The incel civil war has started on /r/AgainstHateSubreddits.

30  2017-06-02 by IAintThatGuy


Now with added cancer!


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[removed] isn't entertaining :(

OP? Is that you being helpful? Well I never...

Effort? In my /r/Drama?

Since the fags at AHS removed the best comments, here's an archive :

Apparently one of the guys attacking the incels is one himself (and a sperg).

Dog, you're a sperg. All you do is obsess over reddit drama and mod a porn sub lol. Get a life, go outside, lose your v card kid.

It's not porn, it's admiration for the female body that happens to have a penis.

Professional Virgins argue with Amateur Virgins.

Who Will win?

Your ticket buys a whole seat, but you'll only need the edge!

It's really a banner day for incels

It's better than listening to P_K bitch about neoliberals tho

Now is the time for Volcels to rise up.

Cracks me the fuck up when incels call anyone else subhuman. The whole point of being a human is to procreate, and you can't perform that basic function of life. It has been every living thing's main purpose since the beginning of time, and they fail at it. Incels are literally pointless to humanity lol.

Kinda sick of incel drama, we really need to legalize assisted suicide or something