Jeopardy Jennings Japes Junior, Jarring Jingoistic Jackbooted Jackoffs

15  2017-06-01 by mydramaaccount


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I always try to be polite to people on here but this is a bridge too far. If this joke reflects who you are, you're an asshole.

A bridge too far?

In what cocoon of ignorance one has to live to suddenly be upset with a joke that is actually funny and it suits Cheetos in Chief?

Like, this twat is worried about a kid who might suffer because of an ugly joke but not because having an old narcissistic douchebag of a father pushing people around like jungle ape.

Oh, oh… now I'm worried about the kid…

Fuck you, cunt!

this... doesnt really seem like that offensive of a joke? although i also dont really get what the joke is, exactly, beyond "trump is ugly lol"

I just like to think that I don't know Barron, so I won't put words in his mouth.