Is 2017 the worst time to be alive? Will Trump cause the biggest extinction event in the history of the earth? Is everyone who didn't vote Hillary responsible? /r/environment discusses.

38  2017-05-31 by Snowayne2


Jews did this


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Imagine being so retarded you don't already know that we're fucked and there is nothing we can do to change it.

he doesn't know how to ride the tiger

look at this pleb

We are always fucked. Being less fucked is good enough.

It's May 31st and it's cold outside right now. Take that global warming!

Try living in Miami.

Where the fuck do you live that it's cold out?

it was chilly this morning

It's chilly every morning.

Nuh uh some mornings it's warm

Perhaps in the Southern Hemisphere?

u/dkey1983 and u/ICA_Agent47 why are you so upset, do you happen to be starving Africans. If so maybe you should prioritize food procuring food instead of paying for internet and getting your panties in a bunch over someone being edgy

You're pretty fuckin dumb.

Huh, and yet you were the one threatening a troll on an anonymous message board.

I wasn't threatening anyone, I was just pointing out how much of a coward he is. You never hear people talk like that in person, unless they think you're a racist too. They're fucking cowards, and I suspect you are too.

Interesting opinion from someone who talks about weed and resisting trump, not exactly what anyone would imagine a tough guy spends their time talking about. Do you happen to be one of those anti-fa larpers?

So 'tough guys' only talk about trump and how stupid libtards are, right tough guy? Seriously what the fuck does my interest in cannabis and my reasonable position on US politics have to do with any of this?

All that weed is poisoning your mind and making you a faggot. Take a couple days off satan's spinach and you'll be back to normal.

Weed is my waifu you stupid Jewish fuck nuzzle

Well being I was an infantry officer with multiple combat deployments I like to think I'm pretty tough, maybe not anymore since I've been out a couple years. You a drug addicted larper has convinced me to be tough I need to start threatening trolls with violence because they wouldn't say it in real life, and if they did a druggie like you would sock them a good one.

A drug addicted larper huh? That's what you got out of my posts? You're fucking ridiculous.

Go smoke some more weed hippie! Men are talking!

Go drink another case you inbred piece of garbage.

You're seriously causing me some major flashbacks to when I used to RP in AIM chat rooms

You were the guy named xXDarkMagusXx and somehow managed to project the fact that your parents are divorced onto everything

Do you know how nonsensical you sound in the context of this conversation?

Yes, but then your post has no sense and nuance in it in the first place.

This entire community is pathetic

That's rich, your post history has to be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. Don't you have better things to do than scream at random people on the internet?

That's rich coming from someone that frequents the drama subreddit. Go back to high school cunt

LMAO, half your comment history is from /r/drama, DUMB ASS!

Because you brought be here you fuckin halfwit.

Bitch, FUCK you, FAGGOT!

So why'd you get banned from r/drama

I didn't?

Well you DID get banned from /R/FUTUROLOGY!!!!


What would I do back in high school?

Do you?

Look man, you aren't allowed to call people cowards when you don't have a single controversial opinion on any topic. Your livelihood isn't in danger for being a hillary throne sniffer.

I hated Hillary and spoke out against her during the election you dumbfuck.

LMAO, no wonder you were POST-STALKING me to the point of being BANNED! Guess you needed to take out your aggression on a Trump supporter who wasn't currently DOMINATING you in this thread.

You live in an alternate reality.

Really? Because this entire comment thread is full of people absolutely DEVASTATING you.

LMAO. Pathetic little FAG.

You really do live in an alternate reality

Not according to this entire COMMENT THREAD, FAGGOT!!!

This entire comment thread is what proves you live in an alternate reality you dumbshit. Eat a bullet.

No, the ENTIRE COMMENT THREAD proves that you're a little FAGGOT!!


According to you. Anyone else sees the way you talk to people and makes the correct assumption that you're a lonely little weeb fuck with nothing better to do but start shit and harass people. You really should kill yourself man, I'm not saying it to be funny or edgy, you are the kind of person that slows down the progression of our society. Do something good for the world and end your life.

HAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAA, little BITCH! Nigga FUCK you, PUSSY, if you want me dead come fuckin' SEE ME, NIGGA!!!


lol as if anyone believes you're anything but a fat white ugly weeaboo

your tough guy act is the most pathetic of them all, lmao

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Whatever retard, you get the fucking point.

Nah I don't actually, what are you even trying to say?

He said you're a gay little post stalking FAGGOT who just got BANNED from /r/futurology like a little BITCH who EVERYONE HATES!!!

You're literally stalking my posts calling me a post stalker. Kill yourself.

Why don't you get me banned for it then?


you mean like when you tried to get him banned, and the admins just laughed at you? lol

No, I mean like when I got banned from /R/HAPAS for devastating your little SPACE!


Yes, No, Probably.

  1. No
  2. I hope so.
  3. Yes, and you may thank us later.


u r welcome, succboi

If All The Microtriggered Leftists Just Went Ahead And Suicided Themselves, Would It Solve All Problems For Everyone?

What's Microtrigger Friend

Its when u are triggered and you also, unrelatedly, have a micro-penis

If only.

  1. no because TV is still good

  2. probably just made it slightly worse when he could be mitigating it. exxon caused it.

  3. yes, but so is everyone who did vote Hillary in the primary

Eh, we've fucked the climate up and even after fucking it up we continued to fuck it up cause fuck it I aint changin my lifestyle. Only thing we were missing was a scapegoat, now we got one. Thank god I can go back to ballooning my carbon footprint in peace.

Yo momma caused the greatest extinction event when she fell out of her mobile scooter.

I'm really sorry that she got hurt, even if dinosaurs died.

/u/Edw4rdTeach give me your objective, testable prediction of the consequences of this decision.

I wonder what will happen when everyone finds out Global Warming was just another Marxist plot to communize the globe.

Nothing, you will still be racist sexist pig.

Well yeah, sure, I am a mayo.

  1. Only since 2017 started, it was 2016 when it was....2016.

  2. Probably, why would the deep state let him win otherwise

  3. Everyone who is not Hillary is responsible tbh. Humanity let her down.

OP, you're making the rest of us look normal by comparison. Stop it