Neoliberal is the best thing to have ever happened to the dramaverse

84  2017-06-01 by [deleted]


/u/DracoX872 fuck my bussy


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Can't avoid Trump even in the metaverse.

Give me reasons to not delete this account.

Because the mayocide is imminent and you want to get in on the ground floor

Just delete your account. Then everyone wins.


So is neoliberal just neocons who spent too much time on tumblr?

They seem like mainstream liberals who are apparently trying to reappropriate the term "neo-liberal." In other words, they will be the first to get when the mayocide starts.


they will be the first to get when the mayocide starts.

Mayocide doesn't work that way

I think you'll find that /r/neoliberal is a firm supporter of the mayocide tyvm

But it's made up of dumb Mayo's. Delete the sub

Well, neoliberals have historically supported a lot of death squads. But those were mostly in South America and Africa, so not really against white people.

Neoliberals just use race and feminism to 'prove' to American liberals that they really are left-wing, and because poorer white men are their primary political antagonists, so it's beneficial to them to scapegoat them.

Neoliberals, not conservatives or idiot college kids, are the ones responsible for this country's current condition. They are what the Nazis thought the Jews were -- international traitors who hold no loyalty to any people or land, and no loyalty at all but to money, and to a lesser degree, each other. They will shove us all in a furnace if they think it'll make their world burn a little bit brighter.

yes this, we're very boring as you may have seen


offtopic but has anyone figured out the best brand of mayo yet? ive always just gone with hellmanns because thats what i'm used to. some people make their own and that's okay but i'm kind of lazy but then again people in Holland eat that shit on french fries or whatever so maybe theres something to it. at this point i'm just really hungry and want to slother something with mayo really it could be anything.

I use Hellmans but I sprinkle a little MSG in because I like the meaty flavor and everything can use a little salt.

They seem like mainstream liberals who are apparently trying to reappropriate the term "neo-liberal."

To be mainstream liberals, they would have to be liberals.

It's a strange choice, because neoliberalism is less popular than progressivism or standard liberalism. It has no natural voting constituency, and no cultural cache in a general sense, and is actually radioactive to both conservative and liberal political activists.

If these people weren't 19-20, they'd realize this and would have picked a different name. They seem to have picked the name because it pisses some people off without realizing that there might be a good reason for that.

Pinochet was, for a great many years, held up as a neoliberal success story.

Pinochet was, for a great many years, held up as a neoliberal success story.

>implying that's a bad thing

I hope you aren't insulting God's own avatar on Earth, Augusto Pinochet?


like we would ever be neocons

I don't think centrists are very interested in "rape culture".

Radical centrists are. It's a problem that needs fixing.

Your bussy not having my dick forcefully inserted into it is a problem that needs fixing

If neoliberalism is now the center, what is to the immediate right? Plutocracy and debt peonage without the flowery World Bank rhetoric?

Neocon = foreign policy

Neoliberal = domestic taco trucks

More like commies who are too much of a pussy to have an opinion on reddit.


lemme break this down for you. Neo- as in neoclassical economics. The kind commies have written volumes criticizing.

Liberal- liberalism; liberty, equality, but mostly free markets.

Neoliberals are libertarians who want slightly more welfare (or claim to, yet never actually put this into policy) and love feminism.

Yes, that seems like a clusterfuck, because it is. It's mostly a cash-grab by astrologers and con-men who have realized that rich assholes will pay anyone who says what they want to hear.


Yuck. If anything, we're straight-up authoritarians. Just as long as the authoritatians aren't filthy populists.

/u/LefthandedLunatic for master baiter

Stroke me harder daddy <3

Loving all of "Africa is better example of rape culture" comments. Proof that White Genocide is the only way to peace and prosperity.


Lol I just got banned from /r/neoliberal to saying white genocide too much.

WHAT? lmao

they cant ban you you are the master baiter

its only for a day. Don't get too excited.

No but seriously, I dont know how to bait so many people, I was trying to aim at the lefties but I coudnt find anything

I guess I am not nerdy enough

Reddit has a leftist bias. Soo its pretty much impossible.

The Trick is to say something that's retarded and also something some could plausibly say so they get to feel like they are fighting the good fight.

Say lefty things, but in ways that embarrass other lefties, like reply to some salty trump nerd with:

It's pretty obvious you were vaccinated!

Im never serious. Basicly I just say what they least want to hear. "Cuck" is always followed with "Why don't you admit that black dicks are better" and so on.

saying white genocide too much

what does this mean

Turns out advocating for violence was one of the three rules that can get you banned.

wow ok /u/DracoX872 why do you hate the global violent

Speaking as a rouge element of the mod team: Mayocide when

wtf we banned you?

For a day. I'm so sorry. I promise I won't say white genocide again ><

tfw you mine salt so hard it breaks /r/neoliberal

you also mod a sub called /r/WhiteMenAreTerrible lmfao

Long story short. A dude asked me why "PussyPass" is sexist before they went full nazi. So I created that sub and the plan was just to post all the bad stuff white dudes do like they do with women to prove to him that its sexist/racist.

Can I be a mod

Sure whatever, I dont really use it anymore.

You're just using it wrong. What you do is, every time you encounter a sexist/moron, you just ban them from the sub. They get a message saying they've been banned, and for some reason that creates salt, even though they didn't know the sub existed.

Good Idea

Wait, you are a socialist? like unironically?


No, just bored.


Long story short. A dude asked me why "PussyPass" is sexist before they went full nazi. So I created that sub and the plan was just to post all the bad stuff white dudes do like they do with women to prove to him that its sexist/racist.

That doesn't prove anything, pussy pass doesn't say "women are terrible", it just says that women are sometimes given a pass on things because of their gender. It's similar to how feminists talk about male privilege.

I call it the breitbart method of racism. Within a population there is going to be bad people. But if you singled them out and only report on the bad stuff they doo then you can curve people perceptions of that group. Like how Breitbart had a "Black Crime" tag which only covered black crimes so it only showed bad things black people did while not showing anything that any other race did makes the false impressions that they are hyperviolent. Or in this case it makes it seem like women are false rape sperm jacking baby stabbing people even though men also do the same thing. This type of community attracts people who are already misogyinistic and it will always breed a sexist community always.

If calling out situations where women are advantaged is sexist, is pointing out situations where white men are advantaged racist?

Pussypass wasn't talking about normal average female advantages in the world. They were talking about criminals that got away or false rape accusations. This wasn't daily female privilege, it was "Look what crime this woman got away with". So no it wasn't really calling out female privilege unless it was the most extreme example possible.




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Lol at the REEE when someone name drops Bill. Kind of of opened themselves up for that one.

Lol /u/TheBladeEmbraced so as you see it women cant consent to sex with powerful men and only would do so out of fear? Are you this retarded?

Hey, thanks for the /u/ mention.

I feel like you may have drank too much and forgotten any good reading comprehension skills you may have had. If you actually read what I typed, you would see I gave two possibilities. Given the fact that I know how to pick up on context clues, I would have to say Trump doesn't allow women the opportunity to consent ("Just kiss. I don’t even wait.").

Who the fuck asks to kiss? Lmao. Even romantic comedies dont portray sexuality this bad.

Didn't one woman say he basically charged her to kiss her? There's a difference between the mood being right and what Trump got accused of

So if Trump came up to you and just started grabbing your genitals and putting his septuagenarian puckered butthole lips on your face, that'd be totally fine?

No because you see, i would not let him do it.

Too late

Now imagine he has the ability to get you fired and ruin your career while dragging your name through the press. His supporters hound you, calling you things like "nasty woman" and doxxing you. And you can't find another job.


Except none of those things. I think your arguments did a good job of further proving my original statement though, thanks for that.

You seem to be pulling a lot of strawmen out to willfully ignore what I've proposed could be a possibility.

Possibilities aren't reality, I think thats the point you seem to be missing.

Theres another possibility here, Trump moves to grab your boy pussy and you let him do it.

A man accused of sexual assault in the past gets caught talking about how he can do anything to women, grab them by the pussy if he feels so inclined, without waiting. At best, it's objectifying. The man even looks at his accusers and says "I wouldn't assault them, they're not pretty enough."

Making up stories about women being too socially frail to stand up to a man doesn't make them true, it makes you look retarded

Women face a lot of social, legislative and judicial issues stemming from sexual assault and rape when it comes to leveling accusations against their attackers. And that's even when their attackers aren't multi-millionaires and sue-happy. It's something we have to acknowledge as a society and fix. Ignoring it

Allow me to clarify for you; If you let someone fuck you in your tiny boy ass and its not under direct duress or threat, you're not a victim.

So stinky neo libs trying to twist shit to make Trump look like a rapist again? Shocker, I guess rather than advance their politics they choose to act like children. SAD!

best thing to have ever happened to the dramaverse

Why, because it has the same anti-trump memes as every other subreddit?

/r/neoliberal is for white IT guys who make 85k a year and exist solely to be appreciative cucks to their corporate bulls.

What an absurdly mistaken title. Jewdank was the best thing to ever happen to the dramaverse.

May she rest in peace.


there's a difference between allowing someone to touch you in a sexual manner (because they are afraid of the repercussions of resisting, of not being believed when they accuse their attacker) and wanting someone to touch you in that way.

Yes, but it's not the difference between consent and nonconsent.

Fucking perfect:

TFW your political leanings turn you into a rape apologist...

I don't support Bill Clinton though?

what is: whataboutism

what is: hypocrisy

Dude you should come over. I am arguing with the regulars of the sub too

Is half serious half bullshiting, and I think the regulars know how to take a joke

It has been pretty fun to be the resident contrarian

I don't understand why you're getting upvoted and I'm getting downvoted, when we apparently agree.


... in MY /r/drama?

First, diplomacy

then bullying

but what about leftwithsharpedge and anime-hating socialists