/r/Anarchism discusses if liberals are the real fascists.

22  2017-06-02 by A6MZer0


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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What's new, commies and anarchists have been making this claim since the early 1900s.

Which is why they are, and will be, irrelevant. They completely lack any sense of pragmatism, and alienate anyone that doesn't completely agree with them. It's also hard to get people to take you seriously when you declare everyone else a fascist.

They do a good job of feeding the right-wing outrage machine tons of ammo, that's about all they do.


Someone needs to alert the /r/anarchism mods that their user /u/topyka2 uses slurs like id*ot

/u/topyka2 how dare you be this ableist, white boi?

Ironically, when you get in the habit of calling everything you disagree with "edgy", the word gets a bit dull.