Wife of a wannabe cuck describes how she grows more and more disgusted of her husband, escalates to their separation.

80  2017-06-02 by IAintThatGuy


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It's disgusting and shameful that cuckophobia is so entrenched in our society.

Cuckolding​ is disgusting and shameful.

That's why they're into it though

Pls no kink shame

It's not the kink. Be a fucking deviant if you want to be. But stop trying to convince other men to be non-men like you.

Is that the goal? I think you're confusing a fetish with radical feminism.

The end goal is to destroy the family unit by instating "free love"

Everyone will be cucking each other and the end times will begin.

end times

Age of Sigmar Did Nothing Wrong

If everyone's cucking each other, does that mean no one's a cuck?

Son, when you have been fucking broads for 50+ Years and the wife you married gets old and fat, you let her fuck the black guy if she wants.

The fuck?! You fucking degenerate.

At some point you just stop giving a shit.

Try it fam, it's lots of fun

If you're a no-testosterone degenerate male I can see how that would be fun for you but for the rest of us not really.

Uh I don't have any testosterone any more bud. I'm 66

In all fairness, fat women have no value so it's not like anything's lost. Men who let their wives get fat aren't men. The cuckolding is just icing on the cake.

What the fuck?! What has the world come to?

I'm NOT saying cucks aren't degenerates who deserve the day of the rope. I'm just saying the real problem is fat women, who, incidentally, are invulnerable to the day of the rope.

Imo you don't deserve to have a penis.

It's lots of fun to pee on people tho!

How can you let another man have sex with your wife? How do you respect yourself?

Because she's sexually repulsive

Then divorce her. But right now she's your wife and if you let another man have sex with her, you're less of a man for it.

You don't divorce your wife at 60 you heartless bastard

Then you don't let someone else fuck her either,

y dadi?

Kink shaming is my kink tho.


you're doing great things dont let these cunts bring you down unless you're into that

> I just had to use his computer

> I just had to check his downloads

> I just had to watch his porn

> I just had to watch it all the way to the end

Do people still take computers to get repaired in CURRENT_YEAR?

Baiting Reddit users isn't really that hard. Cycling has been and will most likely be one of the easiest ways. Add in blacks and it's a winner.

The other way is when OP has a beta husband and she cheats on him or is revealed to have been a slut.

[M]e 26 with my wife[22] have an issue with boundaries. Her coworker contacts her at inappropriate hours and I don't know how to talk to her without sounding hostile.

People like this shouldn't even get married. Just save the court system some time

whites have penises?

I know it's probably fake, but it totally sounds something a lot of women would do.

Pretty terrible erotica tbh

Weird that his porn collection was the final straw, not the ridiculous amount of time he spends modding those anti-Trump subreddits

A woman can only take so much cum gargling before she has enough.

need to use your computer to check email because mine is getting fixed

downloaded porn

What year is it?

Also love the /r/asablackman response there.

You're assuming this is actually real..

You mean people would lie on the internet?

I thought that was illegal...

Nah the prince of Nigeria told me it's ok.

Only if its CNN

I still download porn. Nothing enrages me more than a buffering pause while I'm jerking off.

Where the fuck do you live to still suffer buffering in 2017? The Outback?

No, fucking PornHub buffers all the time when I'm trying to skip around a video.

especially on mobile, jump around too much and it just stops loading altogether for some reason

that's funny. I call jerking off 'buffering paws'.

/u/NotJustAnyFig if anyone has a husband as pathetic as that OP does they're absolutely entitled to a divorce. She doesn't share his weird ass fetishes and if it makes her that uncomfortable she's absolutely entitled to want to get away. Especially if she wants a husband with a backbone and her current one wants to eat another dudes cum out of her vagina. TBH her husband just needs to come out as a twink or very submissive bottom already and get the domination he so very much desires.

come out as a twink

You seem to have missed my reply to OP saying she's entitled to leave and definitely deserves someome more compatible...

Just felt bad for the dude who finally tells someone his darkest fantasies, thinking they would understand him. Now he's getting a divorce.

That's why you repress your dark and deviant fantasies.

Lol or you meet someone who indulges them.

Los Angeles has tons of swinger parties/clubs, as well as dungeons. There's nudist resorts and a customer just told me he and his wife are going to Cabo, on the island called desire where playing is encouraged and clothes are optional.

where playing is encouraged and attractive people are on a different island.

on the island called desire

Also, he misspelled "despair."

I thought being with someone you love means that you can be completely open with them?

Maybe I'm just too old fashioned for this sub ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sure you can be open but that doesn't mean they have to accept you. If your best fantasy is to get fucked by a Llama while a goat and a chicken watch you probably shouldn't mention that. In fact you probably should seek therapy for that.

If that's your fetish, you should put it in your dating profile online. Because fuck it, if there's one other person in the world who shares it, they'll find you. And if you spend your life dating people, waiting for things to get serious, and then probing about the LLama/goat/chicken threesome (and have to pretend you were just joking 99,99999% of the time) life is going to suck.

Loving someone means having some goddamn discretion.

Loving someone means you won't torture them by sharing every disgusting thought you have. You only need to share the good stuff and the important stuff.

That's the opposite of old-fashioned tbh

Being 100% open to your loved ones is a romantic ideal that until recently solely existed in literature

That's why you repress your dark and deviant fantasies.

Unfortunately this obvious truth has been lost to the Soylent States of America

I saw that. I also saw how you prude shamed her immediately after.

It's not her fault that her husband misrepresented himself and then slowly tried to acclimate her into something she wasn't interested in.

You're not entitled to have anyone indulge the fucked-up shit kicking around the back of your head lmfao. Yeh fuck the wife for not wanting to participate in some depraved fetish bullshit bc it might make him feel bad to not have literally everything be 100% about him.


> Still taking selfposts seriously and not enjoying OP's mediocre creating writing skills

Every single r/relationships, r/confession or r/offmychest cuckpost is fake.

Do you really think someone woukd go on to the internet and tell lies?

Of course not

I finally decided that enough was enough and that I needed to just tell him that it might be better for us to end our marriage.

And here we have it folks, the ultimate form of cucking.

The subhuman cis woman strikes again. When will men ever learn?

She's getting swarmed by a... gaggle? throng? progressive stack? of cucks.

Pretty sure that article was written by /u/cuckslovetrump. The wife is even fat. Sure the bull isn't a wiry somalian, but thats probably an attempt to preserve anonymity.

Oh shit! I forgot today's Friday. Guess who's coming over tonight?!

Your bull? Make sure to prep 'em!

I'm going to rub him down with some hot oils baby

My bussy is fluttering at the thought!

Of course she's fat

Oh thank the Gods, everyone in that thread and the one leading to it were taking it seriously. It's nice to see that I wasn't the only one thinking it was a troll.

Honestly just reading the post before this one makes me think the wife is a total bitch, she clearly doesn't want a husband, she wants a John Wayne cardboard cutout who gives her money


Text is deleted.

good. delete this too

Delete your account.

A little bit late but...

I posted this confession about 2 months ago. Since then a lot has happened. The day after I made the post I told him that I would prefer if we cut back on the femdom stuff. He was obviously disappointed but he agreed and didn't get upset or anything. However after that he stopped initiating sex completely and when I initiated he would just say that he wasn't in the mood. Everything was okay between us but we weren't having any sexual contact so this caused a little tension between us. Around mid May I had to use his laptop to check my email because my computer was being fixed. While I was checking my email I downloaded an attachment and when I went into the downloads folder I saw a folder titled "zzzz". It just looked out of place so I clicked on it and there was literally like 100 videos of "cuckold" porn. I skimmed through a couple of the videos and found myself pretty disgusted that he would be watching stuff like this. A few months ago he asked if I was interested in having a threesome with another guy and after I said that I wasn't really up for that he joked that he could just watch if that made it easier. Well, at the time I thought he was just joking; I mean, he said it in a joking fashion; but now I'm pretty sure that he genuinely wanted that. In my last post I said that I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to see him the same way again after everything that had happened but this pretty much settled it. About a week after I found that stuff on his computer I finally decided that enough was enough and that I needed to just tell him that it might be better for us to end our marriage. We got into a big fight that night and he left and for three days I couldn't get into contact with him. When he finally came home we had a much more reasonable discussion and we essentially agreed that we will separate. We're still living together right now but we're slowly working out how we're going to split.

/u/uncomfortable-wife this story was too cliche. You need more drama, like him just springing the 3 way on you.

Honestly, I think most women would have this reaction to things like cucking and pegging, as much as reddit doesn't want to hear it.

Most women want dominance in the bedroom, but they want it from you, not some dude of any race who lives down the street. If she does want that, she's a filthy whore who is in no way 'wife' material, just as you are a filthy deviant non-man for wanting to see it.

I don't think most redditors are jerking it to the notion of dudes fucking their wives. I think most redditors find it funny that the guys who talk about it as a negative are so fixated on it that it's hard to imagine them not projecting.

I mean, who really fucking cares? You wanna eat cum. I don't give a fuck if you harvest it from a dairyfarms smelliest refrigerator or your wife's rancid snatch. I don't have to deal with it. It's not spunk off my lip so why the fuck would I be so damned interested in it?

Imagine a guy comes out and wants to take liquid shits all over his wife so she posts to Reddit and they all call her a bad person for not doing it.

She's a woman to begin with. And it's Reddit.

Good for her. If he is refuses to bang her unless he can gargle some black bulls cum afterwards then she should throw him out. Don't need that weak disgusting shit for the rest of your life.

Pretty difficult to blame the wife. Your husband reveals that he's a goddamn weirdo and isn't the potentially somewhat normal guy you were hoping he'd be, and so you check the internet history to see whatever loony shit he's up to and find out it's worse than you thought. So you divorce him because you don't want to be shacked up with some whackjob anymore.

meh. I think if a dude reveals his fetish and it horrifyies his spouse, there may not be much happiness in it for either of them after that.