One courageous user on /r/videos stands against the tide of racism, has empathy for a drug dealer because unlike the racists he knows black people are uneducated and don't have fathers

74  2017-06-02 by IAintThatGuy


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Haha, the moderator of r/dickgirls talking shit. Haha I can't breathe.

Rood tbh

What's wrong with Dickgirls? Transphobic much?

Not at all. What kind of loser moderates a porn sub? What a sad hobby.

It's more than porn, it's a lifestyle.

Stop being sex negative.

Keep grasping homie. You can be sex positive and not devote your free time to porn addiction and obsessive masturbation. But you do you lmao.

Dickgirls is very easy to mod, each one of the 10000 mods only mods 1/10000th of the time . That's about 53 minutes a year.

Shut up TERF.

most likely grew up without parents, in a dangerous neighborhood and no support system that allowed them to educate themselves and get out of the ghetto.

What makes you think that any of this applies to the guy in the video?

Because he's racist.

Ahhh the classic Republican move.

Someone points out common issues in poor communities that result in crime and drug abuse in response to my negative comments about impoverished communities? Just call them racist before they can point out my racism.

I just think he wouldn't like being called racist.

He's using an argument of the right(racial stereotypes) in order to defend a position of the left("oppressed" minorities aren't responsible for their actions).

Thus, he is racist - because his position demands his defense to be so.

And that's funny.

🐎👞 racism.

Lol, you accidentally deleted this homie:

You think a person in a house filled with drugs, guns and speaking in a dialect represented in poorer communities grew up with a loving family in the middle of suburbia? With a father who had a steady job and a loving stay at home mom who was supportive and hands on in his education? It's obvious what you're trying to get at. But why don't you go ahead and tell me what you think a drug dealer's childhood in Jax growing up was like?

I don't know what a drug dealer's childhood in JAX is, but I do know that everyone from there who isn't a drug dealer had a similar background and didn't make the same life choices.

I also know a bunch of shithead heroin dealers who grew up in beautiful, pastoral New England with two parents and are still shit head heroin dealers.

And I know a LOT of poor white trash, kool-aid mustache, dirty t-shirt, 5-kids-in-an-old-car, hicks-from-the-sticks in the same county who turned out OK because they made good life choices.

Didn't delete it. IDK where it went.

And I know a LOT of poor white trash, kool-aid mustache, dirty t-shirt, 5-kids-in-an-old-car, hicks-from-the-sticks in the same county who turned out OK because they made good life choices.

Ya, they voted for Trump lol.

So you blame them for voting for Trump? Their socio-economic background doesn't influence them in this bad behavior?

Which is it? Do the hicks bear blame for voting in Trump, and the drug dealer bears blame for being a drug dealer, or are both of them just victims of circumstances?

You can't have it both ways.

Oh they have both made bad decisions based on their environment and upbringing. I don't blame one more than the other.

It's pretty clear that you do Captain Delete. You empathize with one, and dismiss the other.

Why do you keep deleting all of your valid, totally not racist, comments?

Got too many basement sperglords PMing me because of this post. Exactly like you're doing now lol.

That's not what pming is dumb dumb

More spergs. Inbox disabled. No more basement dwellers for me thx.

You think a person in a house filled with drugs, guns and speaking in a dialect represented in poorer communities grew up with a loving family in the middle of suburbia? With a father who had a steady job and a loving stay at home mom who was supportive and hands on in his education?

It's obvious what you're trying to get at. But why don't you go ahead and tell me what you think a drug dealer's childhood in Jax growing up was like?

Apparently this post is on its way to /r/negativewithgold. Who the fuck gilds anything in /r/drama?

I had to spend all my opression dollars on something.

Congratulations, you've officially proven you're too stupid to own money.

Its 4 dollars bud. You amuse me peasant.

Your father.

You're not wrong... 😢


Now available at Arby's!

You poor minority. You didn't have a dad to teach you the value of not spending money on internet strangers. And your inferior negroid brain can't process that information on its own. /u/ShreddedVagina will tell you all about it.

Dang you so mad though? Why don't you stop being an angry, porn obsessed virgin and go outside dude. Get yourself a hobby and GF. Maybe you will do more with your life than live on the drama of a message board.


As long as she has a feminine enough penis.

Calling everyone a virgin online and telling people to get a GF is still a thing lmao?

This guy definitely fucks! He's telling other people that they're virgins so that must mean that he gets laid like a muffucka!!

Found one!

The guy who deletes his comments because he actually cares what people think about his Reddit profile?

Look yourself in the mirror you fuckin' loser lmao,

Nah, just had a bunch of sperglords from here blowing up my inbox. Triggered the basement dwellers too hard like you lol.

Are you still on this thread you dirty pirate hooker? Didn't I already tell you to get your ass out on the corner and make me some money? Don't make me pimp slap you hoe.

No thanks. I got AIDS once and didn't like it. I ain't risking getting it twice.

You said you liked my AIDS.

Thanks! I love reddit and their heavily left leaning management team. Feel free to keep supporting one of the most liberal and progressive sites on my behalf! I've never triggered anyone into spending $5 before, this is a first. :)

Hi there! Me too! Its 3.99 BTW. $5 is what your mom charges.

Your dad only charges $2.99!

You would know. He had 3 front teeth the last time I saw him. I bet you love sticking your little pecker in the gaps.

You forgot to delete this comment dumbass

Why are you so mad lol? Did me calling you a pasty basement dweller piss you off that much? You're so triggered. I deleted my comments because I have sperglords like you going through my history just messaging me constantly.

Go outside, hit the gym, find a hobby. I'm blocking your whiny ass. Have fun being an angry little man.

I'm pretty sure I saw /u/SimplyShredded in Get Out

No need to whiteknight for poor negros /u/SimplyShredded if you want to get banged by one just go to your local jail or penitentiary.

Do we really live in a time in which my wife pegging me with a 12" horse cock is frowned upon, neigh, shamed???

I love this place.

Stand strong, brother, know you are not alone.

Hay, it's alright with me.

user reports:
1: white people nonsense

Unironically tru

From the "protecting the poor darkies from the mean heartless suburban white kids" to the idiot gilding that post, I fear you're totally right.

lol did dis dude jus nuke this

Of course. /u/SimplyShredded is only courageous as long as his virtue signaling goes his way. If he can't get positive attention from it, why bother?

I had a drug dealer once who couldn't count nor do math. No joke. Thing is I was a pussy white kid and never tried to pull a fast one. Honestly, it was more because I was afraid of losing a dealer more than any other repercussions.

We need affirmative action for drug dealers. It's not fair that black dealers are left behind because of their lack of education.

i agree honestly if heroin was legal 9/10 addicts would OD and it'd be all set.

LMAO, did this loser actually buy this post about him gold before he realized the title was sarcastic?

Calm down virgin. Someone else bought it, which I love since Reddit admins and staff are heavily left leaning progressives. They basically paid so we can keep shitting on your stupid president.

You think we like Trump? We're proud Anarcho-fascists here, laddy.

We hate trump here, fuck off whitey

He's deleting all his comments lmao, even like two minutes after he posts them.

You can tell this dude is sweating like a muhfucka and probably pacing back and forth in front of his computer trying to think how he's going to continue his Reddit profile

/u/SimplyShredded delete your account. Then kys.