Rape jokes? Fine. Pedophilia? Encouraged! Levels of racist humor that would make /b/ cringe? No problem. Talk about how many genders there are? FUCK OFF NORMIES! /r/Bertstrips use The Count to find out how many genders there are

56  2017-06-01 by Ardvarkeating101


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that subreddit is legitimately frightening.

Imo if you joke about offensive things you have to make it funny, otherwise it's just offensive without any proper reason. Those guys totally fail at that.

That is utterly bizarre. The tone of every heavily upvoted comment reads nothing like any other Bertstrips thread I've ever seen. The post itself is highly upvoted. The content delivery is pretty par for the course, why are they acting like the goddamn sky is falling?

And c'mon, everyone knows some people continue to use gender and sex as synonyms. Why do people feel like they have to pretend the distinction is, was, and has always been common knowledge?

PS "nah I'm not mad about the content, it's just low effort" is bullshit 95% of the time. Same for "this joke is old", I guarantee they found it old from the first time they ever heard it.

Because they are people brigading from outside the sub for progressive values and justice.

/r/AgainstHateSubreddits is certainly already investigating this heinous hate crime.

That post was on r/all with its 6400 upvotes so that's the source of the brigade.

Quite the detective.

Why do people feel like they have to pretend the distinction is, was, and has always been common knowledge?

Because the joke is only funny if the people it's making fun of actually mean what OP thinks it means.

Let's be real tho, we here at /r/Drama have some old memes. (See: mayocide, Bussy)

The tone of every heavily upvoted comment reads nothing like any other Bertstrips thread I've ever seen

This happens in nearly every controversial Bertstrip. Even worse is when some autist decides the original strip was too racist so they write a goddamn story where in the end, everything turns out PC as fuck.

The polymorphism post a couple steps down is horseshit btw. It's a mutation tied to hypogonadalism, not trans. All men experience hypogonadalism with age so I guess we can all look forward to be trans in our old age.

I hate people who are 50% with science more than those who are 0% cause all the 0% crowd around going yupyupyupyupyupypuypuypuypyup

You see what happens when you hit /r/all /u/phedre

You start to get people defending demiqueer boys with vaginas instead of laughing at them for being retarded.

/u/valladian would quite literally fucking die if he made it to /r/all.

We need some kind of war or plague to kill lots of young people, because they clearly have too much time on their hands and this has led to the abomination that is that sub.

And this sub?

Not even a nuclear war will end this sub. The world could be a smoldering wasteland of atomic glass, radioactive steel, and a CHUD uprising and some retard will still etch "post bussy" onto a wall immediately before being cannibalized.

Everyone on this sub is a despicable cockroach anyway tbh

That's because most trans people, especially non binary trans people, are rapists and pedophiles. Many of them are also secretly racist.


He's not wrong tho.

ehhh he kind of his

Nah, he's completely right. Trans people are disgusting mentally ill degenerates who rape children and kick ant hills.

I was all on board till the ant hills


Send nudes

How can there be more than 2 genders?

Step one: invent 2 genders.

Step two: invent more genders.

Genders were never scientific to begin with. Who cares how many there are? I don't give a fuck, but there are so many people REEing the fuck out because some teenager in Oregon made up a stupid label for themselves so they could feel unique.

there are so many people REEing the fuck out because some teenager in Oregon made up a stupid label for themselves so they could feel unique.

Because it has bled into normie life, and people are getting into literal trouble for not using something other than 'he' or 'she' which is the pinnacle of retardation.

Two reasons:

1) People don't understand that certain traditionally gendered roles aren't an absolute. So if you're a girl who enjoys auto-mechanics, woodworking, and pussy it doesn't mean you aren't the female gender, it just means you're a female who like auto-mechanics, woodworking, and pussy.

2) Everyone wants to feel special and the easiest way to feel special is to come up with some way to marginalize yourself so you have to get special treatment. They're just trying to capitalize on the West trying to not so so shitty to people anymore (and unfortunately overcompensating in doing it).

What gender is Bort, though?



It's not counted as a mental or genetic illness. It's not a hormonal imbalance, it's not brain damage and it's not a problem. It's just an explanation for why transgender people exist. Suicide rates are very high for them, and a good person would want to comfort someone in distress, so hug the next trans person you meet.


And now you know why you don't get hugs.

All I'm saying is if I were a reasonable tranny that I wouldn't want redditeurs hugging my flamboyant pagina.

So you're an unreasonable tranny instead? Oh my.

Pls no

Reasonability shame-o

I felt the awkward through my screen. God-damn that's embarrassing.

Not quite "posting on /r/drama" level, but close.

Sweet Jesus.

I'm so fucking disappointed I missed that comment during the original argument, and yet I really can't think of anything to say to it other than just... "Gross". Nailed it.

Not even sex is considered binary in the field of biology.

I love this argument

"Okay, what evidence is there for your argument?"

"The field of biology."

"Okay but can you cite specific papers or-"

"All the biology. All of it."

Yes I'm aware Klinefelter syndrome exists

The existence of chromosomal disorders does not invalidate the statement "humans are make and female" any more than people born without limbs invalidates the statement "humans are bipedal"

Thank you for wasting my time with pictures of stunted penises, really appreciate jt

The existence of chromosomal/hormonal disorders aka "intersex" people does not invalidate the statement "humans are male and female" any more than people born without limbs invalidates the statement "humans are bipedal"

You asked for examples of sex being classified as being non-binary by biology. But okay, since you'd prefer it more on-the-nose, here you go. Also, fun fact, Klinefelter syndrome and other chromosomal defects are not the only time someone can be defined as being intersex. It's true, intersex people are still definitely deviations from the majority and indeed most humans can be classified as either male or female just as most can be classified as bipedal, but that's beside the point.

Thank you for wasting my time with pictures of stunted penises, though, really appreciate it

Yeah, sorry. I forgot you had a mirror for that.

If you stopped being a retard for one second you would have noticed I never answered a question.

B-b-but 1 in 10,000 are born with Klinefelter's Syndrome! Biological sex doesn't exist! It's a spectrum

OK, 1 in 10,000 are born with an extra toe or finger. Would you say that the statement 'humans have ten fingers and ten toes' is inaccurate? That the number of fingers people have is on a 'spectrum'?

Excuse me? Did you just assume my digits?

What evidence is there that climate change is caused primarily by humans?

Science, lmaoooo

Can you link to any studies that sugges-

looool u don't believe in science

Liberals make me want to shoot up my house/school tbh

Biology seems a rather large umbrella, but in the human context is the definition of sex not related to the two groups who perform the different halves of reproduction?

Not even trannies are considered people in the field of "normal human society" so idk what your point is

Intersex isn't exactly normal for humans, though. We are binary. If being intersex was normal - they wouldn't be sterile most the time.

I think maybe people would stop hating on trannies so much if they weren't so much fucking fun to hate on. I mean, look at this. I posted one comment and it's just a shitstorm.

/u/aonome nice job replying to a month-old thread.

You sound like someone who hasn't had an agenda on an Internet forum before


that's been reposted more times than my grandfather's balls