz.

Viva el Ray viva espagne

This but unironically. Look at how it all worked out for Greece.

This but unironicly

Maybe the EU and China can team up to slap sanctions on 'murica. Rouge nations need to be brought to hell.

I'd love that actually. "Quasi-democratic federation to-be and one-party communist state shows surveillance loving imperialists how to be world police the right way"

If the rest of the world hit the US with trade sanctions Trump could claim it as a victory for shutting down foreign imports. Actually, this might be a brilliant strategy for him, since he can't get jack shit through Congress.

The US would be hurt a hell of a lot more by trade sanctions than the world would hurt from a US import ban. There's not much the US produces that can't be sourced elsewhere. The rest of the world would go on.

There's not much the US produces that can't be sourced elsewhere.

What about porn? No place in the world makes porn like the San Fernando Valley.

America can be like "If you don't let us keep fucking up the environment, you won't get to see any more fucking."

Tbh I'd hope Eastern Europe would fill the void.

An ice cream shop with nothing but vanilla, fam.

South America, too.

The Brazilian lesbian bondage scene is fiyah.

Good luck trying to produce a homegrown Fast & Furious movie.

You need us.

Hollywood needs international revenue more. They recoup their losses on other projects with the crazy cash hose that blockbuster international dollars have been giving them the past decade or so. Cutting off that revenue stream means a lot of painful changes, if the initial shock doesn't shut the studio down.

Nah, my country doesn't have to wait for 30 years to get top-line Japanese and German imports. Fast and Furious is just everyday driving, fam.

The EU is a shitload more democratic than the United "fuck the popular vote, the Electoral College is going in dry!" States.

The EU sucks. I'd put forward some arguments to support this stance, but I don't want to right now. Still, I hope you trust me enough to change your stance on this issue.

The EU is a shitload more democratic

Aren't EU delegates appointees?

Appointed by the governments of the member countries.

Yeah, I remember when the Europoors all got together and voted for Angela Merkel to rule with an iron dildo.

I mean, how do you explain the person with the least votes winning? That's not democracy either.

Fuck if I know. Someone decided the rednecks had a right to be heard too. We need to dismantle the union.

Rednecks are only good for farming and soldiering.

Well at least there's always someone to feel superior to.

Are you saying farmers and soldiers are not important? Rude.

"Rednecks are very good for the exact things we need in order to form a nation... hmm... we should take that into account." - Thomas Jefferson, probably

The criminal retard from rural Arkansas lost to the billionaire prince of New York, thanks rednecks.

It takes a redneck retard to know a redneck retard. Based inbred hillbillies saved America from being ruled by their ilk.

You're right, but America isn't a democracy it's a democratic republic. We choose people to represent us, that's how we get into situations like this. If we were a pure democracy we'd probably have president Harambe, PSY, or that what does the fox say guy.

You know all the votes from Mexicans and bitch-idiot college kids are just pretend votes, right?

College <people> don't vote.

We'll soon have the same shitty system with the continuously increasing federalization of the EU. Don't fret.

can't be worse!

It can always get worse fam. In fact, it will always get worse :)

~50% voter participation.


TIL if you back out of a commie, internationalist power grab then you 'ruin the world'.

t. amerifat

Nope. The DNC gets no blame. They nominated the winning candidate of their primary, which contrary to stupid belief, wasn't "rigged".

/u/Call_sean, did you just get data back on your Obamaphone after missing the last year of news or are you just willfully retarded?

I'm gonna go ahead and go with the latter.

Good one. Obamaphone. Classic.

This really shows you're a man of great intellect.

Good one. "Good one. Obamaphone. Classic. This really shows you're a man of great intellect".

This really shows you're a man of great intellect.

Well I'm not a leftist, so yeah, intellect is a given.

Har har har.

You're also hilarious!

Well I'm not a leftist

neither is hillary lmao

TBF denying reality isn't winning you any IQ pts either.

ZOMG the primary was rigged because the old guy that got less votes didn't win!

It doesn't have to be "rigged" to impart unfair advantage. And imparting unfair advantage unto HRC during an election cycle that strongly favored an anti-Establishment outsider (i.e. Trump) was suicide for the Democratic party, And if you look at our gov't you can see the results of that suicide.

It was totally unfair! No one even knew who Bernie was. RIGGED!

He was a bad candidate that couldn't beat a mediocre candidate. He didn't even take his own campaign seriously until after Michigan.

He was a bad candidate that couldn't beat a mediocre candidate.

Hillary was a bad candidate and couldn't beat a terrible candidate.

He didn't even take his own campaign seriously until after Michigan.

Trump didn't take his campaign seriously until he won, so that's no excuse.

And the idiots still voted for him. Bernie didn't run to win. That's why he lost.

Hillary took it so seriously that she committed many crimes in order to win - and she still lost, lololollolololol

Laugh out loud out loud out loud out loud!

I BELIEVE THAT SHE WILL shit her pants

It doesn't have to be "rigged" to impart unfair advantage

well good thing he said "rigged" and not "imparting unfair advantage" huh

The primary wasn't rigged, but saying the DNC is free of fault is ridiculous. Romney lost in 2012 for the same reason Hillary lost, they're both boring, establishment and out of touch. Democrats decided to ignore why they won in 2012 and plug their ears of criticism, saying "well their guy is worse." That is not an inspiring message. If Democrats don't recognize Hillary was a mistake, the're going to lose in 2020. And seriously, it should be a very easy election to win so for pete's sake don't fuck it up again. I feel bad for you Democrats.

It's not an inspiring message but it as undeniably true.

Sadly Americans are fucking stupid.

Right, but clearly if you're going to back an establishment candidate you believe in working within the system? Nothing wrong with that, but then you have to accept how the system works and try and game it from there. If "Americans are stupid" then you need someone those "stupid" Americans will vote for. And yes, you have to take the electoral college into account.

Democrats only error this election was underestimating the stupidity of the American people.

Not true. A massive amount of hubris and a general contempt for the American voter were also some of their errors!

Our guy lost because of those people are stupid!

Quick, put pussies on your heads and riot to shut down institutions of learning!

↑ woah ageist. probably also anti-semitic.

Well I mean you're a democrat voter so you aren't much better.

Because I made the only rational decision.

I suppose the word "rational" has lost all meaning, I mean the dems are still chasing the "Trump is a russian operative" narrative so you clearly don't support the sane party.

Name a single Democrat that has said that he's a Russian operative. Not that he colluded, not that he was a beneficiary, but that he was a Russian operative.

Oh pardon me, but the word collusion has a clear implication on it of calling him a Russian operative. But I liked the way you tried to preemptively put down what the pants on head dems are saying. No they basically are calling him a Russian operative by banging the drums of "He's colluding with Putin!".

No evidence exist to this date, yet represenatives are calling for Dr. President Trump's impeachment. Sorry, but you support the pants on head crazy party, the same one that calls for 15$ an hour will underpaying their own staff.

Literally the only evidence of Russian "meddling" is that a private firm HIRED BY THE DNC said that there were "traces of malware" which have been in the past linked to Fancy Bear, a group of Russian hackers which they say are linked to the FSB.

Well, aside from Kushner, allegedly. But fuck that kike anyway. Apparently the Russians were even confused by him trying to get a backchannel with them.

That's literally the only evidence, if you're a fucking idiot not paying any fucking attention.




We're not democrats so no, thats not what we are.

sick burn brah

did you know that the Democrats are the REAL racists?

Dems are racist, true, but the main point is that they're idiots.

Oh I forgot, Nobel prize to the anon source!

What's even more sad is that that's up from like 49% a few months ago.

Man, they are really working overtime to make them look more stupid than Trump voters. That takes a lot of work.

Jill Stein was actually the dumbest choice in 2016 by a wide margin. It's like a protest vote for people that believe Wi-Fi causes cancer and water can heal your medical issues.

don't forget the healing crystals and the retard VP Stein picked.

> bashing the one politician who could have made mayocide a reality

Tbf water is pretty good for you

good thing mountain dew is 95% water

Lol. Were you electing Jill Stein as your primary care provider?

Still a better candidate than Hillary Clinton.

Found the Jill Stein voter. You a truther too retard?

My autism has nothing to do with vaccines because I didn't get those either.

Jill Stein was clearly the Bernie that the DNC can't rig the primary against.

But the MSM for all it's attacks on Jill Stein did a good job getting Trump elected. πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜€β˜


Jill Stein is an airhead retard looking for her 15 minutes of fame every 4 years. The dumb bitch isn't a threat to anything. She's just a retard magnet for people who have zero clue about politics but want to feel good by fighting the system. Even Trump was a better choice for president because at least had enough one liners in his mix of stroke induced speech to make dumb Americans think he could handle the presidency and Jill didn't even have that.

Even Trump was a better choice for president

It'd be hard to be a better choice. Stein 2024?

Saying you voted 3rd party on reddit results in even more sperging out than just saying you voted for Trump. For bonus points make sure to negatively equate Trump and Hillary, and maintain that you still believe that she would not be doing better than him right now if she had won.

I voted Gary "Aleppo" Johnson and am happy with my decision. My main voting issue was the war on terror, which Trump and Hillary both want to last until the end of time, and for that I think Stein would've been OK as well. Fight me!

Not wanting mayos and chocolates to kill each other


War was invented by mayos, we'll find a less offensive way to genocide them all don't you worry.

Following a meme idealology

Trump voters did the same thing and he won. Clearly memes are the future of democracy.

Nah, for maximum REEEEE tell them you didn't vote because you hated both. Which is what I actually did.

Wasn't gonna vote for either autist, and wasn't dragging my ass out into the snow to vote Goku again.

Don't forget the outrage over the Harambe write-ins. All the fun of pissing off entitled jerkoffs who think they're owed every vote that wasn't explicitly for the other party, but now with the bonus of dismissing the politics they're getting worked up over altogether!

"50K people voted for a dead monkey REEEEEEEE" that made me feel warm inside.

Ape, not a monkey

Glad we have you here to discuss the real issues.

aint no business like monkey business


/r/overwatch is that way

All the Hillary voters should have voted for Jill. It's their fault Trump won.

lol (((Stein's))) VP called Obama a Uncle Tom so I doubt the Democrats would have been dying to vote for him.

Obama is a cuck for white people.

So did Sander's token black.

What is it with rich white 'progressives' who can only find self-hating blacks to pay to be their friend?

small diatribe i have no feckin' clue why people want to trump to be a russian collaborator i mean if he is CONGRATS russia undermined and infiltrated american politics and the white house and now we know they have the power to do it to other countries and we now know our country is completely comprimised HOORAY WE ARE FUCKED, DO YOU FUCKERS SERIOUSLY WANT TRUMP GONE SO BAD THAT YOU WANT TO FUCK US OVER THAT BAD. (continues massive loud and obnoxious autistic screeching)

well we already know that the Russians were very visibly attempting to interfere and were interacting with campaign surrogates. so really they're just wishing Trump was in on it

I mean, if we're fucked either way, it would be nice to lock him up wouldn't it?

You do realize Trump being a Russian collaborator is already decided, right? Either he did or he didn't, it's not like the accusations against him will magically make him a Russian plant out of thin air

It's not really hard to figure out.

Jill Stein represented the Green party and decided the best chance for her precious trees was to run a virtue signaling platform and peel off some votes from Hillary. TBF, how could Dr. Stein know that the biggest impact of the Green Party was helping the Republicans accidently ? This has NEVER happened before.


He's not going to pull out. Damn people are gullible as fuck on both sides.

DAE le centrists are the best :)?

centrists occupy both sides and are therefore twice as bad.

This isn't CB2, faggotron

REEEEEE. Which personality is this mr McAvoy?

This is the "DAE does not equate humor" - part of my brain

And South Park neutrality is objectively the superior political stance

Exactly, once you unironically adopt these views, you will achieve true enlightenment.

Are you actually Buddhist or just really dedicated to low tier bait?

That's a nice drawing you made. I'm gonna put it right up on the fridge for all to see.

Seeing as how you post in /r/enough_sanders_spam and /r/politics, I can see why you don't like centrists.

I've been temp banned previously in r/politics for making fun of a BernieBrony .

I can't stalk bully you since you have a young account and only post in 2 subs. :(

Ugh, another sub that doesn't take kindly to talking ill of bronies, I swear autism is infesting this site.

Hilary lost since her campaign was "Vote Hilary or you're sexist" "Breakin the glass ceiling" "defo gonna win" "everyone else is stupid" "girls rule". It was feminism that destroyed the world really by being so unbearable that people voted for a meme.

So for any future historians, pushy women killed us all because they didn't like how men sat.

her campaign was ... "defo gonna win"

please don't play political analyst when it's obvious you have literally no idea what you're talking about

Is this bait or are you just a tosser? It's impossible to tell on here.

her campaign expended significant energies combating the "defo gonna win" narrative, which they feared would hurt turnout

Oh ok, I retract that part then. See, wasn't so hard was it?

thank you friend

That's not the picture this article paints, fwiw

do you know what Current Affairs even is fam


I pay attention to them because Nathan Robinson is the only pundit to my knowledge who predicted Trump would win if Hillary was nominated. It seems like they're one of those publications that's really right when they're right, and really wrong when they're wrong, y'know?

You haven't said anything to the effect of "Shattered has the facts wrong," though.

I don't particularly trust any of the facts in Shattered and it seems flagrantly obvious that the overall narrative is a just-so story concocted retrospectively

notice they don't quote Hillary actually saying what they describe her saying

go read a better article about the same remarks

/u/hotbbqwing fracking is worse for the environment than coal. Not just from a global warming perspective but the direct impact it has to people that live near fracking sites and, oh I dunno, the fucking earthquakes it causes?! Idiot.

Did you read what you linked? Particularity the list of other scientists who disagree? Earthquakes have only really happened in one location, other places haven't had the same problems.

fracking is worse for the environment than coal.

This is a fringe position. Did you read your own article?

fracking is about cucking the energy market, no mere environmental concerns are gonna get in the way of civ-tier geopolitics.

If there is one person who doesn't have the power to jack shit in American Politics, it's Jill Stein. It's like blaming the Washington Generals for the fact that the Knicks didn't win their conference last year.

I hate Hillary idiots more than trumplings. AT least trumplings are so dumb you can make fun of them, Hillary idiots are just whinny rub it in your face bitches.

honestly I don't get the big hubbub about climate change

so brownies living on coasts have to move in 80 years instead of 100, and species will become extinct in 2 years instead of 10.

as a peenoise living in an archipelago, that shit still ain't worth my quality of life and hamstringing my business capability