/r/neoliberal continues to ree about a once a week comedy podcast

73  2017-06-01 by PhysicsIsMyMistress




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Why does CTH pick those pics as their official ones? They look like /pol/ caricatures.

Theres not much you can do to fix your appearance when you look like this: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/839987559166021632/Uhfn5T8M_400x400.jpg

He can shave it off

but then how will anyone know he's a neckbeard?

By his political opinions

I thought neckbeards were libertarian.

neckbeards find the most obnoxious niche in every political spectrum. so they're prolly an-libs (is that even a thing?)

Only on reddit, where neckbeards wanted a way to shame their political opposition.

Most "libertarians" are just Republicans talking to liberals. Republicans being, generally, successful white men.

How can a psycho like you be so witty

It's not about the neckbeard on his face, it's the neckbeard on his heart.

Shave both head and beard, lose weight, buy fitting clothes

Wow that was easy

that might get him 50% of the way there

If you look like a nu-male, the only thing you can really do is embrace it.

These people need to give me their lunch money.

the pics seem to be from this video.

Because they're slobby neckbeards?

Lets you feel smugly superior to others

SOLD! Donating to them instead of the dumb worm thing, thanks for giving me the option!

I thought deworming referred to executing poor people, not actual worms. No dice.

I have no idea who these Chapo dudes are. I opened a video of them trying to do quick research and the right most one in that image needs some physical therapy specifically for his mouth. It's honestly revolting watching him speak. His tongue is bigger than it should be causing a lisp, his jaw and lips go in directions they should not.

Considering that neoliberalism is fucking stupid and they have beef with this podcast, I'll probably give them a listen one of these days.

Highly suggest you either start with their guest appearance on Street Fight Radio reviewing the movie 13 Hours or the episode of their own podcast where they review Batman V Superman. The latter is what sold me on the show.

Why not go to Redlettermedia, then?

RLM are a bunch of hack frauds tbh

How so

Well firstly, they love nothing but money. Secondly, they constantly criticize movies and offer suggestions on how to do things better, but have you seen Space Cop?

Thirdly, I don't know enough about them to seriously continue this meme so I'll just link you here.

They didn't send me my pizza rolls

You shut your whore mayo mouth. Rich Evans is a diabetic gift from God.

What are you? Some sort of shill? These hack frauds can't keep getting away with it!

I'd rather start with none of it since they and their fans are arguably the biggest losers on the internet

That shit is just what they give you to hook you on their product to spread to you their political ideology. Sort of like how RTLM made sure to air the best American pop music.

That shit is just what they give you to hook you on their product to infect you with their political ideology.

I was already well into that political ideology before starting.

2/3 of Chapo is actually enjoyable to listen to, then out of nowhere they start ranting about how the libs could have passed single-payer but decided to neoliberally bail out the insurance companies instead. It's schizoid.

Aren't they former goons?


SomethingAwful members

listen to brandon wardell

I only listened to this one but I thought it was pretty solid for a comedy podcast. Maybe that's just because David Cross is a great guest.

honestly im gonna start listening bc of this drama. anything that makes super nerds mad on reddit

I've seen some ugly traps, but they're not even trying.

The best part about ChapoTrapHouse is that they get 60,000$ a month but the podcast sounds like it's recorded in a tin can. I guess spending money on food delivery and cocaine is more important than buying a new microphone or hiring a competent audio engineer. It's a good metaphor for how resources get divided up in a communist society though

Literal copy paste

You have to be a neoliberal to unironically care this much about karmaTM

Why would a neoliberal care about karma? it has zero utility

it has zero utility

So that's why you dont have a sense of huomor? Opportunity cost or something?

exactly. All the time spent "making jokes" with "friends" could be much better spent rereading economics textbooks

Just reading that economics 101 book over and over

thats the only way to memorize it for quick reference to own people in debates

Just like neoliberals.

You say that because Soros isn't paying you for your karma

oh shit, you caught me copying my own comment. I cant believe I was found out!

they've good pretty good production now actually, it's just that one guy who sounds like shit because he's calling in on skype or something.

Calling in on skype won't affect sound quality unless the show is broadcast live. Just replace the skype audio with the real recording.


Ah, so that's how it's done.

Matt Christman always sounds like he's calling in from a locker he's been shoved into, it's incredible

Poor PhysicsIsMyMistress reeing daily about neoliberals

What's funniest is seeing /r/drama white-knight harder for /r/neoliberal than Ghazi does about Brianna Wu. I actually didn't think it was possible but it's highly amusing to say the least.

Here's a hint: if it makes you lose your mind in anger, it's probably right

Why don't you come back to the Chapo sub to get made fun of some more? It was really amusing before you chickened out and came to join the circlejerk here instead.

Getting made fun of in that sub is like being made fun of by elementary school kids tbhwy

Besides, I've been here before /r/neoliberal existed and started destroying the obese neckbeards at Chapo regularly. Watching people point and laugh at those retards was just a nice addition to the drama

What does it say about you that "obese neckbeards" and "elementary school kids" turned you into a total lolcow?

Another hint: You're the current jewdank of the sub right now so any attempt to call others lolcows is an obvious deflection

Correction: the neoliberals and a few of the regulars desperately wish I would turn into Jewdank, and are getting more and more visibly frustrated that I won't, to my great amusement. Keep trying though folks, the pings can be pretty funny.

Are you subtweeting me

Who are you?

I love u pk


i lose my mind to incels though

I'm talking about subs that make Princey lose his mind specifically

He's talking about PK's mind, your mind is fine

I white knight anyone that generates this much buttmadness

/r/drama has always supported open subreddit borders and hemireddit drama markets. That way each sub exports the exact kind of drama they are best equipped to generate. It's evidence based shitposting.

And so, P_K can wait

She knows it's too late as we're shitposting on by

Her soul slides away

But don't look back in anger

I heard /r/drama say

Pimm are you having the same mental breakdowns as PK?

I wonder how many in that thread have a netflix subscription?

It's okay when I do it but not you

I fucking love neoliberal

constant drama

I'm still trying to work out their guiding principle, but I think it's being jealous that Trump has grabbed more pussy than you.

Where's the reeeing? I only see yours.

If you deworm these people, how they gonna catch any fish? Do neoliberals want to starve off poor people? Is that the solution to ending world poverty?

not the biggest fan of neoliberalism but anything that makes fun of those people is okay in my book

wtf this shit has to be a joke sub