PK Hates the Poor: Donate to DeWorm the World!

153  2017-05-31 by justcool393

Not the head mod of /r/Drama here! If you remember this post from about two hours ago, you'll recall that the subreddit /r/neoliberal has set up a charity drive and invite many other subreddits, including our very own /r/Drama, to participate.

You can donate here.

See /r/neoliberal's post by clicking here.

Donating will help prove to /u/Prince_Kropotkin that he does hate poor people, /r/Drama is the most malevolent and cruel subreddit to exist on this website, and also help people at risk for parasitic worm infections.

/u/justcool393 on behalf of /r/Drama, because no one else does any work.


If this makes PK an hero and someone can prove it I'll match all donations if the snuff film (has to exist) gets me off.

Are you seriously saying that a snuff film won't get you off? Lies, filthy lies.

Are you seriously saying that PK can't manage to fuck up suicide?

Both that and that it's impossible not to get off to a snuff film.

This is for our own benefit too. I can't think of another subreddit more at risk for parasitic worm infections.

I can't think of another subreddit more at risk for parasitic worm infections.


I can't think of another subreddit more at risk for parasitic worm infections.

🇮🇳 💩🐛 🇮🇳

/u/InternetOfficer, can your butt worms do the needful?

Those butt worms actually have a job working in a call center.

You can't be "at risk" if you already have them.

3 hours too late dude

Don't you have to interact with other people in real life to catch them though? I suppose our moms could get them and pass them to us through our tendies...

Mammals can get parasites from contaminated food or water, bug bites*, or sexual contact. Ingestion of contaminated water can produce Giardia infections.

Parasites normally enter the body through the skin or mouth. Close contact with pets can lead to parasite infestation as dogs and cats are host to many parasites.

Other risks that can lead people to acquire parasites are walking barefeet, inadequate disposal of feces, lack of hygiene, close contact with someone carrying specific parasites, and eating undercooked foods, unwashed fruits and vegetables or foods from contaminated regions.

Parasites can also be transferred to their host by the bite of an insect vector, i.e. mosquito, bed bug, fleas.

I crossed out the impossible ones and bolded the high risks.

Don't cross out "sexual contact". If you're doing it right you can still get at them worms.

I meant impossible for /r/drama

You jerk off with enough animal scat, you're gonna get worms.

That's why inadequate disposal of feces, lack of hygiene, and pets is bolded.

It's not inadequate if I cum the fuck all over it, is it? It was definitely adequate! And sexy.

you do you

and the dog. That's important to me. That you look the dog in the eyes and acknowledge it.

I wouldn't go so far as to call noodles a worm. Slug, maybe.

C'mon. They even look like noodles

show me a pic of a worm doing a two finger pinch and ill believe you

That's not a real worm, you pleb tard! It's a misnomer!


Shaddup nerd!

Anything to piss off PK

because no one else does any work.

You could always mod me. I do great work in /r/gussy.

On behalf of the pro-parasitic worm camp, are you all seriously just gonna sit back and cheer the censoring of free leech?



There ain't no such thing as a free leech

The government seized the means of free leeches

What is this supposed to be? /u/HAHApointsatyou s idea without the clever pun?

pretty much. Trying to loop it back around to the free speech only matters legally, but then that train just kept on going and there was no way to stop it

If you can't plead the first you have to plead the fifth.

(I tried to get in leech instead of plead, but it would have been too vague. I feel you now fam. Sorry for being so harsh on you, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.)

I feel like you could've worked "bleed" into it instead of "plead" but then that's like a step removed too many, so how do you loop it back? It's harder than it looks

Ah yeah. That's kind of clever actually, but it feels like you'd have to emphasize the connection between bleed and leeches. You could throw in something about bleeding heart liberals too perhaps... like

"How about those bleeding heart liberals, right guys? Not only do they leech off the state, they'll bleed the fifth when you put them on the spot about it. Listen, the right to free leech doesn't come without obligations. If you plead for your country you have to bleed for your country."

Like now it makes sense and the parts are all there, but it's not really "funny". The "bleed/plead" should probably only feature at the end too.

Kill you're canoe

I love how people donating money is what really pisses him off

I like seeing people donate to charity. Seems like a good charity as well. I just don't think we should be shaming people into donating to a specific charity that you get to pick or else be called out as "hating poor people".

So why exactly do you hate poor people?

I got a really poor shoe shine job back twelve years ago.

I got a really poor shoe shine job back twelve, thirteen years ago. I flicked the kid a nickel anyway and he starts giving me some stock tips, see? Now I say to myself, "when the shoe shine boy is giving me stock tips, it's time to get out of the market", and I go to cash out and wait the storm. Problem is, the market goes up by twenty points in the next three months! Kid cost me a fortune! Wouldn't you hate the poor too?

At that point you pull up the kid by your bootstraps. also plz unban

You aren't banned afaik.

It might have been Malevolent's doing.

Ohh, come on, that was obviously just a Jewish banker in disguise throwing you off the trail. Get rinsed, kiddo.

Shut up and keep playing the heel. It's effective marketing for this.

pk died so that these kids may live



Save the worms

jumps off ropes onto aid worker

Finally, someone putting the UN in its place.

Everyone else here is being good citizens by donating to this cause.


Prince "if you're poor, I'm shooting you more" Kroptkin

like he would.shoot someone himself like some kind of poor lol

Mosquito nets are probably better than deporting anyway.

Do we have a rich benefactor that could donate enough to beat them at the last minute. Has anybodies wealthy overlords died and they recently got to move from the basement to the main floor? Please speak up now.

Do we have a rich benefactor that could donate enough to beat them at the last minute?

Probably, but no.

/u/xNotch, now is the time.

Too busy eating m&ms and being euphoric on twitter.

it's a lousy 400 dollars

metaredditors confirmed stingy and/or poor

/r/neoliberal has actual money to donate from their investments. /r/drama users waste their limited potential on their addictions.

Oh God it's true. I've blown more than that on p2w mobi games.

I accidentally donated on /r/neoliberals page instead of this one. So minus 50 from them and plus 50 for drama, oh wellllz

Nah, it worked. I see it on ours.

pepperouchau donated $14.88

It's the little details that really makes it special.

I just donated!!! Match me /u/prince_kropotkin!!!

Or record yourself an heroing and if I finish watching it I'll match all donations

Suicide is not funny!!! However, it is extremely marketable as a continuing serial drama.

Anyone gonna donate more than me? Or you're gonna let the communist win. :)

I donated 277 under neoliberal yesterday, before it became cool here

I love you fam, but you are being VERY bourgie rn tbh. :3

Neoliberal is about as far left as Kasich. They just have different lobbyists paying them.

I'm the communist, not them. :)

I am not a communist. But I have some very good friends that are marxists. I have zero issues with marxists or libertarians. I have issues with dipshits and fascists, though.

Why would you donate to a cause eradicating your fellow comrades?

/r/drama did charity before /r/neoliberal did

never forget

Can I donate in GBP? I dont use greenypapes

Holy shit that attempt to reach out and include other subs couldn't possibly have been more self-righteous and smug.

is that a fucking dare

Trust fund anarkiddies BTFO

You guys need to step it up, neoliberalism is killing it and they have half the subscribers.

As I'm writing this, the total for /r/Drama is at $734. If the rest of you sperglords can get it to up to $2k I'll donate $2k, bringing the total up to $4k. Proof that I'm serious

Will that be enough to beat the sweatshop loving, Bernanke worshipping, corporate shills over at neoliberalism? Well not by itself no, but if you queens could get people to pay for posting your bussy instead of just giving it up for free maybe we'd have a chance. I'm going to bed now, will update when I wake up.

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Lol imagine the admins being this butt blasted by a meme website

quckmeme got banned for a reason brehsef

You guys need to step it up, neoliberalism is killing it and they have half the subscribers.

As I'm writing this, the total for /r/Drama is at $734. If the rest of you sperglords can get it to up to $2k I'll donate $2k, bringing the total up to $4k. Proof that I'm serious

Will that be enough to beat the sweatshop loving, Bernanke worshipping, corporate shills over at neoliberalism? Well not by itself no, but if you queens could get people to pay for posting your bussy instead of just giving it up for free maybe we'd have a chance. I'm going to bed now, will update when I wake up.

we did have an 18-hour headstart to be fair

We're also drowning in Soros money

Implying I don't hate the global poor

You should totally donate the $2k anyway, you know, to help the global poor

Maybe I will. Maybe I'll donate it in the name of /r/neoliberalism. Maybe I'll build a big pile of one-dollar-bills and set it on fire screaming "fuck the global poor".

Maybe I'll build a big pile of one-dollar-bills and set it on fire screaming "fuck the global poor".

Can you still write that off on your taxes? Asking for a friend.

That's actually the ancap tax program, true fact.

You can burn bitcoins?

Yes! That's actually the most streamlined Bitcoin use case: fat finger a single digit in the destination address and boom, those coins are lost forever!

Some wallet software used to make it even more streamlined if you can believe that, by automatically truncating or padding the destination address with zeroes if you missed or added an extra digit, so you would get an express SFYL in those cases as well.

That sounds like angrily hanging up a smart phone tho. Sure, the outcome is the same, but the journey is the cathartic part.

I'm pretty sure that watching your other wallet for some time, getting increasingly nervous, then double-checking the transaction and noticing the typo is cathartic af.

That sounds way too complicated. I prefer to punch in the amount of money I need into the ATM and pray something comes out.

It's very much not the same unless you have a small fire under the money-dispensing slit.

unless you have a small fire under the money-dispensing slit.

You've never banked at Chase before?

Maybe I'll build a big pile of one-dollar-bills and set it on fire screaming "fuck the global poor".

Wait this isn't /r/anarchocapitalism

You're a goddamn saint

do it faggot

^ MVP and OG genociding these worms

Done. Now gimme bussy

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I like how he does the typical leftist thing and claims he's being victimized by being "shamed" into donating money to help poor African children.

Thanks, /u/justcool393 on behalf of /r/Drama, because no one else does any work.

I passive-aggressively sticky comments that cause more drama in the comments, tyvm. Covfefe.


somehow it is completely unsurprising that /r/drama is dominating most of the other political subs.

The dankest meme of all: Y'all only pretend to be heartless and aloof.



oh im laffin


/u/Enginerd now gets to be a mod or /r/Drama

/u/Enginerd now gets a mod of /r/Drama


PK doesn't want to DeWorm the World because he loves parasites, that's basically his whole political ideology.

PK Subban did what?

If you want to get real, the one thing commies and liberals are both right on, is that charity simply isn't doesn't do much good when it comes to combating poverty, and no good at all when it comes to combating equality of opportunity along class lines (which liberals seem to go well out of their way to avoid talking about, at all, in preference to believing that absolute feudalism would be acceptable so long as some of the rapacious lords are black).

Charity makes you feel better, but it does no good whatsoever. It isn't enough, lacks organization or experience, and too often comes with counterproductive strings.

Neoliberals hate poor Americans. They think poor Americans have it too good, and want to take some of their standard of living, and give it to poor ethiopians. They will never touch the standard of living of the elite. They will never help the poor. They will only set the poor against each other.

This sub's love for the shittiest ideology on the planet is the biggest sign that it really is ShariaBlue territory. Literally no one else will stand up for neoliberals but those types.

This, but ironically.

Do we both have autism and am I getting trolled or is it just you

I'll pay to get you dewormed bro.

You are literally and objectively wrong in this specific case.

This comment was written by a soil-transmitted helminth

Charity makes you feel better, but it does no good whatsoever.

Well, in this case it actually does accomplish some things:

  • create buttery drama

  • bring new copypasta into the world

  • piss off P_K

  • save thousands of poor children

But otherwise, fair points.

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Worth it

Is the life of a third world child really worth more than the life of a parasitic worm living in his intestines? Don't be a fucking speciesist.

Time to inject to right-wing 4d chess into this:

Right now, based 'pedes are redpilling hard truths, showing muzzies as orcs! what's u/Prince_Kropotkin spelled backwards? NIK TOP ORK! And a Prince at that! This scummy leftist cuck is just a MOSLEM sheik wolf in sheeps clothes! poisoning AMERICA by misleading the weakminded LEFT!


and here I thought u/Prince_Kropotkin was getting stale and boring

/u/Jackissocool /u/nudelburk

Do you find the juxtaposition of your response to r/neoliberal's challenge funny in light of this post on the current front of page of your sub?

Sorry we don't want to team up with a bunch of loser imperialists who think charity is a solution to the problems they create

even if it's not a solution, you really don't think your subscribers (who upvoted that SJG quote) wouldn't be moved to contribute $5 or so? To actually help reduce real suffering, regardless of who started it?

Quite a case of pride you got there

Our users donate to charity when they're able. It's not our responsibility to guilt them into a handpicked neoliberal charity. Go ahead and feel superior about it, nobody gives a shit.

I was kinda hoping you guys would start a team to help the charity but ok sure. Nice chat

They really do hate the global poor smh

Neoliberals causes worms

Oh no, some anonymous donated $2150 on behalf of AnCaps, putting them ahead of /r/drama!

/u/xNotch, donate something to kill worms, please!

electronic lego daddy pls

Don't worry his mom will get home soon and contest it

I have a sneaking suspicion the only reason you like poor people here is because you share so many mods with r/trashy.

I put my order in, when do I get my worms?

As an extreme centrist, I refuse to donate because I hate the global rich and poor.

Whose credit card did /r/4chan steal that 7 of them donated almost 12k?

Someone from r/T_D.

I saw the Seth Rich comment. Notch?

I think it was Bannon Trump.

Wouldn't killing PK simply eradicate the worm?

4chan/TD approve of your deep commitment to shitposting. That's one HIGH ENERGY campaign logo. But we're still convinced that P_K has not been shamed enough.

And there are more worms to be BTFO.

Step it up, drama whores!