Lush Cosmetics does marketing campaign outside their shop with bare-butted ladies. /u/Postscript624 whiteknights hard to save the ladies' honor from pervy redditors.

118  2017-06-01 by flipkt


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


  1. This Post -,*,,*

  2. "Did you get their permission to po... -,*,,*

  3. Seeing that his white knighting did... -,*,,*

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BRC 5-6-13 No person who is ten years of age or older shall intentionally expose any portion of his or her anus, vulva, penis, or scrotum. The cheeks cover the anus technically but the vulva is external so...yah know

I wonder how much extra they got paid to do this or if the bourgeois shopkeeper forced them to

( I have no idea how big Lush is)

I don't think they're huge, but they are international.

Pretty fucking big I'd say, they've got a nice place on that one famous expensive street (oxford st? Idk)

I guess they're big then.

they also have at least one store in amsterdam on one of the major shopping streets

They're fucking models hired by the ad agency. They aren't there actual cashiers from the shop. Jesus, people..

Please don't kinkshame my ayn randen fantasy about being exploited with your hate facts.

Me: "It's 'Randian' you goddamn illiterate."

You: "I triggered you again with my fake retardation"

Later: we have passionate buttsex.

So you like rub your buttholes against each other?


Back and forth, forever.

Is that what is considered a "model" in Colorado?

I take it you've never been to Colorado? It's mostly granola and body hair on the Front Range.


On the bright side its mostly covered with flannel and North Face jackets.

If white liberals went back to being all sexy and rock&roll and on drugs I might vote for Hillary next time.

I did not consent to this freakout while tripping!

This is biased against girls who are built so that the rear-pussy is showing IMO

Please tell us u/postscript624, did you get laid by m'ladies for your posts?

It's all but a certainty he beat his chode to that picture like it owed him money before he went on the moral crusade.

Whenever he cums he yells "I CONSENT!"

Whenever I cum I yell "PUT IT BACK IN YOUR MOUTH!!!"

I thought you yelled "Don't tell your parents or you'll get in trouble."

"Don't tell your parents or you'll get in trouble I'll kill you!"

Huh, I was always told not to tell anyone or my parents would be killed. Is there like a handbook they use?

He told me that he'd kill my sister. I was like whatever and then he left. I think that you did it wrong.

the fact that he actually called the store to tattle on that reddit post is my fucking favorite. he was probs expecting a profuse thank you and a complimentary blowie.

/u/Postscript624 almost comes off like a very dedicated troll. But his account seems to indicate he's a real person and that's his actual opinion.

Sometimes life just hands you the opportunity to combine a pleasure with a duty and you've gotta just take that shit and run with it.

Please tell me you recorded that call.

/u/smdaegan, that's some top-notch modding. You kept your patience a lot longer than most would've while explaining simple shit to someone who just will not get it.


All males need to have their eyes removed so feeeeeeeeeeeemales don't have to fear being looked at on the street.

I mean, it's kind of bullshit that their job as salesmonkeys made them go bare-assed. This is the kinda shit you need a union rep for.


From the people I've seen working at Lush, I'd bet that they volunteered for this.

For what? If you don't want to be a glorified stripper, quit.

Strippers make bank.

Then STFU. They're adult women and made their choice. They don't need you to white knight for them.

> supporting labour rights and collective bargaining

> shut up you white knight

No wonder your country is 80% meth serfs.

Meth is so 2008. We're on that heroin train now.

Always a few years behind Europe i suppose. is it bullshit?

If you don't like it then quit

"Hey I know I hired you as a cashier, but actually we decided we want you to trial experimental new drugs. Here, let me inject this! It'll be fun!"

... I'm not sure if you think you're making some sort of point here, but you aren't.

If you don't agree with a company's business practices you shouldn't work for them. You can make that decision. Just leave everyone else alone.

Top Ameritard logic here.

Is there anything you don't think an employer can require you to do?

All Hail the mighty Job Creators!

An employer can't "require" me to do anything, I'll just quit if they ask me to do something I don't agree with.

Good thing you don't need a job to earn money to live. Must be nice being rich.

Yeah, not gonna lie, it's pretty awesome

"No. I quit/Fire me if you want but I won't do it."

Then go collect unemployment or welfare and start putting out your resume again.

Hahaha, where do you live that you think you get money if you quit your job?

Where did they get money before getting this job?

I dunno man, have you ever had a job? How old are you?

Have you ever quit a job? Did you just get one job and you're still there?

Do you realize that these women are models and not the cashiers at the shop?

Have you ever quit a job? Did you just get one job and you're still there?

I have never quit a job without another one lined up.

Do you realize that these women are models and not the cashiers at the shop?

Boy, I knew Americans were chubby, but I didn't realize even your models were fat.

...Where do you live that you think you don't?

99.999% chance they said "hey guys, we're looking for folks to go bare-assed on the street. Who is up for it?. We'll pay you extra" and some folks raised their hands.

And then be groped by a bunch of 'blind' (((males))). No thank you.

Sir Mix-a-lot would like this.

Sir Mix-a-lot has no interest in flat white asses.

Contrast /u/smdaegan with /u/ComedicSans and /u/justcool393 combined.


Be thankful that I have assumed this is a compliment.

Why do you hate the global poor? All our live-in domestic helpers will burn.

Good. They smell.

All our new maids are nubile and soft so I'd really rather you didn't.

Gross. You touch the poors.

Blessed are the poor who are not white cause they will inherit the earth after mayogeddon.

What about the rich who are not white?

I think we cool.

LeBron is going to IRL own you.

I looked, and there before me was a *pale** horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hell was following close behind him.*

Remember that SRD thread where someone said it was creepy to jerk off while thinking of someone? These guys should hang out.

Not only that it was creepy, but that you have to tell someone before you masturbate to them, for their consent, because apparently that's less creepy.

Fuck, that means I have a large backlog of calls I need to make to Melissa Benoist. Anyone have her number? I wouldn't want to becreep m'lady.

Fuck, that means I have a large backlog of calls I need to make to Melissa Benoist. Anyone have her number? I wouldn't want to becreep m'lady.

Anyone got a link? This sounds hilarious

Thanks, mate

SRD is fucking embarassing.

When SRD sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing white knights. They’re bringing SJWankers. They’re fagots. And some, I assume, are homo sapien sapien.

Fuck, /r/subredditdrama turned into a bunch of faggots.

I too remember that. /u/postscript624 I'm rock hard right now looking at those butts, but it wouldn't feel ethical to just start stroking. Do you mind giving me their number so I can inform them that I intend to cup my balls with one hand whilst simultaneously pleasuring my manhood with the other. Wouldn't want them to feel uncomfortable.

I hope they haven't ended their shift. In that case I will have to track them down and call them at home. Just to make sure. Don't want to be a creep after all.

I plan to visualize spreading their cheeks and taking a good whiff of whatever interesting smells might be trapped in there on such a nice summer day. /u/postscript624 Is this something I should discuss with them beforehand? I'm unsure since this isn't depicted outright, but it was still inspired by the image. Like I said, I don't want to be creepy.



You wouldn't happen to have a link to that, would you? It sounds hilarious.

I wonder what they'd think if they knew I got off to women I know in person 99% of the time and 99% of the time its women who would never consent to having sex with me in real life, but do in my fantasies

women who do consent in my fantasies



He's obviously just one of those types of people who literally cannot admit that they're wrong. Like it's legitimately impossible for them to admit it for some reason.

That's what made it so funny /u/postscript624

It's probably some form of malignant autism

/u/VegaThePunisher and that person should hang out

Calling me out for no reason?

Please be polite and have a nice day.

Keep Yourself Safe.

Own it buddy. You're biased.

I never claimed to be impartial, son.

Have another whiney nice day.

I always thought that shareblue was a meme until I saw his profile. He's as pathetic as donnie's fan club.

It is an actual thing, with actual basement-dwelling retard employees and over $60million dollars spent so far.

I don't know, the guy seems totally serious

Like it's legitimately impossible for them to admit it for some reason.

One of my friends in high-school was like this. Whenever he actually realized he was wrong he would always say "I see your point but I still think I'm right". It was physically impossible for him to say "I was wrong".

I also had a friend like this. Except he would just get louder and more verbally aggressive until you stopped trying to reason with him. Knew him for over twenty years and i didn't once hear him either apologise or admit fault.

Yeah but no real communism has ever been tried before.

Never miss an opprotunity to agendapost fam

reddit: what'll you have kid? u/postscript624: fuck my karma up fam reddit: sure thing kid

In any and all collections of people you are a member of, you are the worst one.

reddit: what'll you have kid?

u/postscript624 : fuck my karma up fam.

reddit: sure thing kid

There is a special place in hell for people who can't format and who have crops so shitty they kill Ukranians.

crops so shitty they kill Ukranians.

Stalin did nothing wrong. Those kulaks were all wreckers and refused to eat to shame the Revolution.

Those photos are horrible invasions of privacy. Are there any others?

I'm actually curious about the legality of this. My friend worked in a porn store/strip club and there would be guest appearances occasionally. I've worked several shows with naked bitches dancing and porn stars fucking. But none of it spilled onto the public street on purpose. IIRC there were also those stripper trucks advertising for a while but I forget where that was.

Then again, I live in a corrupt city so I'm sure gash and cash paid for whatever.

It's legal. This is the law in Boulder, CO:

5-6-13. - Public Nudity Prohibited. (a) No person who is ten years of age or older shall intentionally expose any portion of his or her anus, vulva, penis, or scrotum while that person is located: (1) In a public right of way, in a park or recreation center, in a public building, in a public square, or while located in any other public space or mall; or (2) On private property if the person is in a place that can be viewed from the ground level by another who is located on public property and who does not take extraordinary steps, such as climbing a ladder or peering over a screening fence, in order to achieve a point of vantage. (b) This prohibition does not extend to: (1) People who are undergoing bona fide emergency medical examinations or treatment; or (2) People located in dressing rooms, shower rooms, bathrooms, or in other enclosed areas specifically designated for changing clothes or in which nudity is explicitly permitted. Ordinance Nos. 7711 (2010); 7831 (2012); 7965 (2014)

Anus is covered by checks, vulva is covered by apron.

Uhh, where was this?

Remember that SRD thread where someone said it was still inspired by the ad agency.

If he white knights hard enough he will get to touch all their butts.

"Hello, Lush? Yes. People are talking about your advertising campaign as it has gone viral. Are you okay with this?"

u/Postscript624 come to us and claim your prize as Lord knight of the white

Is it a cash prize or more of an honorary thing?

:C I just thought 'what if one of them sharts, though?"

Yeah because GoneWild doesn't have a verification policy for its content to avoid this very issue.

You idiot, the verification policy is to check that the photo is actually of the Redditor posting it and that said Redditor is 18+. Nothing to do with privacy or consent.

user/postscript624 , combining autism with sexual frustration leads to the red pill. I think that might be your next destination.