35 2017-06-03 by TipTupKek
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-06-03
You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a bareballzthebitch 2017-06-03
At the current rate of socks related thread propagation in 36 hours Reddit will be entirely composed of 50%offsocks related threads.
It is called 'The Sockening'. In the end, there can be only one.
n/a WithoutAComma 2017-06-03
Only because the other was lost in the dryer
n/a satanismyhomeboy 2017-06-03
his took me way too fucking long
Trying? On my /r/drama?
It's pretty good tho.
n/a thebrownishbomber 2017-06-03
Or not
n/a a_normal_human 2017-06-03
What was it? I missed the autism.
So did I. It was banned within 20 minutes of this post being made. From the title of the post in the link, it looks like it could be spam related? Need OP to fill us in coz I'm far too lazy to play detective
n/a 12broombroom 2017-06-03
If only someone made a superior drama post about what was going in.
n/a TipTupKek 2017-06-03
if only
n/a glmox 2017-06-03
n/a Lennnnnnnnnn 2017-06-03
goooo fock yeself yeeeeeeeeeee cont
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-06-03
You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a bareballzthebitch 2017-06-03
At the current rate of socks related thread propagation in 36 hours Reddit will be entirely composed of 50%offsocks related threads.
n/a bareballzthebitch 2017-06-03
It is called 'The Sockening'. In the end, there can be only one.
n/a WithoutAComma 2017-06-03
Only because the other was lost in the dryer
n/a satanismyhomeboy 2017-06-03
his took me way too fucking long
n/a WithoutAComma 2017-06-03
Trying? On my /r/drama?
It's pretty good tho.
n/a thebrownishbomber 2017-06-03
Or not
n/a a_normal_human 2017-06-03
What was it? I missed the autism.
n/a thebrownishbomber 2017-06-03
So did I. It was banned within 20 minutes of this post being made. From the title of the post in the link, it looks like it could be spam related? Need OP to fill us in coz I'm far too lazy to play detective
n/a 12broombroom 2017-06-03
If only someone made a superior drama post about what was going in.
n/a TipTupKek 2017-06-03
if only
n/a glmox 2017-06-03
n/a Lennnnnnnnnn 2017-06-03
goooo fock yeself yeeeeeeeeeee cont